

  • My physical therapist gave me a few when I hurt my back: Planks and side planks, on your forearms and toes. Make sure your back is very slightly rounded or flat, and not sinking toward the floor. Flex your stomach muscles inward. I started with 3 sets of 10 seconds for each (regular, left and right sides) and now can hold…
  • I was just wondering about this. I often get up and do standing lunges or lifted-heel squats, as well as tricep dips on my desk. I'm more interested in other strength-training type things then calorie-burning. I always take the stairs, and sometimes go to the bathroom on a different floor just to take the stairs.
  • I'm 5-2/148 and am a 32DDD/34DD, so I feel you. I'd love to loose a size or two in the boob area, just so I don't look like I'm going to tip over! I have lost most of the back-fat roll, which is satisfying!
  • Maybe the ideas as stated, sound a bit misleading, but in the article itself it is pretty reasonable stuff. Model good eating behavior, offer healthy choices, get kids involved, don't be afraid to add a bit of flavor to your veg.
  • Savory oatmeal is great. Make it with a pinch of salt and no sugar, top it with an egg or two (fried, poached, hardboiled), add salsa, spinach, tomatoes, avocado for a huevos rancheros type meal. Cheese if you want to up the calories, black beans for more protein. Sometimes I mix in a tbsp of peanut butter and a bit of…