werewolfseeker Member


  • Hi, I have the same problem too at times. It very much is discouraging but I bump myself back up, I lost X amount of weight and I'm not going to through that away. There are a few reasons you can be gaining back weight. 1. Water weight is very possible since you just started (?) 2. Muscle weight is also a factor. I don't…
  • Exercising daily does overall help maintain and lose weight. When I first started exercising everyday I pushed myself because really wanted to lose weight. So I did exercise 6 days a week, If i'm too tired for a day I'll skip and continue and use up my rest day to exercise. Also drinking a lot of water helps with muscle…
  • Glad you didn't give up. I was in your place too, and times I still have myself there. Don't be too hard on yourself. I wish the weight loss was super human lol. But once you get everything done from food to exercise, the weight lose will be super human :) just takes time. Alot of time xD. You can do it!
  • I tend to get caught starving too, after eating all my calories. Usually I'll drink water (for the hell of it) If i'm still starving i'm willing to sacrifice some of my calories, but only to eat something ranging from 150-200 tops that filling. Ex like an apple, or sometimes I'll drink a protien shake. It curbs the hungry…
  • There's other foods to get protein. I also only eat meat at dinner or lunch. What I eat that has protein is 1.Yogurt! Check the brands, some have more protein then others and less calories 2.Eggs 3.Cheese 4. Protien Bars 5.Tofu (never really tried it) 6.Peanuts (Nuts in general) 7.Soy Milk! Def 8.Milk
  • Be Strong! lol I fight myself everyday not to eat junk food, and destroy my calories because then I would be upset. I don't live in a Dorm, but I live with my mom and sis. My sis help me jump on the bandwagon to start getting healthy, and we try to get my mom involved too. But she beats it around the bush and eats…
  • Hell yea! <3 Wolves, and I guess so. I hardly take breaks in between but I try xD
    in Hi Comment by werewolfseeker March 2013
  • It has been both really, doesn't seem like you can lose weight without exercising xD Sorry about the late reply.
  • I'm eating an appropriate amount, but sometimes I get hungry and tend to eat over, but i try to stick to something healthie like an apple or yogurt. Sometimes it feels like i don't eat enough. And funny thing you mentioned that the weight at the beginning drops quickly and toward actually getting lower it takes a bit…
  • Congratz :D Ke22By! I'm not so patience in my weight, I have plans that I would like to do and I don't like set backs. Yes, it happens but its annoying. Just trying hard and seeing nothing make me want to give up, but then I've seen so much weight I lost I'm gonna keep trying. Thanks for the advice. And Def gonna look into…