And from the same site as the above post: I've noticed that all the elliptical machines at my gym give wildly varying figures on distance covered and calories burned for any workout. The problem with using calculations like 'X calories burned per…
Seriously, go to the store, get your gait analysed by a pro, and see what shoes they recommend to you. There's so many variables that we can't advise you on here without having seen how you run. It might be expensive, but it'll pay off in the long run.
Blueberries is my favourite, I also have it with pumpkin seeds, which works surprisingly well. My friend mixes a tiny bit of squash (as in orange squash or blackcurrant squash) with it - not tried that, but he says it's good!!
As well as squats, hills! Either running in your local hilly park, perhaps doing intervals - I do sprints up the hill (about 50 seconds) and walk down again, repeat 5-6 times. If you don't have hills near you, or don't like running outside, the step machine in the gym is also good for this. Hills and steps are the best…
Oh yes! I kinda knew that, but had forgotten it. Will swap out my chicken for turkey. Thanks!
Very useful, thanks, especially that first one. I think it's aimed at people going for bigger gains than me, but definitely something to think about and adapt for my own use. I guess to some extent the key is just finding time to do a decent amount of cardio. Since I've started lifting, that's what's suffered in a way,…
I guess I could... just been hoping to do both at once in a way. Just to clarify, it's not that I'm trying to lose lots of weight. But since I've started bulking up (and eating the things I need for that) I've started putting on weight around the waist. I just want to control that and get a little slimmer there while…