

  • Just pure, awesome joy. May he ride many more......
  • Man who piss in the wind get wet.....
  • Systems Support Analyst for a telecomm company. My department supports 20+ business applications for 14,000 employees. Never a dull moment.....
  • Sam Adams Summer Ale Landshark Lager Sam Adams Cherry Wheat Arrogant *kitten* Coors Light (for a full day of beach drinking)
  • Teenager - Fighter Pilot - but then needed corrective lenses. Older teenager - Meterologist. College for an Accountant. Now i am in Information Technology. I honestly still don't know what I want to be when I grow up ( I hope I never do )!
  • Sorry!! I misread the original post. Yeah, then go with the method that affords the quickest turnaround so that the drama is over as soon as possible. That or move onto another car on your own.
    in Advice? Comment by Memster1 June 2012
  • I'm not a lawyer, but I WOULD NOT take over the loan until the TITLE is in your name.
    in Advice? Comment by Memster1 June 2012
  • Kamikaze's or Gin - in any form I basically gave up drinking by 21..........
  • Running on a treadmill has its benefits when running outside is not possible, however it does prove to be easier (for me at least) then running outdoors. The motorized tread assists with the motion that your body needs to make when running outside, and therefore is less straining then the real thing. This and the stuffy…
  • Started @ 198, and hit 188 today. Took 1 week to drop 8 pounds, 5 more for the next 2 pounds. I have not hit the exercise tough yet due to scheduling constraints, but that should change in the next couple of weeks. Goal is 165 pounds hopefully by September.
  • 16 year old self...... Do NOT date that girl your Senior Year in High School. She is not the girl for you, and you will lose 2 years of your young life. Stay in college and go out for the Cross Country team - you would have been good! Buy that stock in NIKE. A few bucks now will allow you early retirement.
  • Since a you have not been to a doctor to have this condition properly diagnosed, it is tough to guide you. Shin splints may or may not be what you are experiencing. Once properly diagnosed, then you can attempt to correct/recover properly. Another suggestion is to be properly fitted for running shoes. There are so many to…