

  • You can get grilled shrimp and broccoli (substitute rice for another side of broccoli) and it isn't too bad. You can go to the website and it will tell you healthy choices of things to eat as well. Just do not eat the biscuits. They are like 160 or so calories a peice. They are my downfall. Good luck!
  • If you can go for a walk. You won't burn as much as you would at the gym, but you'll burn some. That's what I do when I feel like I've eaten too much. Also, if you go over, just do better tomorrow. I've been doing this for three months and still go over my calories at least twice a week.
  • There is nothing wrong with watching what you eat and exercising, just be healthy about it. You really need to make sure you are getting the right amount of calories in your system. Don't starve yourselve. It is not healthy for you to loose more than a pound a week. Go slow and you are more likely to keep the weight off.…
  • I have been on MFP for months and still have trouble keeping my calories down. Just try your best! As far as working out, I have the same issue----NO MOTIVATION. If you can find a workout buddy, that always helps me. Also, when my husband wants to go, but I don't, he looks at me, shakes his head and so I feel like I need…
  • I eat turkey meat whenever I get a craving for hamburger. I finally convinced my husband to eat it too, and he has come up with tasty dishes. I'll have to try the sloppy joe one. :smile:
  • I go through this EVERYDAY! I posted a similar post a couple of days ago and people had really good suggestions. Once I go over my calories, I don't care either until I get on the scale and see I'm not getting where I want to be. My suggestion is to just stick with it. Eventually you will find foods that you can eat and…
  • Thanks for all the suggestions. I will def. try them. I think I am eating out of boredom. I am a school teacher and have the summer off, so I am trying to keep myself busy, but some days it just doesn't work. Thanks everybody.
  • I can't seem to stop eating. I go WAY over my calories everyday. I'm not even hungry when I eat, I just like the taste of things, so I decide to eat them. Any suggestions?
  • Thanks. I looked at the last website you gave me. It makes it simple to determine. I just need to get a thing to measure my bodyfat.
  • I have taken measurments, but am only losing a couple of inches throughout my whole body.
  • I don't understand that the three months I was off MFP I ate what I wanted, didn't excersise and I managed to keep off the ten pound I lost. NOW, I am excersising, eating better (not perfectly, but better) and I have gained four pounds back. What is up with that? The only excersise I have been doing is cardio so it's not…
  • I wish I would have continued with it instead of taking off, because I would be at my goal right now. However, life throws you curve balls. Good for you on losing what you have.
  • Well I started this thing in Jan. of 08 and it kept me accoutable, believe me. In late Feb, early March I stopped for personal reasons. Luckily I have dropped ten pounds and have kept it off, but I see that my old habits are seeping back in. So, I have decided to make my self accountable once again. So I am back and ready…
  • Do you guys think that anerexics become 20 pounds in a month? It takes a long time for their bodies to get that way. And they do it in such an unhealthy way. If you agree with their methods, do it---but stop bringing everyone else on this sight down. I read these message boards to get support, not to doubt what I am doing.…
  • I weigh once a week (sometimes more often, but I don't pay as much attention to that weight) and a friend, who works out with a trainer, has her measurements taken every six weeks ( I believe). If you weigh yourself everyday, you will see no progress, trust me.
  • Regardless of WHY you are losing weight, at least you ARE losing. Keep up whatever you're doing and don't let it bother you. Find someone who will support you, not just say they support you. It has worked for me to have someone there to help me along. Keep up the good work, and when you reach your goal, she'll be eating…
  • I tend to stick with machines that will tell me exactly how many I have burned. I was reading that with weight training and strength training it really depends on who you are on how many calories you burned. Also remember that it is better to underestimate your calories than overestimate. :smile:
  • I'm not sure how many calories you wanted to eat, but at sonic you can get the grilled chicken sandwhich with mayo and honey mustard sauce for 430 calories. Just thought you'd like to know. :happy: