

  • WOOHOO!! I did it!! :) Down 10 lbs and still time to go. I'll be on vacation after today though so I'm not sure I'll be able to update the spreadsheet on the last day.
  • I love love LOVE dipping plain salty potato chips in a mix of mustard and ketchup :happy:
  • Yes! I'm already on that track! If I keep it up I'll be near my goal weight by the end of May and at the beach! So excited :)
  • Luckily I weighed myself anyways without seeing this. So far a 2 lb loss from the weigh-in dates :)
  • College papers took over last week nd I failed to realize anything was posted :( Wish it would alert me! Anyhow, I have added the information on the spreadsheet.
  • I try and 'check-in' every 2-3 days, but I end up weighing myself every morning out of habit.
  • I'm 27, also 5'2" and looking to lose a few (stomach is a tire lol), but mainly tone as well! :)
  • Thanks! I was debating on the six pack from Jillian. I may start that one today!
  • Bumping. I could stil use a few more friends on this lovely journey! :)
  • HI everyone thats joined! Some good news this morning. One lb gone when I looked at the scale today! WOOOHOOO. We can do it! On a good track so far. I plan on moving around the living room today or tomorrow so I can start with some Kinect exercise to tone me up. Anyone recommend any games for decent results? Seems like…
  • I'm relatively new to this. Well, this site at least. I used a different one about 6 years ago when I needed to... and I'm back again! I'm 5'2" was previously 112, but lost 2. I want to be back to what I was before and have the flat stomach. So I don't need to loose much, just get back to my usual self. I have my 'mini'…
  • I just added you from the other Intro Board you did but I am also trying to get down 10 lbs (since I lost 2) by the end of May. My husband and I are going on a mini-moon and I need to be bikini ready!
  • Hello! I'm also new :) I'm 27, looking to lose 12 lbs (mainly get back to what I was and stay there!) Feel free to add me too!
  • You can do it! :) I am in the same boat as you with feeling insecure. Although I'm not trying to lose that much weight, most of it has developed in my stomach area. Due to this, it looks like I'm a few months pregnant. Needless to say, this has kept me from going out, mainly because I dont want to oh say be out at a bar…
  • Oh lord. Just reading the headline made me crave Coldstone Birthday Cake Remix... soooo bad but sooo good! :( I may have to treat myself this weekend now.... ah fudge.
  • We haven't honeymooned yet. We're both super busy, but finally taking a "mini-moon" to the beach in a little over a month. We slacked off and started geting takeout with our busy schedules and eating "quick" meals. He's losing faster than I am, it's not fair! But he's not losing it the healthy way, he has a job that…
  • Well I do get exercise, just not necessarily a workout routine :) We have two dogs that we run around with and take on walks. sometimes I walk to work which is a mile +. I was just mainly stating outside of my normal lifestyle :)
  • Hi :D I'm new (within a week) with the same goals. I've used a different site before for this, but got married back in September and well, lets just say the comfort wedding period has made me gain. So I'm mainly looking to get back to what I was at before and lose the tummy so I don't look like I'm expecting when I'm not.…