Jillian Workout Suggestions?

I've been losing weight decently, but I'm not trying to lose a lot. My "bad" areas are stomach/abs and thighs/butt. I don't have a huge amount of time to exercise but would like to start 3 times a week for 30 minutes or so. Does anyone know of any Jillian workouts that would focus these areas and fit within my time? She seems to be the most popular, but I'm up for any good Kinect workouts that people think may assist too. Theres a gym at our apt complex but its always packed when I actually have the time to go :(


  • Stormyyy
    Stormyyy Posts: 247 Member
    Try Jillians Buns and Thighs workout dvd and also her 6 weeks 6 pack i think will target all ur problem areas, she has mine.

    Good luck! :)
  • SashaCaper
    There's a lot of people doing the 30 day shred if that may help.. I was checking it out lastnight as I want to start on the 1st. They do crunches.

    As for using your Kinect, I love Just Dance 3! I do it nearly every day for at least 30 mins. But it's not Jillian :-P You could try the Biggest Loser? She's in it, and you can pick her as your trainer. I own it, but I rarely use it as I don't find it very fun at all.. Example, when I'm dancing with Just Dance 30 mins pass no problem! But with the biggest loser, I just want it to be over with! :-P

    Other Kinect games could be Zumba, Your Shape, & EA Sports Active. :-)
  • tprice916
    tprice916 Posts: 22
    Thanks! I was debating on the six pack from Jillian. I may start that one today!