I am right there with you. I am about to go the 1,000 calories a day route because that works. Everyone has lots to share on weight loss but the proof is in the pudding. I spend right at 90 minutes a day lifting weights and I run 35 miles a week. I have GAINED 5lbs since I started in September. I was normal weight hoping…
Me! Me! Me! What has turned the corner for me, since I know I do this is I meet with a group and go run every weekday at 7am. Gets it done before work and has got that weight off and stays off. Also I try to practice "mindful eating". Be aware of how I am feeling, why I am feeling, am I full. Drink LOTS of water. This is…
You can do it! Pretend you are already there. There is no weird mental games we girls play in our head when it comes to being under 200lbs. Not sure why. Like we don't deserve it or something. I am here on the side cheering you on. Looking good! You got this! Bring it! Make it happen!
I do best with getting the exercise done early in the morning. I get up EARLY. I do about 20 minutes of "meditation" my style and then head out. I am a runner so my gym time is short because I like to run better. If I do not do the "meditation", I do not get out there. Also I run with a group on certain days and that is…
I am a runner. I started running when I was 260lbs. I ran all year long. Sometimes it was close to 100 degrees. I had no choice but to run in the sports bra only. This was probably good for me though. Forcing me to be comfortable in my own skin. That skin is much smaller now. My BMI is actually normal. I hope to lose a…
For me, I feel tight in my chest and nervous when I drink Muscle Milk.
Fleet Feet will fit you and get you in a bra that works. I like compression bras. They last for years, are machine washable and cut down on the bounce issue. Locked and loaded. I am a marathon runner and was quite heavy for a long time before I got my diet under control. I run about 30 miles a week on average. Hope this…
It looks like you have been at this three weeks or so. So give it some time. It looks like you are not always eating breakfast and eating most of your calories at night. The body goes into starvation mode and hoards what calories it gets at night. Also, you may be pretty close to a healthy weight already and trying for…
Thanks for sharing this honest concern. First, you are right about the BMI being a little too high. My BMI is 25 and I feel a little too fat as well. We live in a very fat society where obesity is common place. If you BMI was 15 or less and you were saying you felt too big in your body, then I would feel concerned. I find…
Hey there Doris. Been in your shoes, babe. I understand. I did finally get the weight off. Nutrition is King, exercise in Queen. I ran about 40 miles a week and stayed well over 220lbs for years and years. I had to get honest with myself about what I was really doing. I set about doing an extremely HONEST food diary. No…
I like Korean ginger.
Too bad I don't live close either. I love Ragdolls. I had two many years ago and they have passed on. They are more of a cat than a dog, very intelligent. But you need a good vacuum, that's all I'm saying. ;-)
Try P90X. Google it locally and usually there are free classes too. It is motivating to work with others.