Too tired to exercise!

The past week my butt has really been dragging in terms of hitting the gym. It started around the time of daylight savings time and my workouts have been suffering, even if my food intake has not been. I'm just so tired! I can barely make it to the end of my work day, let alone hit the gym and do some hard core exercising. Is anyone else having this problem? How can you "wake" yourself up in order to get in that good workout!?



  • laDOLCEvita7
    I was doing good for awhile getting up going to the gym before work, but I have been slacking too. When its still dark out at 6 its hard to get up and go. But then the rest of the day when I don't go I beat myself up wishing I had gone. On my lunch break I go walking for 30 minutes with my coworkers, that helps burn up some mid day calories
  • chicabean420
    chicabean420 Posts: 173 Member
    A girl I work with is having similar issues since the time change.

    Are you going to bed at the same time? Did you sleep in a little too long? Are you fighting off a cold maybe?

    My advice would be to tackle getting back in shape this weekend. (or your days off if they come sooner) I get like this too and I find I just have to get it over with and go.

    If you drink coffee, maybe have a cup in the afternoon? Just to give you a kick in the butt?

    At the end of it all, you do just have to get there and do it. Force yourself. It's worth it.
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    I'm in the same boat with the time change. Just makes you so much more tired. We've got to push ourselves a bit here to stay on course. Just think how we'll feel in the spring in our bikinis ;)
  • saychzzz
    saychzzz Posts: 69 Member
    Make yourself go and tell yourself you're going to work out at least 20 minutes. Chances are, you'll work out longer. The more you continue your regular schedule, the quicker you'll adjust to the new time. I have the same problem in the Spring- when we lose an hour. It takes me weeks to adjust but if I keep up everything the same it seems to go smoother.
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    I'm with ya. I had to force myself to get on the treadmill this week and the pace has been slow-- but, I got in some cardio and hope that by the weekend I will have adjusted to the time change and pick up the pace.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I've been having the same issues only mine has been goin on for the past 4 months now. I switched jobs and work 2nd shift now. My job as a CNA is stressful and it takes alot out of me. I can't seem to get myself motivated anymore.
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Honestly, I hit that place several times a week (whenever I have to put in an 11 - 12 hour day). Most days I just push past it - I remember by goals (I set weekly mini goals as well as my monthly goals), I think of my family, I think of my goal to start the New Year at a "healthy BMI." I try to remember all of the reasons I am doing this, and then just MAKE MYSELF DO IT. Sometimes I log it into MFP when I first get home - I would NEVER lie, so if it is recorded than I MUST DO IT!!!

    Then, there are nights last night - I came home after a very long day of work - was on my feet for 3 hours doing a training (something I don't usually do at work) - a very stressful day. I was exhausted. I made a conscious decision to NOT do any aerobic exercise last night. Today/tonight, I will likely do double what I normally do to compensate - because I have goals to attain that I really WANT to attain.

    So, try just pushing past the fatigue - often the workout itself will rejuvenate you and you will feel better for having done it. Sometimes a high carb diet will have an effect on fatigue for me as well - or if I eat beef - I like beef, but my body doesn't - so I have to avoid it as much as is possible.

    Blessings as you work towards your goals.

  • jillbedford
    I do best with getting the exercise done early in the morning. I get up EARLY. I do about 20 minutes of "meditation" my style and then head out. I am a runner so my gym time is short because I like to run better. If I do not do the "meditation", I do not get out there.
    Also I run with a group on certain days and that is pretty motivating. Draw from the discipline of others.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Thanks for the tips. I need that motivational push sometimes! Since I still feel pretty tired, I'm going to run errands after work. If I finish by 4:30, then I'll swing by the gym and do the interval aerobics class. If I can't get all of the errands done, then I'll go home and challenge my fiance to some WII Fit. He's very competative, so we'll probably end up playing for a few hours!*LOL*

    I've been setting a mini-goal: workout three times a week. If I push beyond that, then I get to stop for a cup of coffee at Starbucks/Dunkin Donuts.

  • avalonfloyd
    I really have to force myself to workout every morning. Even if I'm not that tired, part of me is always saying "just make today your day off. You'll workout on your usual day off instead." But I know if I give in to that little voice, I will end up in a slump and might not work out for days. And I always feel better after I workout, I have more energy for the day. Of course, I'm unemployed at the moment, and have been since I started my workout regime, so I can't really speak to working out while working a job. When I do get a job, I'm going to try and make sure I still workout daily.

    Just keep trying. That's all you can do. When I really don't want to work out, like really REALLY don't want to do it, I tell myself "5 minutes on the elliptical. That's all you have to do." Then I get on and usually can go to like 15 minutes. It's just getting started that's the hardest part, and all you can do is force yourself to do it. It'll be worth it in the end.
  • JakeNonne
    JakeNonne Posts: 74 Member
    My advice to just do something ... anything! Even if it's a simple walk after work. Once I get started, I more often go longer or harder than I intended.

    I found that I knowing myself is important. I've discovered that I really like routine so I need to run nearly daily. If I take more than two days off in a row, then it's very hard for me to get going again. So I play on that and stick to my routine.

    So if you are one that gets bored easily, mix up your exercise with walking, running, biking, yoga, weights, etc. That keeps it interesting.

    Hope this helps.