pickadilly2009 Member


  • ugh and gaa!! I know what you mean. What yesterday taught me- you feel physically awful when you eat badly!! So why is it so hard NOT to eat badly! Yep, been there, done that. Lesson learned...until next time! lol Now this week will be trying to get back on plan so I feel less toxic! Maybe an extra workout to help the…
  • Hi, I am pre-diabetic also and determined that this is where it stops. My family history for this is pretty bad but I will prevail. I wanted to share this because it has helped me so much. emeals.com It has a diabetic meal plan option. It give you the recipes, the shopping list and it is just a no brain power meal plan. It…
  • Thanks Marie!! I am very determined! Suzanne...we can do this lady!!!
  • Have you ever noticed that when you give yourself a carb day, it makes all the cravings for bread and sugar come back twice as bad! OMG I am having the hardest time getting my mind back to where it needs to be! SuInAZ....great job! I think I need to do that...minus the 5 mile run! lol Maybe a kickboxing class instead.
  • This happens to me everytime I exercise! I even tried going barefoot and it still happens. Doctor said don't worry as long as it stops after exercise. If they stay numb...call your doc.
  • My favortie store to shop for veggies is Sprouts. I can't even believe the prices sometimes. They can actually be cheaper than a farmer market! Love love love that store! Plus they have bulk foods in barrels too. I get a lot of nuts and such there. They even have the ground flax meal!
  • Ha!!! I had something very similar happen in the Red Lobster parking lot but he actually asked if he could see them! First date and all! Ugh!
  • Back when I was 19 I went on a date with a guy to dinner and a movie. The theater was in the mall and there was a good italian place right across from the theater, in the mall as well. I dressed up for the occasion in a dress and pantyhose. He had put his hand on my knee at some point and a little later excused himself, I…
  • Keish (sp) is something I cook at least once a week and the kids love it!
  • What are oopsie rolls?
  • I make this a lot for a little treat. Make your normal pumpkin pie filling but use brown sugar splenda and (unsweetened) coconut milk and just spray your pie plate with non-stick spray so there is no crust. It is very delicious. I typically use a cup of pumpkin, 2 eggs and a cup of the milk a tbs of sugar and the spices I…
  • I have the same problem but have found out that I can cook the meat/protein in a way that the kids will eat it, make a veggie (he wont eat any veggie so this is no big deal) and then I make noodles, rice, potatoes.....whichever for them. I do a lot of stir fry and have a 'toss' plate on my table so that you can toss what…
  • Thank for the welcome! My husband and I have been doing the induction since the beginning of October. He lost 30 lbs...I lost 4 which is not normal for me. I started looking at the calorie intake and it was much higher than it should have been. I need to cut down of the amount of fat I allow in our diet and then things…
  • Hello! I was wondering if you all would mind if I joined you! Have been an Atkins fan for many years and am finding more and more, it really is the way my body wants me to eat. The problem I have is keeping the calories low along with the carbs. Any suggestions welcome! Thanks Diana
  • It could be a reason for events that caused the outcome of such things as not graduating and other such results. However, as I have told my nieces and nephew (they had it pretty rough) if you are smart enough to sit there and tell me what the problem is, then you are smart enough to makes changes to correct the situation.…
  • Was in the same boat a few years back. A friend here on MFP suggested I check out meetup.com . They have tons of different activity groups in everyones area. I joined a book club and a social club that just got together to do different things in my town. We met for dinner, fitness classes, coffee, walks, bike rides,…
  • The thing I did to love me yesterday was Zumba! Worked out really hard and high impact and it felt great! Today, I turned down a breakfast burrito from the sales meeting! Ya for me! My blueberry granola bar was delish!
  • More muscle and less fat! Sounds pretty darn awesome to me! I would say that deserves an Atta Girl!! The last time I was at the hospital with mom, a nurse told me that a natural diuretic is drinking lemon water. Mom has a lot of fluid retention in her lower legs. I was told as you get older, your blood circulation in your…
  • All the new faces here is so awesome! As I was re-reading some of the posts, thinking I should say hello to each new person, I couldn't help but think how diverse we are. We are all over the country, all different family dynamics, ages, shapes, sizes, personailties, lives. That is just the coolest thing ever! Diversity at…
  • Howdy! Well I have not worked out for three days. I have watched what I ate. Some was good, some was not! lol My husband and I took my son and his girlfriend to the Rock the Range concert yesterday! Very long day but turned out to be very well worth it! This is a Christian concert and Skillet was playing. During one of the…
  • Hey all! Wow what a week. Mom is fine now. Well as fine as you can be when you are almost 90 and just got out of the hospital after having a mini stroke. She really did bounce back other than her strength in walking. That seems to be what takes the biggest hit each time she has to go into the hospital. This is the 4 time…
  • Well I can't wait to read another one of her books! You will have them all read by the time I get done with Land of the Painted Caves. Good book but very long and I have been so darn busy I haven't had as much time to sit and read. Actually I had about 6 hours to read last night at the ER with mom but I just can't read at…
  • Holy Moly Amy! That was really really fast! lol Wow! Was is as good as Such a Pretty Face? The Last Time I Was Me is the first one I read and what got me hooked on her books! I am so glad you are enjoying them as much as I did. I am really curious what Julia's Chocolates main story line is??? Any hint you are willing to…
  • It may be in BFE but it is a very pretty little town!
  • Amy, Well you will have to let me know how Julia's Chocolates is. That was the one I had not read yet! :flowerforyou: Good job everyone! Yesterday was a crazy day but I did manage to make a healthy dinner and a sugar free chocolate pudding peanut butter pie for desert. I have to start making that sort of thing to have…
  • Amy & Silvana...good for you too!!! Rest is a good thing! Amy, the other book I have read is "The Last Time I Was Me" . I am waiting on the others until I am done with the new Clan of the Cave Bears book. You will have to tell me which one to read next! :happy: Today I am staying on plan so that I feel better about myself…
  • This was actually yesterday but....I went to a friends birthday party and didn't not snack like a crazy woman!
  • Wow Amy! What an epiphany!!! That is so cool! Did you get the mirror? If not, you should because it would be a great reminder! Which one is due in next to read? I knew you were going to love that book! It will be fun to see your sister read it too! Sort of like a book club. I have been considering joining a book club…
  • Any chance your diary says that you are going over on sugar? Maybe a little more protein?
  • Persistance! Just keep on keeping on! It will get you where you want to go but you may have to have some patience to get there. It didn't take 2 weeks to put it on, it wont take two weeks to take it off. Hang tough!! You want this and it makes you feel good! Don't let your mind/emotions sabotage your goals! So what you…