Something positive I did to love me today! Please add!



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Welcome Sandy! MFP is a wonderful site with lots of support. Good for you for taking that leap and joining in!! :happy:

    Amy, thanks for the info on the books. They do sound interesting - just from your posts about where you were in the books. I'll have to look for them.
    Can't wait to see the "new you" with your haircut and another 20lbs gone!! A great haircut can make a gal feel like a million bucks! :happy:

    Had a better start to my morning today~hope it ends as well as it did yesterday.
    Am meeting a couple of my girlfriends for lunch today. :smile: They are both very slender, health and fitness concious, so I know it will be healthy choices for our lunch menu.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Silvana- lucky you wish my friends were more health conscious mine are skinny but eat junk when we go out. Sometimes I sit there and think why can they eat a huge plate of burger and fries and pizza, etc and I eat a salad and can't lose weight!:grumble:
  • sandyj07
    sandyj07 Posts: 12
    I am very excited to say that I actually got off of the couch and walked around the block. Work is very stressful for me right now and I am exhausted when I get home. Tomorrow I am going to do two laps. I don't have the money for a gym membership so I have to do what I can. My girls walked with me (ages 6 & 4) so it was slow going. My oldest pointed at my tummy and said, "This is good mommy, you will lose that!". From the mouths of babes.
    You are already supporting me, I wanted to do some exercise to share with my new friends:flowerforyou:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Three cheers for sandyj07!!:drinker: Good job on your walk. Slow and, one lap, tomorrow, 2 laps, the day after....that's exactly how it starts.:happy:

    I had a lovely lunch with my girlfriends - we all had chef's salad (no ham) with balsamic vinaigrette.

    After work I went for a run. it was hot, so it was slow going. My plan was to do 8km, then with the heat, I decided I was going to cut it short, but didn't. Ran the 8km (which is what I was supposed to do according to my running schedule) so it was all good. Took me a few minutes longer than it usually does, but it's okay. I ran.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Sandy- yay!!!!!! :drinker: A lap around the block is a fantastic start!:flowerforyou: Some days when I don't want to use gas just to go to the gym, I use things around my house. I have an elephant statue on my dresser I frequently use as a weight. Your own body weight can get you started then use cans of food and graduate up. My sister laughed at me a few weeks back I was trying different exercise videos from the library and I told her I had done the artichoke workout (used cans of artichokes for weights) then the next week I was doing the pineapple workout since the artichokes were not heavy enough. She said next you'll do the crushed tomatoes workout since that is the next size can we have. So weird stuff around the house can give you a good workout.:laugh: I love that you are including your children they can learn good habits while having fun with mommy.:bigsmile:

    Silvana- good for you wow 8K! :drinker: One day I want to run a 5K I have walked it but can't run it yet. I'll get there you give me hope!:flowerforyou:
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Amy, Well you will have to let me know how Julia's Chocolates is. That was the one I had not read yet! :flowerforyou:

    Good job everyone!

    Yesterday was a crazy day but I did manage to make a healthy dinner and a sugar free chocolate pudding peanut butter pie for desert. I have to start making that sort of thing to have around. I go to bed and then my hubby snacks on sugary sweets and it is sabotaging him!

    Tonight I am going to do my workout video again. I went to the chiropractor yesterday so I should be able to do a little bit better with the kicking.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I finished Julia's Chocolates it was fantastic Picadilly! I am about 1/4 through The Last Time I Was Me it is good so far, too. I think her books should have tissue box warnings on the front, my sister and I think they should rate books and movies by the number of tissue boxes you will go through so you can be prepared.:laugh:

    Today I made myself climb on the exercise bike when I just wanted to be lazy so I talked the old me out of not doing what was best for me!:drinker:
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    I finished Julia's Chocolates it was fantastic Picadilly! I am about 1/4 through The Last Time I Was Me it is good so far, too. I think her books should have tissue box warnings on the front, my sister and I think they should rate books and movies by the number of tissue boxes you will go through so you can be prepared.:laugh:

    Today I made myself climb on the exercise bike when I just wanted to be lazy so I talked the old me out of not doing what was best for me!:drinker:

    Holy Moly Amy! That was really really fast! lol Wow! Was is as good as Such a Pretty Face? The Last Time I Was Me is the first one I read and what got me hooked on her books! I am so glad you are enjoying them as much as I did. I am really curious what Julia's Chocolates main story line is??? Any hint you are willing to give?

    Good for you on the bike by the way!

    Today....I took a day off and just did what I wanted to do. I played on the computer for a while this morning, then took a really long hot shower and did a special treatment on my hair (it is really long and get super dry) Shaved my legs, went thrift store shopping and got a bread machine and made 4 grain bread with wheat, rye and corn meal. It is still baking and smells so good! I also bought a plaque with the 'Dieter's Creed' on it. Look for that had me laughing in the isle!

    Now it is bed time. Good job everyone!!! Stay strong and on plan!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    picadilly- Julia's Chocolates she was abused by mom and raped by mom's BF's and now has just left her abusive fiance (that's how book starts) She moves to Oregon to live with her cooky but very loving aunt and the townspeople are great. You learn the depth of the abuse from mom and fiance and a lot of other stuff with townspeople along the way. One of the ladies is a psychic and see the future. It is just as good as Such a Pretty Face and sucked me in from page 1. I am about half finished with Last I was Me and her newest is in so I will pick it up today, it is on a waiting list so I want to read it and get it back in for others to enjoy.

    Yesterday for me I had my last iron treatment in the series of 4 and I feel much better this time so I think the double doses worked. I will find out on Sept 1st.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    picadilly- Julia's Chocolates she was abused by mom and raped by mom's BF's and now has just left her abusive fiance (that's how book starts) She moves to Oregon to live with her cooky but very loving aunt and the townspeople are great. You learn the depth of the abuse from mom and fiance and a lot of other stuff with townspeople along the way. One of the ladies is a psychic and see the future. It is just as good as Such a Pretty Face and sucked me in from page 1. I am about half finished with Last I was Me and her newest is in so I will pick it up today, it is on a waiting list so I want to read it and get it back in for others to enjoy.

    Yesterday for me I had my last iron treatment in the series of 4 and I feel much better this time so I think the double doses worked. I will find out on Sept 1st.

    Well I can't wait to read another one of her books! You will have them all read by the time I get done with Land of the Painted Caves. Good book but very long and I have been so darn busy I haven't had as much time to sit and read. Actually I had about 6 hours to read last night at the ER with mom but I just can't read at 2 a.m.

    Glad to hear the iron treatments worked for you!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    picadilly- is your mom ok? :flowerforyou: I know what you mean about the long books I am working my way through Gary Taubes "Good Calories, Bad Calories" in between books and it is so informative but reads like a very long research project I am learning so much but it is hard to digest. I feel like it is an obesity research text for a college course.:laugh:

    Today I went to the gym and plugged in my headphones and I always listen to SOS contemporary Christian radio it keeps me uplifted while at the gym and today was no different. I did 40 on the elliptical and 30 more weight lifting plus mopped and swept and did calisthenics at home and danced for 10 minutes for a team challenge I am doing. I feel so alive! Amazing how treating yourself well can make your spirit lighter (even when the scale hates you:grumble: ) I was feeling so down because of the scale and decided I wasn't going to care about the scale. I feel good I am healthy and happy and I have energy and I am so alive. WHO CARES WHAT THE SCALE SAYS???? Just a number!:bigsmile:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Sorry I was MIA this past weekend, but was very busy with the Salmon Derby. I organized and ran the dock workers, so had very long days. Yesterday was so tired, but did manage to get my strength training in. I was tired going there, but got into it right away. :happy:

    Amy, I loved reading your post - it made me smile. :happy: You're right, the scale is just a number and feeling healthy, fit and alive is what counts. Sounds like you did a lot of exercise, movin' and groovin' yesterday.:smokin: You go girl!!

    picadilly - your day off sounds absolutely lovely. Definitely something positive to love yourself. :flowerforyou:

    The weather is getting a littel cooler. Can definitely tell fall is in the air. The leaves on the trees are already changing! There is a golden tinge to the hills. As much as I love fall, I am so sad that summer is over. It means winter is right around the corner and i so dislike winter!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Am having a nice healthy lunch today - so much better when I prepare the night before.
    Picked a little zucchini from my garden yesterday and cooked it up for my dinner. MMmmmm - that and some fresh green beans from the garden. My plate was 3/4 full of green!
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Hey all! Wow what a week.

    Mom is fine now. Well as fine as you can be when you are almost 90 and just got out of the hospital after having a mini stroke. She really did bounce back other than her strength in walking. That seems to be what takes the biggest hit each time she has to go into the hospital. This is the 4 time in the last year so it has been a rough one. But there was no other lasting damage that I have seen yet so that is a positive.

    Amy- That is an awsome attitude! I listen to K-LOVE here in Colorado. I love JJ Heller and her new song 'I Will Love You for You"!!! That should be our theme song ladies!!!! Look in the mirror and tell ourselves - I will love you for you!!! I am actually considering asking my friend if she would be interested in sining that song with me at church for a 'special' sometime. If you have not heard it, look it up on YouTube but it is a kleenex song so have them handy! lol

    Silvana....I hate the winter too..ugh! And I totally understand about the fall and feel the same way. Fall would be beautiful and enjoyable if the the winter wasn't on it's way.

    I am going to go to the gym myself so I can work out and relax! Trust me, getting away from home can sometimes be relaxing, no matter what you are doing! lol Not that I don't love my family.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I have managed to do a bit of exercise everyday. Wednesday I did my strength training and was supposed to run, but was too tried, so didn't. Went to see my granddaughter instead. :heart: I am a first time grandmother to a beautiful granddaughter - born July 4th! I have two sons, so to finally have a little girl in the family is thrilling. I call her my little princess.
    Any day I get to see my granddaughter is a good day. :happy: She makes me smile all the time - even when she is screaming. :laugh:

    Went for dinner with my girlfriends yesterday - we had such a wonderful time - talked, gossiped, laughed. We were the last table to leave. Actually closed the place. :laugh: You can tell we don't do it often enough. None of us wanted the evening to end.

    Off to bed - by Friday night I am beat.
    Hope you are all doing well.:flowerforyou:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Sorry been MIA this week, I went back to work on Wednesday and had a busy but good 3 days I am just so tired of sitting and so are my puffy swollen legs. Exercise was reduced to a some walking and calisthenics I need to get to the gym today!

    So my positive for me today will be a good strength training workout!:flowerforyou:
  • gerink
    gerink Posts: 50
    Just found this thread. What a blessing! My positive item is that I got up and did my day of C25K this morning!

    Sandy - I also suffer from clinical depression and have for over 20 yrs. Give yourself a pat on the back for getting up in the morning. It is rough but remember that you are worth it and be thankful for every little thing you accomplish. Writing down 5 things you are grateful for at the end of the day has helped me little by little. That walk even if you don't do it every day can be wonderful. Hang in there. :wink:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    Hope you are all doing well.

    Welcome gerink! :flowerforyou: So pleased to hear you have found a way to help you with your depression. Writing 5 things you are grateful for each day is wonderful.

    Today was a pretty good day. I got my long run in (training for a marathon).
    I also had some wild blueberries that I had wanted to make pies with, so I got those done tonight. Also made DH some butter tarts with the left over pastry.

    (pies went into the freezer. Baked one for tomorrow's dinner with my family):tongue:

    Am feeling a little stiff and tired from my run - but its all good. :smile:
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member

    Well I have not worked out for three days. I have watched what I ate. Some was good, some was not! lol

    My husband and I took my son and his girlfriend to the Rock the Range concert yesterday! Very long day but turned out to be very well worth it! This is a Christian concert and Skillet was playing. During one of the revival portions of the program, my son's girlfriend went to the front and accepted Christ as her savior and my son went forward to confess sins. I was so proud of both of them! A very spiritual evening! God is so good!

    Today will be church in the morning, canning tomatoes in the afternoon with my friend of 40 years! I am going to grill a chicken, steam some zuchinni, cook some whole grain pasta and a sugar free white chocolate pudding pie topped with fresh raspberries for Sunday dinner! That is the good thing I am doing for me today because once again, there is no time for exercise. I will be on my feet all day again though!

    Amy, you will find your groove with work and exercise again. You are very motivated right now so it will work it's self out.

    Sdereski, It is wonderful you spent time with friends and your granddaughter. Afterall we don't want to just be fit but have a good healthy life and that includes the emotional side I think. I have two boys as well and will be thrilled if I get a granddaughter some day.

    Welcome Gerink! I hope to hear more from you and am happy to hear you are working through your depression. I know how hard that can be! Good job!

    Well off to start my day! Stay safe and healthy!!
  • cmcgale
    cmcgale Posts: 5
    Hi all!
    I'm very new here (this is my first post!) but I wanted to comment on this thread because I think it is so great!!
    I found that every time I walked by a mirror I would think "God, who's that fatty." Or "OMG I'm gross" stupid stuff like that. So I have made it a habit that every time I look in a mirror I HAVE to pick out my 3 favorite things about my image and leave it at that. It has really helped me to love me just a little bit more and feel better about myself :)
    Thanks everyone for sharing, I think I'm really going to like this site!
  • gerink
    gerink Posts: 50
    Well it is a beautiful day here and I got in my C25K run and signed up for the 5K on Dec 10th. We survived the Hurricane without a power outage which was wonderful. Feel so energetic I'm going to do the Ripped in 30 workout week 2 although from watching it through the first time I don't know if I will survive the warmup! Everyone I hope you have a great day.