

  • Ok... Third and final for week one: 11, 15, 9, 9, 33 (!) Last set was the result of intense verbal motivation from my wife... It's incredible how far one can go when prodded :-)
  • Day 2! 10, 12, 8, 8, 18... It's picking up!!
  • Ok, here's my first set (from an original try of 15): 10 12 7 7 12 I've tried the hundred pushups app for iPhone in the past, but it's nowhere near as fun as trying it in a crowd.
  • If you need to protect yourself from overpronation (i.e. you're tall and/or heavy) the best ones are ASICS Gel Kayano. Love them!
  • Nevermind, I think I found it: recipes for runners @ runners world http://www.runnersworld.com/cda/recipefinder/0,7170,s6-242-306-315-0,00.html
  • These are all awesome sites, thank you! I'm a runner training for a marathon and need high carb, low protein recipes... Any websites come to mind? Cheers
  • Yes!! Me too. The rule for me is: RESPECT THE CHOCOLATE. It's a wonderful thing, but it's dangerous as it's packed with calories (as you well know). It shouldn't be about the amount, it's about the pleasure of it... Smell it; feel it; taste it. Slowly. Give it a chance and you'll find that a small piece of good chocolate…
  • What a great link!! Thanks much!!!
  • I agree with bigerig - you should be fine with your current training program. I've run a few marathons & a half marathon, and in my experience the mileage you need to be ready at to comfortably finish a half marathon is 10 miles...
  • I know it sounds rather lame but taking slow, deep breaths repeatedly for a minute of two mostly helps me get back on track... Focus on the feeling of air coming in and out, and imagine all other feelings as clouds passing by. Doesn't hurt trying!
  • Well done!! I tried P90x and sadly dropped three weeks before completion :o( My admiration for going through it all. Enjoy the benefits
  • Forget volume (as in 1/3) and focus on weight - a scale is a must in any kitchen and the only true way to measure what you're eating...
  • Hey Roxanna, congratulations for getting back in the wagon! My name is Pablo and I'm also married with two wonderful and mega-active kids. I'm trying to lose about 14 pounds as I prepare for the Toronto marathon, coming up later this year! I've run a few marathons (NY, Chicago, Amsterdam) several years ago and I really…
    in Newb Comment by pcastillon May 2012