Giggle78 Member


  • Thank you to everyone who contributed to this threat it has been really interesting. I did do some exercise today! Yay!
  • No 1200 calories is pants. I can't go back to no food hell. Not after eating again. However - whilst eating what I wanted for a week sounds great in theory actually I felt pants last week. Also very down - I think from not exercising. It is funny though even though I know I will feel better if I get my trainers on and…
  • That was a really interesting website. I just looked at it. Ahhh So there is nothing new under the sun and other people have experienced this too!!
  • Hello, Thanks so much I will check out the group. Yes I did cut back on the extreme workouts. I only did one Turbo Fire and one Zumba (where you hardly break a sweat). This week so far I've only done one Turbo Fire. So it is no where near the intensity as before. TBH I am finding it hard to get motivation back...Anyway…
  • Hello, I am 5 foot and the goal is 115 pounds. Starting weight 132 Current weight 131 AND I CAN'T SEEM TO LOOOOOOOSE ANY WEIGHT. I am on week 10 of P90X with Insanity on the cardio days and for some reason nothing is happening. I have tried 1200 cals I have tried 1900 cals I have gone back down to 1200 cals. Clearly I have…
  • Hi there, I live in the UK so the advice might be different but I think that 6 weeks was a really good amount of time to wait for me. I did try driving at four weeks but it hurt me. It was something to do with the pushing down on the clutch motion that made my insides feel like they were being pulled apart. So I didn't…
  • Hi there, I had a C- section. Well the advice I got and took was no exercise and no driving for six weeks. So really really take it easy. After six weeks I did my first dance class and it was fine. From then on I did buggy fit and a lot of walking. You must listen to your body though because if you injure yourself because…
  • Hello, I hope that this isn't too personal on a public forum but it is important that you get professional help if you are not already. Regular counselling can help you and it is good to continue this even when you do feel recovered. I will say at the moment you are looking at this 'from the outside'. When you are actually…
  • I just think that if people do think any thing then they are thinking - they wish they were me. You know doing something positive and proactive about my fitness. (Not thinking anything negative). That has helped me to feel less intimidated by running. Also when I see people running I always think - good for them. Keep…
  • Its brilliant - it will get you so fit. I would recommend it as well. It is much tougher than most 'real life' classes that I go to. But...when I did it (to the letter) I lost a total of 3lbs in the two months. Also it really hurt my knees because it is a lot of jumping. I was hoping for insane results but at the time I…
  • Hi there, I had it done before my wedding in 2007. Maybe it was the laser lipo, or it could have been the low cal, low fat, low everything diet, the goal of my wedding plus hiring a personal trainer...but with my first lot I was really impressed. My hard to reach fat bits did get smaller and they were hard to get at and my…
  • I did it over 60 days and I didn't really lose very much weight. I am 5ft and went from 132 to 129. When I look at pictures I do look better from when I started but it was no where near what my hope/expectation had been. Plus in light of the effort that I put in and how clean I ate during that time it was not worth the…
  • Hello, Sorry I can't help you with your question but I was wondering if you could help me? You see I am very similar to your starting stats. Would I be able to pm you? With thanks