Fat2Fit questions....

So I have decided that when I am done with Jillian Michaels Body Revolution I want to tone up and I am planning on doing another round of ChaLean Extreme. I am 5'1 and sitting between 118.8-119.8 lbs. My goal weight currently is 116 lbs. I am eating according to Fat2Fit and so I am wondering in order to tone up, am I supposed to add .20% for TDEE---would I eat that, or would I still eat according to the chart they calculated for me?

Sorry, I am trying to make sense but I am having a hard time with my wording. My questions make sense in my head---but I can't get it to translate when I type it:grumble: .


  • Giggle78
    Giggle78 Posts: 16 Member
    Sorry I can't help you with your question but I was wondering if you could help me? You see I am very similar to your starting stats. Would I be able to pm you? With thanks
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    Of course. I: will help you if I can:smile: .