Have any of you done insanity?

I have lost just 1lb. I started at 145 34-26.5-37 and now i'm 144 34-25.5-36.5 (5'6'') I am on Week 4 and Day 2 (today) and It's really so depressing. I think I might have lost maybe an inch of my waist and an inch of my thighs but i basically look exactly the same. I recently started getting very committed to MFP calorie calculator and staying at around 1200 calories or more. I hope I would have at least lost around 2lbs by the end of this week. Maybe, I need to be more committed. Do i need to cut out carbs? What could I be doing wrong? It's so frustrating.


  • Maddrey08
    Try adding in exercise :)
  • angie_sample
    i just started Insanity. I really like the workout but i havent done it long enough to see any kind of results. R u eating ur exercise calories back? It seems with this workout since it is so intense u might need to eat more.
  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    Sounds like you need to eat more!! since insanity is a high intensity workout like Turbofire(im currently doing) you need to eat a little above your BMR..check under tools if you dont know what yours is..im 5'5 132lbs and my bmr is 1350 but i eat around 1450-1500..did the 5 day inferno and now just finished week 1 day 4 and lost 4 1/2 lbs already so thats just my opinion!
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    I noticed most of my loss was in inches and it was in the second half of the program. Also your calorie intake maybe too low for the exercise you are doing. My suggestion would be to take your measurements.
  • cheremince
    there is a slight difference in my measurements and the way my pants fit but i'm not too satisfied. i was hoping to get down to 132lbs by the end of it. doesn't seem possible. I am definitely making a conscious effort to not eat my calories back, now. I wasn't too careful before. I am about to go exercise right now actually. I just hope i could lose 10lbs by the end of the program. 9 more to go
  • Giggle78
    Giggle78 Posts: 16 Member
    I did it over 60 days and I didn't really lose very much weight. I am 5ft and went from 132 to 129.

    When I look at pictures I do look better from when I started but it was no where near what my hope/expectation had been. Plus in light of the effort that I put in and how clean I ate during that time it was not worth the effort.
    It made very fit and I liked it but I would never do it again straight like that.

    That was my experience.
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member
    I just started eating back my exercise calories and the scale is moving again in the right direction. At 1200 or less if I exercised without eating back my burned calories I was actually gaining or sitting solid. It was like my body stalled.

    I fixed my goals and have it set a little higher now. If I work out - I get to eat more that day. I don't go over, but get pretty close. I feel SO much better since doing this.

    I am going to be starting Insanity soon. I don't have HRM at the moment (looking into one), but I assume I would log the work out as Aerobic - High Impact? I would hate to eat back too many calories LOL Trial and error I suppose.
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member
    I should have noted - Don't Give up. I went 3 weeks of being stuck at one weight before I decided to add more food. Once I added more food, and eating my exercise calories, I lost it right away. Certainly don't cut more carbs. I eat 40-30-30. Carb-Protein-Fat. Not for everyone, but MFP automatically sets it to 55% and for me that is just way to high. I like more protein.

    Good luck - you can do this!
  • mlamonica77
    I am in the last week of insanity. I didn't notice much change in the first month, was very discouraged. Once the second month hit I lost 5 pounds and am seeing a difference in my clothes. My boyfriend on the other hand lost over 20 pounds and he was more active than me before we started insanity. I east 1500 calories a day and weigh 145 and am 5 ft tall. I'm going to do another workout for a month and then go back to the 2nd half of insanity to see what happens. Hoping to loose 15 pounds by end of June.
  • cheremince
    Maybe, i'm at a plateau. Because, I was 152lbs before but have gone back to 144lbs now. And, my goal is 12lbs away. So i'm going to up my calories to 1400 calories a day this week. I am hoping this won't lead to a weight gain.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I'm in the same boat on week 5, recovery week. I do hope I will lose more inches on month 2.
    I only lose 2 lbs so far but my upper body is so strong so I probably lose more than 2 lbs of fat.

    I hope you take your pic so you can compare with after you are done with the program.
    The reason keep me going is look at insanity picture in Success section-
    They lose a lot stomach fat but the body muscle mass is the same or increase.