C-section recovery

So I just had my little guy 13 days ago via an unexpected c-section. Apparently this one was worse than most due to all the muscles that they had to cut. I was on the up and up until last week, I think I did something to myself lifting his car seat :( I have stopped walking but am trying to work the diet end of things while I wait for this incision to heal up. Anyone else come back from a c-section? Advice would be much appreciated!!!


  • MissChampion
    MissChampion Posts: 2 Member
    I had a cesarean section as well. My daughter will be 1 in a few days. What exactly do you need help understanding? I can be of some assistance...
  • dmzf
    dmzf Posts: 47 Member
    Just take it one day at a time. You dont need to be a hero and do everything right away. I know its hard but if you want to heal you have to ask for and accept help. You and your baby deserve the best so take it slow
  • Giggle78
    Giggle78 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there,

    I had a C- section.

    Well the advice I got and took was no exercise and no driving for six weeks. So really really take it easy. After six weeks I did my first dance class and it was fine. From then on I did buggy fit and a lot of walking. You must listen to your body though because if you injure yourself because you start too soon then that is much worse in the long run than just giving your body a few extra weeks to recover.

    You have just been cut in half. Just because it is quite common does not take away from the fact that you have had major surgery. Please be kind to yourself. You will get better and you will get your fitness back :0)
  • jah0217
    jah0217 Posts: 51 Member
    So I have to wait the whole 6 weeks to do anything??? I had started walking and doing some "physical therapy" type exercises, but not really working out. My doctor had approved those and driving at 2 weeks. Those were going fine until the car seat thing. I get this nerve type pain on the right side of my incision but its also tender to the touch. Incision itself is fine, so I think I did something to myself with the car seat.

    Did you start on your diet? What kind of calorie intact did you allow yourself while breast feeding?
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    My baby is going to be 4 months. I was told I can exercise after the month but I decided to postpone it for when baby is 6 months. My abs hurt when I try to do ab exercise & my doctors told me they didnt cut through any muscle:ohwell:. If you're feeling up for it count calories but dont worry about the rest, just take time to heal. Breastfeeding calories are like 30 calories per ounce. I added 500 from the start and it has worked. You can probably change it to 300 when baby eats solids. It will be ok, time flies and you'll be up and ready to exercise :flowerforyou: . I was used to doing hiit 5 times a week before pregnancy (very hard exercise). I might have to start again like a beginner, but I decided its ok. Inside your body something miraculous was formed:love:, congrats, enjoy your baby, he'll grow fast.
  • Giggle78
    Giggle78 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there,

    I live in the UK so the advice might be different but I think that 6 weeks was a really good amount of time to wait for me. I did try driving at four weeks but it hurt me. It was something to do with the pushing down on the clutch motion that made my insides feel like they were being pulled apart. So I didn't drive again until 6 weeks and it felt much better.

    I exercised hard until I was five months pregnant and was fit before but put on approx 35lbs in weight. What I did was before six weeks I tried to go out for a walk every day and then at 6 weeks I went back to a dance class (a bit like Zumba) every week and added in buggy fit twice a week plus walking.

    I gave birth in July and then in November I started P90X. I remember when I first started my thighs slapped together when I did jumping jacks and I felt sick after plyo. But I kept going and by Feb I was back to my pre-baby weight and after Insanity the fittest I have ever been.

    I have always ate well but I didn't start dieting until I gave up breast feeding which was at 6 weeks. If you are going to breast feed longer then I would just eat really well - lots of veg and not much processed stuff but try not be too concerned.

    As the previous post says - your baby grows up so fast. Really don't worry about getting back to exercise straight away. You must give your body time to heal or it will cause you more problems. There is plenty of time for getting fit again and stop if it hurts.
    All the best