Delindy Member


  • Why is quinoa 636 calories a cup?!!!!
    in Quinoa Comment by Delindy January 2008
  • Bicycling is an awesome way to get exercise! I love it! If you don't think it's enough...bicycle more and longer. Or...instead of bicycling to your destination...if you can, walk instead. Yea and I'm learning that losing weight is really all about your calorie intake every day. For me, it's easier to take one step at a…
  • Sarah Johansson is considered a "curvy" lady. Not what I have in mind as curvy, but definitely a healthy weight celebrity to admire.
  • The authors are Jackie Scott and Diane Scott Kellum...mother and daughter.
  • Anyone read CALORIE QUEENS: LIVING THIN IN A FAT WORLD? A friend gave it to me and I started reading it yesterday. BOY were the first few chapters a kick in the butt! It basically told me that losing weight takes time and no one is going to get instant results (which is why I stop many many diets and exercise plans…
  • First of all...being a vegan takes a lot of work and I amend you. THE GREAT AMERICAN DETOX DIET and THE HIP CHICK'S GUIDE TO MACROBIOTICS have some GREAT vegan recipes that are super healthy. I was a vegetarian and an on again off again vegan for a long time. I never ever lost weight because I thought that just because it…
    in Vegan Comment by Delindy January 2008
  • Oh and...WHAT? Am I reading this wrong?
  • Defining myself as a feminist never limits! It liberates! Yes...the term has many meanings to many people, but if more people WOULD take on the definition we can get rid of a bad rep. A feminist is a woman who wants to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression. Just thought I would give MY (and also bell hooks')…
  • I'm not sure if someone mentioned this but FIBER ONE hahahhaa....but I'm not sure if they mentioned FIBER ONE HONEY CLUSTERS I definitley prefer this over what looks like hamster food.
  • I feel you, brother. This is totally and completely a huge problem with me and why I continue to gain weight. I don't know about you, but most of my TV watching is in the evening time. So...I have planned to stop watching TV in the evening time all together and stay away from a room with a TV. My TV room is downstairs with…
  • I'm from Oklahoma and I just joined yesterday. WOO
  • I would encourage you to go to your local health food store. They usually have experts to answer your questions. There are tons of detoxifying pills/teas/diets/etc. When I asked an expert I chose a four pills a day method in combination with THE GREAT AMERICAN DETOX DIET (a fabulous book with lots of great vegan recipes).…
  • I am 200 wanting to be 150
  • Thanks for...what I think is.,..mostly support. I was trying to reach out to women who also struggle with this issue. I felt a little bit attacked when some users said things like "WHO CARES" ... it felt a little bit like a "WELL JUST GET OVER IT!" method...which isn't really helpful. And others seem to give advice…
  • This is VERY hard to do...considering women ARE apart of society and faced constantly through TV, magazines, conversations, etc with what beauty is. It's something that men do not have to struggle with near as much (not to deny the significant amount of men who suffer from eating disorders). At times...main stream media…
  • I disagree with mnbarnum and the fact that fat women can't be beautiful. This "media" (which is certainly NOT mainstream) I believe IS positive...although it may not be encouraging women to lose weight....women need confidence that go against the grain. I love to hear about fat-positive women's groups. They are challenging…
  • I am a feminist who has struggled with whether or not I need/should lose weight. The reasons that I chose NOT to make an effort to lose weight in the past is I WANT to reject media's pressure on women to have idealized bodies in order to please men in bed (a bit of an exaggeration, but sadly TRUE at times!). I want to…
  • I have recently read the January issue of SHAPE magazine. There is a DROP 10 POUNDS THIS MONTH challenge with a GI diet plan and 6 days a week on the treadmill. I am doing it! Who wants do it with me!? We can check in with each other on how we are doing and how the workouts are challenging us. I thought this would be a…
  • Please read my profile to get an idea of my motivations and reasoning. I wrote in my profile that I am struggling with the idea of rejecting society's pressures on women to have the idealized body mostly to please other men or at least getting attention from them (can't say that I have no motivation to be thin in order to…