jenane Member


  • Hi all! My goal is 20 lbs as of now as well! Would love support!
  • Hi all! I am a 24 year old law student wanting to lose about 30-40 lbs.! I would love support!
  • Hi everyone! I am 6'0, size 12, and at the lowest weight I have been in a while- 179/180. Aiming for 160! I used this site last summer and it was great, but I am at the same place I was weight wise after gains and losses throughout the year! Ready to commit. Glad to see some other tall ladies! <3 Jenan
  • Last summer I dropped from about 196 lbs. to about 184 lbs. and started running daily and my period stopped. For three months. I was concerned...thought I was going to have the next miracle birth haha But after talking to doctors and others, they out me at ease and it returned the next month.
  • The thing is, I can't actually bench more than them and neither one of them have even seen me in a year! It is absurd! I did talk to my ex and he stood up for me. He was telling me, "Obviously I don't feel that way." Clearly, because he dated me for a long time, but he likes tall girls. It just makes me angry but I remind…
  • 21 in October :)
  • So took two tests and both neg so now I just need to figure out what else is wrong.
  • Isn't the bleeding typically more like spotting? I had a normal-like period...
  • Yeah, I haven't been any kind of sexually active since mid April so I would already be 4 mos. pregnant. I thought that would be odd for me to still get the first two periods? I suppose it could happen though. I will get a test.
  • I'm in because my university's Homecoming Queen pageant is Sept. 21 and I am in it and want to be in tip-top shape!
  • How in the world do people always have so many calories left? I always always go over! And I eat small meals!
  • I have had it. It pretty much doesn't taste like anything but pepper, however I enjoy it on things sometimes just to add the peppery taste and a sauce to something :)
  • Oh I feel exactly the same. They always seem smaller just because they are always going to be "smaller" because they are shorter.
  • Haha I agree- I live in Central Florida so even after a bike I am sweating like crazy!
  • Weighed myself this morning...2 lbs since last week! Yay!
  • Yeah, I have the same problem. I work until 11 p.m. some nights, so when I come home I always want a small meal, which is fine, but then I wander around the kitchen snacking on this and that....and there goes 300 calories. I was really proud of myself last night from coming home from a bar and just having watermelon and…
  • True, but they call Heidi Klum statuesque as well :) I've faced the fact I'll never be "thin", but a nice, average, toned body would be awesome as well :)
  • Hey, I am ready to join and ready to wear a bikini without being self-conscious! So far, since I've joined, down about 10 lbs. Hopefully by Sunday another will be gone!
  • So I want to join this "group" because I am a lovely 6'0-6'1. People comment constantly. Unfortunately, I did not get the tall -n- lanky model genes hah
  • I think the problem is I am only 20 and I am home with my family, so there are plenty of "tempting" foods around. They enjoy these foods and do not want to get rid of them. I've lost about 10 lbs., and for some reason when I see a diet working, I am happy and then I am not as strict with myself because I lost the 10 lbs.…