So I am going about my days dieting and feeling good and now TWICE in a month I have been insulted behind my back for no reason (and once to me over Facebook) by my ex-boyfriend's friends about looking like a dude or being able to benchpress more than them. (Me and my ex are still really good friends and have been broken…
I'm really confused and nervous because I should have gotten my period a month ago but haven't. I'm not really sure how I would be pregnant because I got my period in both May and June, but July and now most of August it is missing. In May I biked a lot, and In June I started jogging, which I haven't done in a long time,…
So...I'd like to start a little group for those of us college-aged. I am 20 and about to start my senior year of college and my dance company and I would really like to look awesome for my 21st in October. It is hard to diet in college (especially when your food is cooked already for you by someone else) but I know we can…
So I have a lot of drive to lose weight buttt for some reason I can't stay to my diet now. I feel like this always happens. How can I regain my enthusiasm?