Missing a period...

jenane Posts: 25 Member
edited September 20 in Chit-Chat
I'm really confused and nervous because I should have gotten my period a month ago but haven't. I'm not really sure how I would be pregnant because I got my period in both May and June, but July and now most of August it is missing. In May I biked a lot, and In June I started jogging, which I haven't done in a long time, and my June period was a little longer than usual. I was also dieting, and lost about 12 lbs. in those months. Could the only answer be pregnancy? I'm wondering. I don't excessively exercise or anything, so I am confused. My period is normally reallllllly regular. And I have never had unprotected sex.


  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    It could be any number of things pregnancy, stress, and yes even vigourous exercise. End the stress, take a pregnancy test. They are cheap and will provide some piece of mind, if it is negative and this continues see your doctor.

    I have noticed a decrease in my period since working out but it has been a gradual change and I still get it pretty regular. Just reduced in intensity and duration. I am no expert but I would recommend getting this sorted out asap. If anything, just for peace of mind.

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Increasing my cardio messed with my cycle last month. It took 7 weeks to kick in. But in all honesty, if I thought there was a chance that I could be pregnant (tubal ligation, so no go), then I would have gone to the closest pharmacy and taken a test and put my mind at ease (other than sterilization and abstinence, there's no "protection" that is 100%). If you're not, and it continues for greater than 3 months, you might just want to check with your GYN and confirm that things are going okay. :)
    Best wishes.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Increasing my cardio messed with my cycle last month. It took 7 weeks to kick in. But in all honesty, if I thought there was a chance that I could be pregnant (tubal ligation, so no go), then I would have gone to the closest pharmacy and taken a test and put my mind at ease (other than sterilization and abstinence, there's no "protection" that is 100%). If you're not, and it continues for greater than 3 months, you might just want to check with your GYN and confirm that things are going okay. :)
    Best wishes.

    My sister's friend had a tubal after her last pregnancy and she just found out last month that she's pregnant again.
  • jenane
    jenane Posts: 25 Member
    Yeah, I haven't been any kind of sexually active since mid April so I would already be 4 mos. pregnant. I thought that would be odd for me to still get the first two periods? I suppose it could happen though. I will get a test.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    You can still get a period while you're prego - esp. the first couple months. But, I doubt you'd be 16 weeks and have no idea - unless you're one of the lucky ones with no "side effects" lol ie: morning/noon/night sickness, bloating, fatigue, crankiness, bladder not holding more than a shot of water. lol those wonderful things. :tongue:
  • I would definitely take a test. Some people do get some bleeding early in a pregnancy, so your "periods" could have been that. If you are pregnant, you want to be sure that you are NOT dieting. Doesn't sound like you are pregnant, but you want to be sure.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    You can still get a period while you're prego - esp. the first couple months. But, I doubt you'd be 16 weeks and have no idea - unless you're one of the lucky ones with no "side effects" lol ie: morning/noon/night sickness, bloating, fatigue, crankiness, bladder not holding more than a shot of water. lol those wonderful things. :tongue:

    a friend of mine didn't find out she was pregnant until she was 15 weeks, so it is possible to be that far along and not know.
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    I missed a period when I first started dieting. Its normal.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    It could also be a combination of stress and lower body fat percentage due to the new exercise and diet.

    When I was in my 20's, I was on the pill (which is supposed to regulate you) and between a combination of working full time, chasing after a toddler, stress and low body fat percentage, I'd only have a period about every 6 months, usually when we went on vacation and I relaxed :grumble: :grumble: . I talked to my doctor about it and his response was that it was fine as long as I kept taking my pills regularly, but if it "bothered" me not to have a period every month,he'd be happy to put me on a different strength pill. That lasted one month.........the period I had was the most painful one ever!! So, it was back to no periods until we decided to try for our 2nd child.

    I'd definitely get a pregnancy test, just to make sure.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Has anyone seen "I didn't know I was pregnant?" Pretty interesting show of real life stories of women who didn't know they were preganant until they were really far along, in most cases in labour!

    They do talk about how bleeding during pregnancy is normal and often misinterpretted as a period.
  • jenane
    jenane Posts: 25 Member
    Isn't the bleeding typically more like spotting? I had a normal-like period...
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    It can be pretty heavy apparently. I was surprised to learn that too.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Isn't the bleeding typically more like spotting? I had a normal-like period...

    Not to scare you but i had normal periods with BOTH kids
    So, once we started trying with #2, even though my period came as usual, I tested and it was +
    My gyno said that was very common and lots of woman come in expecting to be 1mnth pg and they are 2 or 3 mnths pg
    BUT yes, it usually is normal to have a lighter period or just spotting
    I think your cycles could also be messed up because of your diet change and new exc. routine
    BUT just take a test for peace of mind

    Good luck, kim
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Increasing my cardio messed with my cycle last month. It took 7 weeks to kick in. But in all honesty, if I thought there was a chance that I could be pregnant (tubal ligation, so no go), then I would have gone to the closest pharmacy and taken a test and put my mind at ease (other than sterilization and abstinence, there's no "protection" that is 100%). If you're not, and it continues for greater than 3 months, you might just want to check with your GYN and confirm that things are going okay. :)
    Best wishes.

    My sister's friend had a tubal after her last pregnancy and she just found out last month that she's pregnant again.

    Mine weren't tied, they were cut. And my husband also had a vasectomy. I think we might be covered. If not, I'd welcome a pregnancy. I'd be more famous than Octo-mom. Two sterilizations and a pregnancy. :drinker:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    IMO, if you are worried, just buy the test :flowerforyou:

    I was worried once about 4 years 9 months ago..... I was always regular with my cycle and then I was 2 days late. I was a smoker and couldn't smoke another cigarette knowing I might be pregnant. I stopped at a gas station, took the test and before I could even put it back in the box (to take it outside to the car to wait the 2 min with my husband for results), it had already shown positive.

    (I didn't smoke another cigarette during my pregnancy, btw.)

    Always better to know.... unless you are doing absolutely nothing that would be damaging to your body or baby. Then again, when pregnant, they advise you go on prenatal vitamins right away, so .....

    I just say better safe than sorry. :flowerforyou:

    (But like others, I think it's probably stress and exercise, not a pregnancy.)
  • jenane
    jenane Posts: 25 Member
    So took two tests and both neg so now I just need to figure out what else is wrong.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    How late are you? (I may have missed that, sorry!)

    If you are concerned, call your GYN and get an appointment. I am totally of the mindset that if I"m worried, it's worth a trip to the doctor for reassurance that I'm good. :flowerforyou:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I haven't had mine completely stop, but it's so light it's almost to the point of nonexistence for the past couple of months since I changed my eating habits and started exercising.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I would make a doctors appointment just to ask for a blood test of your hormone levels.........just for peace of mind.

    Your body is probably just adjusting to different eating habits and exercise program and sometimes it can take upwards of 6 months to regulate and things get back to normal.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Missing a period

    Here, use this one


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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