Starting to lose motivation

jenane Posts: 25 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
So I have a lot of drive to lose weight buttt for some reason I can't stay to my diet now. I feel like this always happens. How can I regain my enthusiasm?


  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Put on a pair of clothes you want to be able to fit in.

    Put pictures of yourself on the fridge.

    Clear out ALL Food that's tempting you to stay off track.

    Write all the reasons you want to lose weight/ why you disliked being overweight in a blog entry.

    Exercise more!
  • what helped me is i put my worst picture up in a bikini right on my fridge. Take away all the fattening food out of your fridge and junk food out the there is no room to cheat....
    you can do it! hehe:drinker:
  • SandyHern
    SandyHern Posts: 70 Member
    Hi :smile:

    Yes it's definitely frustrating! :grumble: I used to be the same way. I'd go really strong on a diet and then after a while I would loose my motivation.

    What helped me to stick to it is to stop thinking of it as a diet! It takes a while to change the mind set.
    I convinced myself that I didn't care how much and how fast I lost the weight, as long as I changed my eating and exercise habits. With my focus geared toward that, I changed little things here and there in regards to what I eat and how much exercise I get.

    I weigh myself monthly, instead of every day/week, this way I don't freak

    Also, don't loose motivation if you miss a day at the gym or over eat your calories. Take one day at a time! Promise yourself that tomorrow you'll be on your best behavior!!!

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • Diana224
    Diana224 Posts: 10 Member
    I put a bad pic on my phone wallpaper for motivation. Everytime I look at the phone I see those big cheeks smiling at me lol. Thats my motivation...
    Writing blogs on here helps me also.
    Good luck!
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Go shopping for cute summer clothes! You will quickly remember why you want to do this. Then go buy a new work out video and some work out clothes, some healthy food and get after it again!
  • Agree with the new workout gear. That and new music on my iPod make me anxious to go exercise. And the more calories you burn the more you can eat ;)
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    get naked

    look in the mirror

    like what you see? if you do...have a cupcake

    don't like what you see? work sensibly

    you are your own motivation
    you just need to "see" you
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have dieted many many times...........and tried all the tricks. A pic of me skinny, pic of me fat, 5 pounds of fat on my fridge...........all negative

    This time I tried a positive approach and I have been able to lose 30+ pounds and keep it off for 6 months.

    I bought colorful post it notes. WHEN I did something good-ate a salad, exercised, took the stairs.......I would write down how it made me FEEL.

    Example. I went one week with no carry out food. No small feat for me at that time in my life. I FELT good, responsible, proud....I wrote it down and posted it on my fridge door.

    I wrote when I felt healthy, or happy, or proud of myself.

    It worked like magic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and still does!!:heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    get naked

    look in the mirror

    like what you see? if you do...have a cupcake

    don't like what you see? work sensibly

    you are your own motivation
    you just need to "see" you

    thanks, I am going to have a cupcake:bigsmile:
  • I started on MFP two weeks ago and have done well, But this weekend I started to slow down on the exercise and speed up my cal intake. Same as every other time I tried to lose the weight a couple weeks in and the will starts to die. :sad:

    So I got online here and searched these message boards. Seeing all the people in there 200 and 300 lbs trying to change thier lives really inspired me and then I found a couple of challenges that made me want to prove I could do it all over again. I saw the labor day challange. The thirteen week challange the challenge and I am ready to go now. Hopefully you will find a buddy on MFP that will kick your but for you when you just can seem to reach it on your own!!!:bigsmile:
  • I know what you are going through. My husband isn't even supporting me. He says that I have been gaining weight for the last 9 years why stop now! I need support or I am going to lose it!

    Start: 211
    current: 206
    Goal: 150


    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Katrina, SHAME ON HIM! That is just mean! Do it just for you then, prove to yourself and leave him out of it. Maybe he will come around once he see's that you are serious. You can do this!!! You can and you will get all the support you can handle from here! Keep up the good work!
  • I know what you mean....I tend to do good for about a week or two&then just give up!!!I am determined to stick with it this time.If you are tired of the way you look try to keep eating less&exercising more.One thing I do know you can't lose weight by just eating&not exercising.You have to try to stay active.Find something that you like to do.Good Luck!!!
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    A diet shouldn't be looked at like a quick fix. It's a life style change. taking back your life and living it instead of hiding.

    It will take a few months to get used to, and you will end up having setbacks. But it can be overcome with a little motivation.

    I still bring the occasional junk into my place but I find at times I've begun to forget its there and it's sitting out in plain sight.

    I guess my mind sets starting to really get there.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    get naked

    look in the mirror

    like what you see? if you do...have a cupcake

    don't like what you see? work sensibly

    you are your own motivation
    you just need to "see" you

    American Idol has Simon Cowell, and MFP has Dave, both of whom "tell it like it is" with their brutal honesty! :laugh:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I know what you are going through. My husband isn't even supporting me. He says that I have been gaining weight for the last 9 years why stop now! I need support or I am going to lose it!

    Start: 211
    current: 206
    Goal: 150


    Created by - Free Food Diary

    I'm sorry your husband is like that! Mine wasn't THAT bad, but when I started with MFP, he just shrugged his shoulders and said "whatever", since every time he turned around, I was trying SOMETHING else to try to lose weight. But these days, now that I'm looking soooo much better, he's singing a whole different tune, and even bragging to people about me! :happy:
    Hopefully, it'll be the same way for you too. Once your husband starts seeing the weight come off, he'll come around and give you the support that you need and deserve! :smile:
  • My main problem is staying motivated to exercise, especially as a new mom with a new baby. And baking cupcakes and "yummy" foods for my stepsons and boyfriend doesn't help keep me on track.
  • manders7
    manders7 Posts: 3
    think of it as not a diet, but a lifestyle change. diets don't work because we use them to lose weight to a certain point and then we do not maintain our weight, and when we don't maintain weight we do not maintain our health. thats the most important aspect. think of all the reasons why you want to lose weight, and write them down. keep that list visable somewhere to remind you of what you want out of changing your diet. its what you want out of your life, and thats important. it worked for me!
  • jenane
    jenane Posts: 25 Member
    I think the problem is I am only 20 and I am home with my family, so there are plenty of "tempting" foods around. They enjoy these foods and do not want to get rid of them. I've lost about 10 lbs., and for some reason when I see a diet working, I am happy and then I am not as strict with myself because I lost the 10 lbs. but I actually need to use it as motivation to lose more. Haha and as I am eating, say, too many cashews I tell myself I shouldn't be but I continue to.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I know what you are going through. My husband isn't even supporting me. He says that I have been gaining weight for the last 9 years why stop now! I need support or I am going to lose it!

    Start: 211
    current: 206
    Goal: 150


    Created by - Free Food Diary
    From one Katrina to another, I'm sorry your husband is being such a jack *kitten*. Do it for yourself not him and hopefully once he sees how hard you are working he'll come around. Maybe he is worried that it will mean he will have to change his lifestyle too. Just a thought .... anyways you have our support here on MFP:flowerforyou:
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