Amazing Amazons - Round 1



  • mlove1307
    Hello Amazons! :flowerforyou:
    I'm normally not one to jump in on a thread once its already 2 weeks in, but I just happened to see you for the first time and I rarely find a group that I fit into so well! I'm 5'11" and I think we all know that being tall has it's specific challenges!

    If it's too late I understand, but I'd love to have other tall strong ladies to relate to!

    My goal is to lose 10 pounds by April 24, my first half marathon!!! :drinker:

    :heart: Channing

    I don't think its ever too late!! We seem to have lost the starter of the thread, or at least she hasn't posted in a while & I took a few days off the message boards and came back. I think, the more the merrier.. its unusual to find a place where all of us tall girls belong. :]
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I didn't weigh in this week, I'm going to give myself another week to heal and hopefully the number on the scale will be one I want to see. I'm not sure if it's the meds or what..but I've been a bottomless pit! I'm always hungry. Which is hard to adjust to after almost a month of struggling to get enough calories in. I haven't been eating well the last two days, but tomorrow I will get back on track. Hope everyone had a great weight loss week!
  • beqy12
    beqy12 Posts: 569
    I just realized I can't join anyways, because I don't even own a scale... I go by inches.... but I think I will follow along and join your challenges, just because you're right, it's hard to find a place where us tall girls belong!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Welcome to the newbies!

    Last night I got in 3.8 miles on the treadmill and I drank 9 cups of water yesterday....did we ever decide what this weeks challenge was?

    Hope everyone is doing well this week! :drinker:

  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Welcome Channing & Beqy!!

    I only have 3days before I go on hols now!! So my target is a bit unobtainable! But still going to try hard!!

    No challenge this week gogo! Want to set one?? Well done on the run!!!
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Hello Amazons! :flowerforyou:
    I'm normally not one to jump in on a thread once its already 2 weeks in, but I just happened to see you for the first time and I rarely find a group that I fit into so well! I'm 5'11" and I think we all know that being tall has it's specific challenges!

    If it's too late I understand, but I'd love to have other tall strong ladies to relate to!

    My goal is to lose 10 pounds by April 24, my first half marathon!!! :drinker:

    :heart: Channing

    I don't think its ever too late!! We seem to have lost the starter of the thread, or at least she hasn't posted in a while & I took a few days off the message boards and came back. I think, the more the merrier.. its unusual to find a place where all of us tall girls belong. :]

    Woo hoo!:drinker:
    I need to be held accountable! Lately I've been having trouble with eating and drinking after dinner, so I'm really going to try to cut down on that.
    Right now I weigh 165 ( up 5 pounds from the holidays still) so I need to get back on track.
    I'm also training for my half so lots of running the next 11 weeks!
  • MegKacz
    Sadly, my scale didn't budge this week! Still down 2 pounds since the start of this thread though. I'm also training for a half marathon at the end of May! I ran one last June so this will be my second (hopefully I will do a full marathon in the near future).

    I got a 6 mile run in on Saturday with the nice weather ("nice" meaning 25 degrees and running through snowy sidewalks, haha), I was so excited!! But now we got dumped with a bunch of snow so it's back to the ol' treadmill. Ran 3 miles yesterday. I bought Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred workout DVD this weekend so I may be starting that tonight!
  • MegKacz
    Also, welcome to all of the newbies! Glad you've joined us :)
  • mrsbojangles
    I lost 3.5 lbs! = .79% I am sooo happy!
  • jenane
    jenane Posts: 25 Member
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member

    Hey Jenane! I remember you from the other Amazon thread we had going in June! I just found this one the other day as well, so good to see you again!
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    I lost 3.5 lbs! = .79% I am sooo happy!

    Wow!! Well done!!! :o))

    I had a sneaky peak at my scales today and they haven't budged since monday....boooooo
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I hate when that happens! But it encourages me to have a good day in hopes the next day will have a good number for me!
  • mlove1307

    Wow!! Well done!!! :o))

    I had a sneaky peak at my scales today and they haven't budged since monday....boooooo

    :] Sneaky peak.. that made me laugh! I had a sneaky peak at the scale this morning and gained!! AH!! Oh noes!! Hopefully its just from the salt.carbs.salt.sugar I ate too late last night. :yawn:
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Morning all!

    Well, I don't WHAT I'm doing wrong!! I had another sneaky peak :o)) and NOTHING!! Not a bean!

    mlove- I think so! Whenever I eat late it shows up on my scales! Hadn't thought about salt...maybe I'll blame it on that ;o)
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Morning Tall Friends!

    I had a sneaky peak too and I am up .8 lbs:frown: Could be from the Burger King I ate last night....:embarassed: :grumble: I did get to hop on the threadmill last night and bust out a quick 2.5 miles then did an ab workout. Felt good! I am going to eat well today and try and get another workout in tonight to make up for the bad eating I did last night!

    Hope everyone has a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I've been running pretty much every day, so burning some significant calories, but it is NOT showing up on the scale. Hoping that it will soon. Sometimes that is the way I lose weight anyway. Nothing... nothing... nothing... and the BAM 5 pounds!

    Well here's to hoping! :drinker:
  • beqy12
    beqy12 Posts: 569
    Good Morning ladies!! Thanks for all the welcome! I don't own a scale, but stayed at my friends house the other day and took that "sneaky peak!" haha! I was 149 that night, then 145 in the morning, then 148 in the evening again! Wooowzerrss! This is why I don't own one! I would go nuts! When do you all usually weigh?

    Is there a new challenge for this week? Still drinking lots of water!

    Good luck, stay strong! <3
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    This gallbladder surgery has really set me back from my goals. :( I was 181 on Feb 1st, and 191 Feb 3rd; the day after surgery. It's been a week and a half and I'm still not back down to 181, I'm at 184. It's very discouraging. I don't even know if I can blame it on the surgery any more! I haven't been eating terrible, and I'm walking as much as I can since I'm not supposed to do anything too strenuous for at least two weeks. :cry: I really thought I'd be out of the 180s by now. It looks like a lot of us aren't seeing the results we want!
  • mrsbojangles
    This gallbladder surgery has really set me back from my goals. :( I was 181 on Feb 1st, and 191 Feb 3rd; the day after surgery. It's been a week and a half and I'm still not back down to 181, I'm at 184. It's very discouraging. I don't even know if I can blame it on the surgery any more! I haven't been eating terrible, and I'm walking as much as I can since I'm not supposed to do anything too strenuous for at least two weeks. :cry: I really thought I'd be out of the 180s by now. It looks like a lot of us aren't seeing the results we want!

    Yes, you can absolutely still blame it on the surgery! Give it at least another week. Don't be discouraged! Your body needs its energy to heal now. You have to focus on that. The numbers will follow. :flowerforyou: