Amazing Amazons - Round 1



  • jentx
    jentx Posts: 244
    Think I am on glass 5!

    Do any of you ladies work out? I really need to get back in gear but it's always that first time I can't do?!!

    I do workout, quite a bit actually. I'm addicted to the classes at my gym, they are fun and push me really hard. Plus if I don't show up someone will say something lol
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    PedalHound - 8lbs
    GymRabbit -9lbs
    Gogo - 5lbs
    Mshay05- 9 lbs
    JStar - 5lbs
    Jentx - 10lbs
    Sparklepants- 11lbs
    Bossfan2 - 10lbs
    FormerJerseygirl - 9 lbs
    mbrownks77 - 20 lbs
    Rica03-10 lbs
    MrsBojangles - 10 lbs.
    mlove1307 - 7 lbs!!
    Derm94- 12 lbs.
    MegKacz- 11 lbs

    I just found this thread so I hope you don't mind if I join in! I'm 5'9" (LOVE the tall girls club!) and would like to lose about 11 pounds. I also like the water challenge, I've been trying to drink more water but have really been struggling (too much coffee!). I also work out quite a bit, just picked up running again. Hoping to run (another) half marathon in May :)
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Maybe I should have said that I am in the UK so it's 4pm here!! Hehe!

    :laugh: Ok - I feel better now.
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Think I am on glass 5!

    Do any of you ladies work out? I really need to get back in gear but it's always that first time I can't do?!!

    I do workout, quite a bit actually. I'm addicted to the classes at my gym, they are fun and push me really hard. Plus if I don't show up someone will say something lol

    Yeah I was thinking about classes. I guess I just get home from work and I can't face it!!! I really really must though!! What classes do you do?
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Tue 01/26/10 08:10 AMPedalHound - 8lbs
    GymRabbit -9lbs
    Gogo - 5lbs
    Mshay05- 9 lbs
    JStar - 5lbs
    Jentx - 10lbs
    Sparklepants- 11lbs
    Bossfan2 - 10lbs
    FormerJerseygirl - 9 lbs
    mbrownks77 - 20 lbs
    Rica03-10 lbs
    MrsBojangles - 10 lbs.
    mlove1307 - 7 lbs!!
    Derm94- 12 lbs.
    MegKacz- 11 lbs
    shannon_2003- 10lbs

    My icemaker is on the fritz so I'm not doing well with the water part. (I love ice water!) I might have fixed it though, but if not I'm running to the store to get ice so I can get more water in.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    It doesn't HAVE to be water, but anything with caffeine will act as a dieuretic and you'll LOSE more water, and other drinks like juice have so much sugar that you give yourself an insulin spike, mess with your blood sugar, and encourage fat storage. Finding a way to fall in love with water is one of the best things you can do :)

    I love working out. Sadly I've got a running injury right now so I've had to switch things up. I was planning on running a full marathon in October but I won't be able to run it now. I'm thinking of training to walk it though. We shall see :) I also LOOOOVE classes at the gym. I am a dancer so I love the advanced choreography step class. Also the weight training class and a bosu-boxing class that is great. I read Oxygen Magazine and really love the home workouts they offer because I have two small children (and we're homeschooling) so sometimes getting away feels like a big interruption in our day. Yesterday we went to the fitness exchange store and bought a set of 3lb weights and a set of 2lb weights because my kiddos always try to work out with me but 5lbs is the smallest I've got and it's too heavy for good form when they use them lol

    I'm on the Canadian West coast so I'm behind a lot of you guys :)
  • jentx
    jentx Posts: 244
    Think I am on glass 5!

    Do any of you ladies work out? I really need to get back in gear but it's always that first time I can't do?!!

    I do workout, quite a bit actually. I'm addicted to the classes at my gym, they are fun and push me really hard. Plus if I don't show up someone will say something lol

    Yeah I was thinking about classes. I guess I just get home from work and I can't face it!!! I really really must though!! What classes do you do?

    My favorites right now are zumba, turbo kickboxing, and spin. I also run occassionally if it's nice outdoors and I'm dating a guy who lifts weights with me because I have no clue what I'm doing there :smile:
  • jentx
    jentx Posts: 244

    I love working out. Sadly I've got a running injury right now so I've had to switch things up. I was planning on running a full marathon in October but I won't be able to run it now. I'm thinking of training to walk it though. We shall see :) I also LOOOOVE classes at the gym. I am a dancer so I love the advanced choreography step class. Also the weight training class and a bosu-boxing class that is great.

    I've been involved in dance my whole life, so yeah I'm with you, I love the classes with the tough choreography!!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: 8 Glasses down...workin on 10.
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    It's noon here in California and I'm still working on coffee..:drinker: :) oops. I'll get lots of water in later!! Hopefulllly eight glasses, but I can't guarantee it won't be unflavored! I know a lot of people begrudge it, but I love crystal light. :)

    I weighed in today and I am officially 102.8lbs down.. (4 point something loss for the week) from my original starting weight!! Oh yeahhhh!! But I'm dealing with the last 10lbs now. :frown: Don't know how this next week is going to go, but I did get in two different "work outs" yesterday. Went to Curves and danced away some calories and then went for a really long walk later on last night to settle my upset stomach. I hope everyone has had and is having a fabulous Tuesdayyy!!!
  • Rica03
    Rica03 Posts: 214 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies!
    I have to say I love water, other than 4 cups of coffee that I drink every morning the rest of the time I drink water. I usually drink 96-128 oz a day. I also work out a lot, I am in the middle or 3/4 of way through the program Insanity from Beachbody. I love the workouts, they push me like nothing has before. I am also a runner and a mtn biker.
    My biggest problem is eating. I quit smoking about 3 years ago and put on 15lbs, which I can not seem to get off. I feel as though I am never satisfied, especially since I can't go out and smoke after dinner so I stuff my face. It really doesn't matter with what either, just food. So....that is why I am here, need to drop this weight once and for all.
    I ran my first half marathon in November, now I am hooked. I know that if I lose this weight I will speed up my pace. I am going to try my hardest to do it this time!
    Thanks for listening!
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    So glad you got this going, I love the idea of a "Tall Girls Club"
    I'll jump in and give it a shot.

    Tue 01/26/10 08:10 AMPedalHound - 8lbs
    GymRabbit -9lbs
    Gogo - 5lbs
    Mshay05- 9 lbs
    JStar - 5lbs
    Jentx - 10lbs
    Sparklepants- 11lbs
    Bossfan2 - 10lbs
    FormerJerseygirl - 9 lbs
    mbrownks77 - 20 lbs
    Rica03-10 lbs
    MrsBojangles - 10 lbs.
    mlove1307 - 7 lbs!!
    Derm94- 12 lbs.
    MegKacz- 11 lbs
    shannon_2003- 10lbs
    jbuffan218 - 9lbs.

    Got all 10 waters in for the day !
  • mrsbojangles
    check in:

    water: 64 oz.

    (I'm still a little confused as to when we post our new weight - on Mondays? Do we calculate our own percentages of weight loss and post that too?)
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Man oh man :frown: Enough water today, yes. But LORDY, BREADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. No more Italian bakeries for me. Ouch... Extra clean eating day coming up tomorrow. And probably some grapefruit seed extract to cleanse out the surplus of microcreatures that will flourish in this grain-and-yeast-heavy environment I've created today!!! :sick:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    check in:

    water: 64 oz.

    (I'm still a little confused as to when we post our new weight - on Mondays? Do we calculate our own percentages of weight loss and post that too?)

    Yep, we'll check in on Monday with our progress. Whether people want to post actual weight or lbs lost is their choice. I know some people are uncomfortable sharing their actual numbers. As far as how much weight to aim to lose during the challenge, it has to be personal. Usually about 10% is fair, but for people who have a LOT to lose that may not be reasonable, and the same for people who are very close to their goals. So you can decide how much you want to lose in the 5 weeks and on Mondays post your progress :smile:
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Hi girls!

    I'm on glass 4, but I feel so dehydrated at the moment- we're having cold windy weather so it just dries my skin right out!! So must try and get more water and good fats!!!

    Definitely am going to get myself to a class! I'm just not overly confident right now so will get nervous!!

    PS, I too was a dancer!!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Morning ladies! (and Afternoon to some! :tongue: )

    I just poured glasses 1 & 2 :ohwell: but its FREEZING in here & I can't seem to force the cup to my lip. Maybe some coffee to start the day....
  • jentx
    jentx Posts: 244
    :flowerforyou: Morning all

    I got over 10 glasses yesterday, shooting for the same today!

    Tonight is my 2hr workout day and I honestly drink close to 6 glasses just there!!! :noway:
  • mrsbojangles
    Hi fellow tallees!!!

    check in:
    water: over 64 oz. :drinker: Yay!
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    How's everyone doing today?

    I'm so tired, I just want a big cake :o(

    Only on glass 3 of water too!!