

  • Je suis canadienne! mais... j'habite en ontario... do I still get to be part of the club? haha.
  • This, exactly. More than anything I just want to learn good form/posture and how to properly use different equipment. At the end of the day I want this to be a positive learning experience and to be confident enough to use all the tools in the gym.
  • It seems the general consensus appears to be to go for it! I think that I will try it out over the summer and re-evaluate my goals/how far I've progressed by the end of August and then decide if I want to make a longer commitment/see if I really connect with my trainer. Thank you for posting all your positive feedback! :)
  • Ahh, thank you both for your responses. As much as I think that personal training is a good idea, I'm just having a hard time biting the bullet (money wise) and spending it on myself, especially for being at this weight. I was considering holding off personal training until I was within 20-30 pounds of my goal, but maybe…
  • Go bananas with bananas! I like to throw them in shakes, oatmeal, top cereal with them or stick them in the freezer for a cool treat. Worst comes to worst, freeze them and use them next week in smoothies. Try this link if for some inspiration.
  • If you have a bit of extra cash to invest into a quality sports bra that will keep the girls safe, then I'd recommend the Lululemon Energy bra. Seriously. This thing is life changing. Also, if you're looking into exorcisms, might I recommend your local Priest?
  • Congrats on (almost) making it to ONEderland! Why not go for a great mani/pedi, I find some pretty great deals for local salons on Groupon, or even check out the prom specials since it's coming to be that time of the year again. If you're particularly tight on money, treat yourself to a relaxing spa day at home. Use…
  • Ah, I know this feeling all too well. Fortunately and unfortunately we cannot control the actions of other people, no matter how good the our intentions. The only person in control of anything in your life is you. The best thing you can do is politely saying "No thank you" when you have to, and smiling no matter…
  • I like to SUPPLEMENT my (somewhat okay) diet with a Multi-Vitamin, Fish Oil (x2) and a Calcium pill, just to fill in the gaps on days where I don't eat as well as I should.
  • ^ I definitely second the David's Tea. I only let myself drink tea (no sugar, no milk) or water when I'm working. I'm just about to start finals, so I feel your pain girl! I also like to make sure that when I have my snacks, I'm not studying. I find that I can eat a lot more when I'm reading/writing an essay than when I'm…
  • Thank you all for responding, and you're all very right - it's hard to help someone who does not want to help themselves, or does not think that they have a problem in the first place. I think the hardest part of this situation is that my roommate is also my friend, and I don't want to see her harm herself mentally and…
  • My roommate sounds oddly similar. She's a tiny little thing with a big heart and an even bigger sweet tooth. For me, pre-planning my meals/snacks often helps because then I know what I'm eating. I like to leave a little "wiggle" room in my daily calories in the evenings after dinner so that when the temptation to accept…
  • first year student here, studying economics & english at uni. feel free to add me!