What Vitamins do you take?



  • A prenatal that includes fish oil, MSM, Biotin, B Complex, and in the winter, Vitamin D. Seattle winter's ain't no joke!
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    The only one I take is B12

    Same here.
  • I like to SUPPLEMENT my (somewhat okay) diet with a Multi-Vitamin, Fish Oil (x2) and a Calcium pill, just to fill in the gaps on days where I don't eat as well as I should.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    None, just eat healthy, no meat, chicken, seafood or fresh water fish. Cook everything from scratch with as low sodium as possible.
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    One a day woman.....fish oil....osteo biflex with d
  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    I generally don't take vitamins and instead work to satisfy my nutritional needs through food. I will, on occasion, take an iron supplement when needed and my protein powder has some added vitamins and minerals, but I don't rely on it. The few studies I've read on the subject seem to indicate that vitamins aren't a great approach.

    Also, is your chiropractor suggesting vitamins that he/she sells? Just curious, but it's been my experience that it's best to avoid taking nutritional (or medical) advice from them.

    My chiropractor first sold me weekly visits....then physical therapy...then vitamins (an $80 bottle of B complex!)...and then tried to sell me protein shakes and aromatherapy products. Then I got smart and stopped going to that chiropractor!

    That being said, I take a cheap, Walmart prenatal vitamin (only because my doctor insists since I refuse to take birth control.)
  • emperatrix
    emperatrix Posts: 10 Member
    I take a daily Rainbow Light iron-free multi. Started about a year ago and have noticed a big change in my skin and hair, and energy levels. They have lots of options for different needs and are food-based. Cheapest place to find them is amazon, but most natural food stores have them.
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    I take a lot too. prenatal, vit d, c, omega fish oil, biotin & calcium
  • Vitafusion gummy
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    Ultra Mega Green Women's Active Multi.

    I also take:
    Fish Oil
    Vitamin C (LOTS of it)
    Calcium (citrate malate with d3, k2 and magnesium)
    L-Arginine, L-Ornithine and L-Lysine
    CLA or Safslim (switch it up)

    I know there are others that I try to remember to take, but these are my EVERYDAY supplements,

    I believe in Orthomolecular medicine.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    Check out Now Eve for women
  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148
    In general a liquid formulation is absorbed better than a capsule, a capsule absorbed better than a tablet. Because the body can only absorb and use so much at time, dividing your vitamin and taking a half in the morning and a half in the evening will give you the most bang for your buck. In general, you get what you pay for. I am a pharmacist, and at my store you can get one a days and centrums for dirt cheap...I personally hit the healthfood store and take a whole food multi. I take Alive! (the liquid version).
  • I take a multivitamin for women, b12, Glucosamine/chondroitin(twice a day formula), Vitamin C (work for Walmart as a cashier), and a Cranberry.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Multi vitamin, CLA, Biotin, and a thermogenic fat burner.