college students: how to deal with an unhealthy roommate?!



  • Freidon
    Freidon Posts: 169 Member
    I live with three other girls in a suite-type dorm. They're pretty balanced, half solid food, half junk food. I just make a barrier in my mind not to touch any of their food, even if they offer it to me. They leave oreos and various cookies in the living area for anyone to grab. While I could technically "just have one", I know that I would have to walk by it everyday and be tempted. So I choose to not eat any at all. Same goes for free campus food. I'm not tempted to eat any, because I've trained myself to the point that I didn't even consider it an option.

    I made the mistake of accepting leftover Valentine's day chocolate when a roommate and I were watching a movie a few weeks ago. Big mistake. I craved chocolate nonstop for a week. Went over my calories for the first time in months.

    Just don't allow yourself to eat their food, even if it's healthy stuff. The more you have the mentality of "it's not mine", even if it's being offered to you, the more capable you are of being in a triggering food environment and staying healthy.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    I live with a guy who's not so healthy. This is a great time to practice discipline and willpower. It will be tough, you're so young. You will have unhealthy foods around you forever.
    And sushi's not so bad... unless its gas station sushi :)

    At the gas station, I prefer to avoid the 20 weight oil and go straight for the 5 weight oil with my California rolls, just saying.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    Yeah I had that problem my sophomore year, but just say, it's hers, not yours, you cant invite yourself to take it, and if she's offering it she probably wants it for herself really.
    Eat protein rich meals and fiber so you don't get so hungry and crave the bad foods, but mostly, every once in a while, have something, no point in having everything always off limits
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    Im not in college but I do have a boyfriend who doesn't participate at all in my healthy lifestyle.

    I simply cook my own meals, and he eats pre packaged crap I buy from costco for him. I enjoy working out alone because I get time alone and when I get home hes always there to give me a hug and sometimes he helps me wash my sweaty body LOL

    Hes a super picky eater and wont touch anything with "healthy" things in it but im ok with it because it lets me be more experimental with my cooking without worrying about feeding him something that tastes god awful lol

    As for the unhealthy food in the room, I think you just need to be strong, I have a pantry full of crappy food always but I just tell myself how badly I want to be healthy and happy and Its not such a big deal. Oh and I always have an unhealthy snack at the same time every night which gives me something to look forward to

    this sounds kind of sad - you're working towards a long life of good health, and he's eating himself to death. (to be blunt, sorry but it's just how I read it) edit: and you support it. Maybe stop making the crap so convenient? His tastes will improve and he will have better energy, temper, libido, everything! ;)

    Yeah its fine, everything you said is true.. He doesn't have a weight problem, I didn't mean we eat separately all the time just when he can't modify what I'm cooking he'll have something easy and pre packaged. We do very rarely eat the same thing though. for example if we have taco mince I'll have a salad and he will make a burrito. I think the prepackaged stuff he eats is disgusting and don't really have any trouble staying away from it

    aah that's good it doesn't tempt you. Weight isn't the only problem though, those prepackaged things have so much bad stuff in them :( high sugar, high salt, preservatives... and the meats are the worst parts of the animal! I used to love pizza and stuff so much too, and even had the option to have it tonight (on holiday), but instead went and cooked salmon and veggies because I couldn't stomach the thought. Luckily my bf is very healthy and is the one trying to help me stay away from the chocolate box, as well as being my guinea pig for quinoa inspired dishes. That, and the fact that until recently I would eat more than him (cutting cals helped a lot).

    I guess you can try make small changes in the short term, big overhauls are never taken on happily by the other party, but small changes here and there can make a difference I think :) for example my bf's rice bowl has slowly become bigger each morning (trying to fatten him up!) hehe!
  • My roommate sounds oddly similar. She's a tiny little thing with a big heart and an even bigger sweet tooth. For me, pre-planning my meals/snacks often helps because then I know what I'm eating. I like to leave a little "wiggle" room in my daily calories in the evenings after dinner so that when the temptation to accept her offer of candy or cookies arises, I can choose to indulge (a little!) when I really really want it.

    The other thing that really helps me is having healthy snacks within arms reach to make the temptation to say yes a little less... well tempting. On Sundays I like to cut up a massive amount of veggies and put them in little baggies or tupperware so when we're watching a movie in the evenings and she's munching on chips, I can have my own snack too. I like to do the same thing with nuts (small, pre-portioned baggies) and keep fruits around that have minimal prep work.

    The best thing I do for myself mentally, is tell myself to wait an hour, and if I still REALLY want what she's having, I'll give in and have a (small) portion. Often I find waiting and distracting myself with another activity, or just thinking about something else for a longer period of time will often take my attention away from whatever she's having and the temptation subsides.

    Living with people who don't eat the same way you do can be difficult, but ultimately it's all up to you. Give in every now and then (to be social, and for your own sanity), but stay strong for what you really want!
  • bethanykf
    bethanykf Posts: 68
    My husband isn't the healthiest eater - we always have junk in the house. What works for me is having a plan for what I am going to eat - for dinner at the very least. I plan around that and if there's something that I really want I add it to my tracker and plan the rest of the day around the calories that I have left over so I can indulge a little in the evening.