

  • Day 3 - Wednesday Rest day on all accounts! Day 4 - thursday Calories yes i think ive stayed within Water- No but i will have by this evening Exercise yes - 30 Minutes Strength - yes the whole lot Slendertone - Not sure yet will post about tomrrow! Kat if you get on b4 yu go - Have a great time! im so jelous! Breakfast…
  • WOW Breastfeeding byrns calories!!! :noway: I am genuinley shocked. Kat, your doing so well! Are you going for a week or two? I cant remeber :grumble: Apologies to all for my bad typing! I didnt realise in my last post. Bacon And Cheese buttie for mid moring snack today! whoops! but it was only small! :laugh: __x
  • Oh Helen! 3am you wer on here! Damn this sift work! I Had A bigg bowl of Bran Fales for brekkie with Blueberries and Strawberries with my Lemon Tea! Mmmm Yummy! Well Done Amy :wink: I bet you feel great! Yeah Shoppie post an Updated pic! Of you and Bubba :happy: Bet hes massive now :tongue: Im aching today! I was yesterday…
  • Katherine i do like the new pic - you look faboulous. Wheres that dress frm! im going to post a new pic at the end of this week :) Hoping for some good results. Mmm Haribo milk bottles - My favourite! i hope you have a nice holiday - Are you all packed and ready?? how is everyone else today? __x
  • Yes i did the 1660 I drank my water I did 30 minutes of exercise but doing some of those exercises for 3 minutes at a time is hard! I did all my strength work, plus 20 lunges on each leg and 1 30 second plank. i didnt slendertone cus my bum was hurtong from Sunday! Back on for today Day 2 Stick to my exercise cals Drink 5…
  • Shoppie, Just for advice this week just put 1 running session in and 1 very fast walking. try and walk double the distance you run. Maybe next week run twice. You will shock your muscles if you havent ran before and may not be able to do much else for the rest of the week if thats the case. Im sure youll do fine :happy: _x
  • Rikki's 6 Week Challenge.:bigsmile: Day 1 Stay within 1660 Calories Drink 4 large glasses of water 30 Minutes of exercise (broken down into a series of 4. Running, Knees up'ing, running kicking bum'ing and sprinting) 3 Minutes on each or when the song changed on your ipod Strength Work - 1. Dumbells up and over head into V…
  • Helen, thanks for the support. I know its just for me, but i do soo noo where he is coming from. I have dropped 2 bra sizes (Cups) and 1 size around since i have been loosing weight and my mum says my face looks to thin. i dont have much to loose (nothing really, but i wasnt satisfied) so i guess if i see definition ill be…
  • Ladies, Sorry I fell of the radar last week. Had a little problem with the boyfriend. He was telling me that I don’t need to loose any more weight and that I look fine, but not in a complementary way More like a shouting at me way! So I promised that I would just maintain and up my calories. I haven’t counted at all last…
  • Bump :smile: Sorry that this isn a really old post - But its the 1st one i ve come to. Ive seen a lot of talk on the F6 and i have one. However a month or so ago. its started just constantly beeping. Not intermitantly, but a constant Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Not sure whats wrong with it, but the screen went…
  • Hi all :happy: Sily me not posting to the right week -Sorry. The Blonde hair gets the better of me sometimes. Cin, Good luck! I really hope you do well. Wen will you get the results? Lorro thanks for the info - Wow that sort of work must really give some sense of achievement. Unlike Accountantcy :grumble: Ok KT so my week…
  • Hi all I feel like iv fell off the end of the world this weekend, you’ve all been talking so much! I’ve missed so much. Lorro - I actually used Semi Skimmed so I guess I could of lowered the Calories with Skimmed. I love Quorn mince, much nicer than meat. Im not veggie, but I do prefer it. Has any one tried the Fake Steak…
  • Morning - Ive had 1/3 Tub of Cottage Cheese with Pinaple and Blueberries. 2 Original Ryvitas 1 Laughig Cow Extra Lght Triangle Cup of Nettle & Sweet Fennel Tea Have a good Day :happy: __x
  • Im a little late now but Veggie Omlette Yummy salad Pasta with veggies and sauce Ive had SUCH a bad day today. Think This running has cleaned my energy totally this week because ive gone over by 800 Calories today, and i knew that i was (Part of it being 3 Chocolate bars) but i just cudnt stop. I needed the carbs so badly.…
  • Afternnon. I had 2 Kallo rice cakes with a slither of Philedelphia extra light cheese - A cup of Lemon Detox tea and a bad! mid morning snack of a wispa bar!! Whoopss! Tagging - so i can steal all your ideas ... Mwaahahahaha Rikki __x
  • Hi Lorro - Im one for just sticking everything all in together. But i used Quorn Mince Red Onion Mushroom Tin of chopped tomotoes Small glass of red wine Passatta Lots of garlic I made my own cheese sauce with Ricotta, 400ml milk and 3 tablespooons plain flour And wholewheat lasagne sheets I did work out the calories on my…
  • Im not one for makng my own ( Nt that i know how) But Ainsley Harriet Roasted vegatable Cous COus is amazing! Just as water - Mmmmm __x
  • Hi all, Sorry i didnt post to my own question yesterday! I did my run of ......... Wait for it....... 6 MILES! And OMG i was half dead and couldnt manage to pull myself on to the PC. i am so very pleased, that right now im on target. Another mile extra by the end of the week i hope! I weighed in yesterday and was pleased…
  • Hi Lorro - Sorry didnt see you there :tongue And welcome Caroline :tongue: What has everyone had for tea? __x
  • Thanks everyone for the hello's Im really good thanks katherine - Gave up for a little while on the dieting front, but i have re-gained by motivation with having the local towns Half Marathon coming up. Ive signed up and am working so hard to up the amount of miles i run each week, that i think i actually may be able to do…
  • Hey I just noticed that on my old account i have added you katherine :smile: Thought i recognised your face. its raining here and work has the air con on high! Its Freezing! How have you been getting on? __x
  • Hi All, I know im 3 weeks late, but would it be ok for me to join in frm today :) Im guessin Team UK - Is for us that live in the UK? Thanks Rikki :smile: