Team UK: Week 3



  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    MFP set me at 1200 calories a day if I want to lose 2lbs a week. If I want to lose 1lb a week it goes up to a whopping 1220 maybe it doesn't make a big difference after all! My calorie allowance only changes dramatically when I change my activity level. As a student I would say I'm sedentary. If I was 'lightly active' it would go up to 1360 calories!
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i would try going to around 1350 - 1400 and see how that goes for you?
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Cute pic Katie :happy:

    Cinnamon are you still exercising? If so, do you eat more calories on the days you exercise? If your net calories (eaten minus exercise) is more than 1000 below your BMR then your metabolism may slow and make weigh loss more difficult.

    Here's a post about it:

    It's not gospel by any means but a lot of people here recommend eating some (a third to a half) or all of your exercise calories and many have had good success with it. Even if you don't do it regularly, changing the amount of calories you eat and then dropping them again seems to help sometimes. On the other hand, you're having good success now and I think those last few pounds are going to be difficult whatever method you choose.
  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    Hi all

    I feel like iv fell off the end of the world this weekend, you’ve all been talking so much! I’ve missed so much.

    Lorro - I actually used Semi Skimmed so I guess I could of lowered the Calories with Skimmed. I love Quorn mince, much nicer than meat. Im not veggie, but I do prefer it. Has any one tried the Fake Steak Slices?

    International Development – Where can you go from there? (Trying not to sound critical, just I have no idea what it is) Im pretty useless with words to – so if I sound as if im being mean in anyway, its not malicious, Im just not very good at making the nice things I want to say.. err.. sound nice.

    Welcome JoJo, I hope you enjoy being here. It really is great. Where abouts are you from?

    Where’s Katherine gone?? Haven’t seen her about for a few days.

    Llandudno was nice – I have a confession though. We didn’t walk up – or down the Orme we took the tram. I didn’t over indulge though once I was at the bottom, just had a steak and onion bagette. I did have a few sweeties on the Pier but nothing terrible – Like all you women drinking the world supply of Wine.

    Me and the Boyfriend went up to Buxton Moors in Staffordshire on Sunday (We had great weather), I don’t know if any one knows if, but it has the most beautiful views I have ever seen. Really was great.

    Speaking of boyfriends who eat more than we do, mine is terrible! I have to make 3 times as much for him as I do me or anyone else for that matter! I need some recipes for food that I can eat but will actually fill him up to. I use Quorn to for my spag bol, with tinned tomatoes and passatta, mushrooms and onion and wholewheat spaghetti.
    It is soo good – But BF likes garlic. I can handle maybe 3 cloves but he used the whole bulb! What’s wrong with him!??!

    Anyway- What’s everyone got planned to eat today? Are we initiating a new challenge?

    Have a nice day __x
  • JoJoDavio
    JoJoDavio Posts: 8
    Hi Ricki,

    It sounds like you have both had a fantastic weekend and im impressed that you stayed really motivated.

    "I need some recipes for food that I can eat but will actually fill him up to."

    I made a big batch of veg soup and froze batches of it as i got bored eating it - however it comes in handy when we have had a bad day as it can fill up without using many calories.

    im also a quorn convert, love it and it tastes twice as nice if you defrost it in the microwave with some worcestor sauce/tobasco etc before cooking it. My other favourite is stir fry's how easy are they and you can make them even more healthy by using less chicken/beef.

    There is a good programme that i have joined in with called 200 squat challenge, its really good how quickly your strength can improve.

    Jo :happy:
    Leigh, Lancashire
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hello all, I am back, my visitors have left for their tour of Europe and my son is still in Germany (I really miss him) back on track now, the only thing I had that was super naughty was the morrisons blueberry muffin... I have no idea how many calories they are but I had 1 yesterday and 1 the day before.. I have logged them as 500 cal each because they were so fluffy and sweet (and mouthwatering good) oops I think I got carried away their, please do not drool on keyboard, they don't like moisture :laugh:
    On a good note, I did manage to do a 45 min. workout when they were here so I shouldn't feel too guilty.

    I am on early shift today so tonight I will be going to the gym, I have put some new songs on my iPod, this time I am pumping my level up to some old dance tracks (early 90's) and perhaps some faithless. I have found some podcasts on the iTunes website that look pretty interesting, I might download them tonight when I have a free moment.

    I am having stirfry veg with rice noodles tonight. I start with the ginger and garlic in a bit of oil, add chicken or prawns then the veg with a drop of soy sauce (get the low salt one) and last the rice noodles. :tongue:

    I like to freeze my soups too, I have made a big batch of sweet potato, ginger and butternut squash but didn't freeze much this time because my visitors had a couple of bowls :smile: going to have some for lunch today.

    My calories this week (incl. with visitors stay) has been between 1250 and 1350 cal. :drinker: 8 glasses of water a day, no alcohol and one cup of coffee this week. and plenty of white/herbal tea :drinker:

    Hope you are all on track, good luck with the challenge :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Well that's that plan out of the window! :grumble: I finished work and went to toilet to find my period started a week earlier than planned and then I couldn't be bothered with stir fry so had chicken, broccoli and some new potatoes instead. I don't fancy going to the gym at this moment in time and am kicking myself to try and get some motivation, I feel so angry with myself, I am letting me down again :grumble: I fancy eating chocolate and all kinds of filthy foods HELP!!!!!!!:cry:

    P.S I have added everything up and have reached 901 calories for today... could I indulge? should I? I don't know what to do :frown:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Eat something filling and healthy, Helen and post on week 4 thread!!! :laugh: :flowerforyou: :laugh:

    JoJo too!

    I'll repost your stuff there when I get a mo later :wink:
  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    Eat something filling and healthy, Helen and post on week 4 thread!!! :laugh: :flowerforyou: :laugh:

    JoJo too!

    I'll repost your stuff there when I get a mo later :wink:

    What she said! Just tell yourself it's all in your head Helen! Did you crave the chocolate before you realised you had your period? ...or if you did and you have bad PMS I'll just back away slowly....
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Eat something filling and healthy, Helen and post on week 4 thread!!! :laugh: :flowerforyou: :laugh:

    JoJo too!

    I'll repost your stuff there when I get a mo later :wink:

    What she said! Just tell yourself it's all in your head Helen! Did you crave the chocolate before you realised you had your period? ...or if you did and you have bad PMS I'll just back away slowly....

    Too Late! :laugh:

    Check it out:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    definitely a bad period, am feeling really bad, I have binged on chocolate but tomorrow is another day, chocolate is all gone, I have no filthy foods in my house now and am going to the gym for a proper work out too.:bigsmile:
  • JoJoDavio
    JoJoDavio Posts: 8
    Hi Helen, Bad weekend for me,

    :explode: went camping and we only use BBQ to cook food, its really hard to join in without looking like your on a diet... looks like we are going again in a fortnight so will have to prepare and take chicken fillets instead of burgers and sausages... :explode:

    I am back at the gym again tomorrow morning, hope you managed to get to the gym to as you always feel better after a work out, and less likely to eat rubbish.

    - am also scared to get weighed as im afraid that the last 4 days binging will have spoiled all the hard work i have done the last 2 weeks!!

    Good Luck, and positive thoughts to spur me on... :flowerforyou:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    just to let you know where on week 5 now with the challenges :p
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    jojo, we all have our dips, I had mine around my period, I am expecting another one soon but now I know my weakness' I can take them head on :wink:

    I don't know if you like fish but if you get some tin foil, slices of lemon, put fish on top then put it on bbq, you get your low cal dinner :) you can also do veggies like that too... no excuses :bigsmile: :laugh:

    Ditch the scales, measure yourself instead. Scales are depressing because your weight goes up and down anyway (the joys of womanhood lol)

    So good luck with the camping and be strong, you can do it! remember to drink plenty and get some exercise in. Let me know how you get along :smile:

  • JoJoDavio
    JoJoDavio Posts: 8
    :flowerforyou: Cheers Helen, going away this weekend and will try these ideas out, going to cook some chicken fillets on the BBQ too. Just hope that the weather stays good for us !!
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hey Jojo, try logging in here once a week to look at the challenges and see what others are doing, it might be a bit of a motivation for you :smile:

    We are currently here:

    chicken fillets are a great source of protein and very lean too so give yourself an extra serving :wink: don't forget the salads/fruits and plenty of water :drinker:

    fingers crossed that the weather stays nice for you :glasses: Have fun :flowerforyou: