Team UK: Week 3

hi again

since i had a nutrition and a fitness challenge suggestion i thought i would put them both for this week. (and because they were better than what i had in mind :embarassed: )

Fitness challenge: this week do 3 x12 squats, 3x12 lunges, and as many planks as you can do a day, at least 3 x a week (planks are more effective on the abs than crunches)

Nutrition: stick to you calorie intake each day, but make sure you are getting at least 1200!

So, there we have it, this weeks challenges.
Have fun with them!



  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    Hi All,

    I know im 3 weeks late, but would it be ok for me to join in frm today :)
    Im guessin Team UK - Is for us that live in the UK?


    Rikki :smile:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    hi, of course you can join!
    and yes, we're all from the UK in this group

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning... Whoooaaahh How windy is it out today..??:laugh:

    Sorry i fell off the thread last week.. hope everyone is ok? :flowerforyou:

    Nice weekends?

    Kathereine x
  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22

    I just noticed that on my old account i have added you katherine :smile:
    Thought i recognised your face.

    its raining here and work has the air con on high! Its Freezing!

    How have you been getting on?

  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi guys,

    This may sound a bit stupid, but what is a plank?

    I've already done 20 minutes on my exercise bike which burnt 700 calories, but I had curly fries for lunch and pizza for tea so I need to go back on!

    I think about 10 minutes should do then I can do some stretching since I've not really done any since I joined. I will do that while watching Britain's Next Top Model, although it's not as good as the American one!

    Amy x
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    not a stupid question at all

    to do a plank:
    lie on your front, forarms infront of you, toes pointing to the ground. you lift your hips, chest and thighs off the floor keeping your back straight and holding that position for as long as possible (i can JUST manage 10sec at the mo)
    hope that helps
  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    Morning all!

    Oh my, lifting my chest off the ground might be a challenge :laugh: Challenge sounds good though, I'll start today.

    I had my weigh in yesterday and I'm 141lbs which means I'm officially a HEALTHY weight woop woop woop! I celebrated by spending £40 on Benefit make up, to add to my healthy glow :wink:

    Starting revision today for my last exam (it's in a week) and then I'm done with uni forever!! So weird but also good :happy: I hope I can keep the weight off for graduation day!

    Have a good day everyone! x
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Oh my, lifting my chest off the ground might be a challenge :laugh:

    Ditto!!! :laugh: :noway: :laugh:

    WELL DONE on being a healthy weight, cinnamon :bigsmile:

    Great challenge Katie, Cheers :smile: . I'll alternate those exercises with the dance aerobics, hopefuly make it 7 days of excercise this week.

    Welcome Rikki :flowerforyou: Have a great week everyone (don't get blown away Katherine!) :drinker:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    I just noticed that on my old account i have added you katherine :smile:
    Thought i recognised your face.

    its raining here and work has the air con on high! Its Freezing!

    How have you been getting on?


    Hey Rikki!!!

    Wow long time no speak!!! How are you doing?
    yeah getting on well... Havnt been loosing much, not that i really need to tbh.. BUT im maintaining which is the main thing for me... really pushing it this next 2 weeks as im going to Ayia Napa on the 5th June!! Cant wait! Sun, Sea, Sand and BOYS! Ha ha!

    How have you been doing?

    Katherine x x :flowerforyou:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Welcome Rikki :flowerforyou: Have a great week everyone (don't get blown away Katherine!) :drinker:

    Ha ha ha!! ill try not too! another windy day in Farnham again!!

    Not venturing out at all!!!

    :heart: Katherine
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i was bad yesterday :embarassed: i ate way over my calories, but am trying to get back on track today and will be doing my workout tonight
    it really hasnt helped that i've just found somewhere that sells salt and vinegar pom-bears ^.^

    well done cinnemon! wish i had your willpower and motivation lol
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    Salt and vinigar Pom Bears!! AMAZING!!! :happy:

    You will do great today!! i have days of falling off the waggon, but i pick my feet up and say hey its a new day today.. i will great straight back on track!!

    Hope your having a good day

  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    just looked at the nutritional information of the pom bears and they're actualy really good!
    94cal per bag! ok fat not so good 5.2g with 1.5 being sat fats and 0.61g salt
    and i got a HUGE tub of strawberries for £1, healthy snack for me lol
  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    Thanks everyone for the hello's

    Im really good thanks katherine - Gave up for a little while on the dieting front, but i have re-gained by motivation with having the local towns Half Marathon coming up. Ive signed up and am working so hard to up the amount of miles i run each week, that i think i actually may be able to do it!

    Wow that sounds great! Me and my boyfriend are going to Sharm in Egypt in July, and its my first holiday abroad so im really looking forward to that!

    Katie, as Katherine said, todays a new day. I went over yesterday. I think its time of the month due or something because i ate a Snickers then 5 minutes after i ate a Kit Kat Chunky! I managed to work it off last night on my run, but it was not good! (Tasted good though :laugh: )
    But just get back on it today - I do like the idea of those pom bears though!!

    Ive been eating the sweet chilli ryveita snack things. Theyre like a healthy crisp (Or i think so anyway).
    Has any one tryed them yet?

    Have a great day everyone :)

  • catouls
    catouls Posts: 1
    Hello, I'm Caroline. I am going to try to follow Katy's advice from now on. I have 3 stone to lose. Today is day 1.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hi Caroline :smile: Where are you from?
    just looked at the nutritional information of the pom bears and they're actualy really good!
    94cal per bag! ok fat not so good 5.2g with 1.5 being sat fats and 0.61g salt
    and i got a HUGE tub of strawberries for £1, healthy snack for me lol

    Katie try Quavers: 87 cals, 4.9g fat but only 0.4g saturated fat. I'm addicted
  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    Hi Lorro - Sorry didnt see you there :tongue

    And welcome Caroline :tongue:

    What has everyone had for tea?

  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I tried doing those planks last night - jeezo! My flatmate came in while I was doing them and couldn't understand why they were hard to do, so I made him do it and he was definitely struggling!

    I had garlic and ginger chicken and rice, with some carrots and cucumber for dinner. Not very adventurous but nice and quick.

    Reading these posts makes me want some pom bears though, they're my favourite crisps!

    Amy x
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hi Rikki :smile:

    I had a wholewheat tortilla wrap with chicken fajita, beetroot salad, spring onion, salsa, mushrooms and a touch of half fat fromage frais - comes in at just under 400 cals :tongue:
  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    Hey guys,

    Welcome newbies! Mmmm quavers!! Love them Lorro, not quite as much as I love kettle chips with dip but they're death in a bag.

    I had dinner at lunch time, I heard it's better to fuel you for the day? I had mashed potato, green beans and cod. Was yum and now I'm having some ryvitas and cottage cheese. Oh the exciting life I lead!! :laugh:

    Where's Helen gone?!