Team UK: Week 3



  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    6 Miles! Rikki I'm impressed! Is there such a thing as low cal lasagne? I NEED the recipe! :laugh:

    Hi Lorro - Im one for just sticking everything all in together. But i used
    Quorn Mince
    Red Onion
    Tin of chopped tomotoes
    Small glass of red wine
    Lots of garlic

    I made my own cheese sauce with Ricotta, 400ml milk and 3 tablespooons plain flour

    And wholewheat lasagne sheets

    I did work out the calories on my own, becuase i defered form the recipe but i think im about right with 350.

    I hope everyoneis ok :happy:
    Im running again tonight - Hoping for 7 miles but ill be glad for Saturaday when i can have a day off.
    Im heading down to LLandudno for the day to climb the Orme so im looking forward to that. Dont know how ill manage to stay lookin beautiful though when im sweating at the top of a hill! :wink:
    Whats everyoen else doing this weekend?

    Ahhhh Thursday, just 1 more day at work till a long weekend :love:

  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    Hey everyone,

    Good luck on your climb Rikki, hope you manage to keep up the glamour at that height! This weekend I'm working and revising for my final exam :sad: I can't WAIT until Tuesday and I'll finally be done with uni! This week won't be good for weight loss, as soon as I get stressed any sense goes out the window. I'm hoping it won't be TOO bad, I want to see the 130s next week and I've got a wedding the week after that so I want to look good.

    Glad you wee one is feeling better Loro! It's so hard not to drink, especially when everyone around me is having celebratory drinks because their exams are finished!! I LOVE white wine but when I drink I get hungry for crisps and other bad things so I think I'll stay away for a little bit.

    I was exactly the same Katie, I refused to go swimming with my friend because I was so scared I'd look like a blimp but she forced me to go. When I got here I discovered lots of 70 year old ladies wandering round the changing rooms in the nuddy :embarassed: THAT made me feel a lot less self conscious! And now I have the confidence to go by myself, I'm not scared that the life guard will chuck me out for being a fatty in a gym! If you get the motivation and courage to do it the first time you won't regret it.

    Anyone got any quick and easy dinner ideas? Preferably cheap and healthy as well please :happy:
  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    Im a little late now but

    Veggie Omlette
    Yummy salad
    Pasta with veggies and sauce

    Ive had SUCH a bad day today. Think This running has cleaned my energy totally this week because ive gone over by 800 Calories today, and i knew that i was (Part of it being 3 Chocolate bars) but i just cudnt stop. I needed the carbs so badly. Ive rested tonight though,i really couldnt go but im back on tomrrow. Im hoping that ill feel refreshed!

    Cinnamon, Ive just got threw my exams or at least the furst ones. Iv another 1 in June, but i know how you feel.
    What are you studying?Is it a Foundation Degree or a masters?

    Katie, Remember, its you who will look back on those poeple who may look at you funny and think look at me now. Im not sure if this is any inspiration, but my mum (who will be joining us soon) was 13 Stone (I know us UK'ers work better in stones) and she still draggs her bum out to run with me. We went past a group of kids the other day about 13ish, anf they were all making sick noises. Bless mum, she must have felt bloody awful, but she kept her head high and kept going. get oyur spirits high and just go for it - Youll feel amazing once you have. Promise :happy:

    Right, the Bf wants to watch 24 so ill off to bed :happy:
    Night all

    __x Rikki
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Oh dear guys, I was very bad last night. I was so knackered after work then walking around for ages with my boyfriend taking pictures of buildings, that we ordered an Indian takeaway and I ate all of my own curry and rice then all of the naan bread. The naan bread is pretty much the daily allowance!

    I've cut way way down on Indian takeaways though so I figured it's least that's what I'm telling myself!

    On a better note, my pilates-for-dummies workout dvd came today! Has anyone ever done pilates before?

    Amy x
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Amy, when I gave birth to my youngest I stopped ordering Indian takeaway for a few weeks and they sent a waiter round to the house to find out what the matter was :laugh: But those days are gone - the nearest I come to it is one of Tescos low fat varieties and no Naan. sigh. Never done pilates but have heard good stuff.

    Thanks for the lasagne recipe Nikki, I'll try that when my dissertation is in and I have time to cook. Do you use skimmed milk? Good luck with looking glam on Orme - mission impossible I bet, even for you, but the climb sound like fun as long as the weather is good (fingers crossed for you :happy: ). Your Mum sounds much nicer than me, I'd have been over there giving them what for :grumble:

    Cinnamon how about veggie sausages in wholemeal rolls with lots of roast veg and salsa? I made it about 390. I will also be hitting the books - no end for me until 30 June :frown: Going to party for a month once it's done :bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend everyone :drinker: (sans alcohol for cinnamon)
  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    Hey all,

    Thanks for the ideas Rikki, I had a mushroom and low fat cheese omelette with weight watchers chips and a salad tonight! I wasn't too bad while on campus today, I had a wholemeal pitta filled with roasted veggies (I shared it with my mate, can you tell we're stingy students?!). I'm doing a BA in International Development with Spanish, it's my final exams so I'm a wee bit stressed :( Hope you got over your carb feast! I can't believe those kids did that!! Your poor Mum :(

    I have a confession to make too. I'm sitting in front of a half drunken bottle of white wine, squinting at it thinking "I'm going to drink the rest of you". I blame you Lorro! It started off with a packet of starburst and it all quickly descended from there.

    Hope you guys are resisting temptation better than I am!!

    :drinker: < that's me with the wine, one glass wasn't good enough.
  • Cinnamon_Kisses

    Have a great weekend everyone :drinker: (sans alcohol for cinnamon)

    Spoke too soon!!
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    HA! It's the slippery slope cinnamon. Starts with a starburst but WHERE WILL IT END!!?? :laugh:

    I should be telling you to resist, but as I can tell it's a goner I say Cheers! :drinker: :drinker:

    My fave: Champers but as I can't justify the spend usually 2nd best is ice cold Sauvignon Blanc.

    OMG it's contagious :noway: Cinnamon you bad girl!
  • Cinnamon_Kisses
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Lol. Yup it really does look that blurry if you drink too much of it!
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hello all, hope you are all following your plan, drinking that water (not that wine lol) and getting plenty of exercise. :wink:

    I have hit a plateau with my weight but I reckon with going to the gym every day I am just building more muscle... my trainer said to ditch the scales for a few months, not weigh in at all because I would just get discouraged to see it fluctuate... thanks to lorro I have my food sorted too :flowerforyou:

    Now time for a bit of a treat, a bag of quavers and a glass of blueberry juice :tongue: thats my temptation for a day :laugh:

    Have a great weekend folks :flowerforyou:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hi girls, did you miss me?? :laugh:

    Just home from my hols, went rather off wagon but seem to have managed to maintain which is rather miraculous!! :laugh: Need to try and get back on the wagon but struggling a bit with DH home, so think I may start again properly on Tues :embarassed:
  • JoJoDavio
    JoJoDavio Posts: 8
    Hi, my name is Jo and I am new to MyFitnessPal, i'm so glad there is people registered on the site from the UK, was worried it was all about America !! I have done a full week and had some days that were better than others. I have found it useful knowing how many actual calories are in the foods i eat rather than me guessing them at a much lower figure. No wonder i wasn't losing any weight !!

    Good luck to everyone ! :flowerforyou:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hi Jo :smile: Welcome to MFP and Team UK! It's a great place and most of the locals are really friendly. I found the calorie counting the most useful thing too, as well as the exercise log. Good luck with your goals :flowerforyou:

    Shoppie, of course we missed you! :happy: How was the hol? It's great you didn't gain. I am going away in July and we are going half board (buffet style). Could be tricky! I may have to swim A LOT!

    Helen, I'll join you for quavers and :drinker: (not saying what's in ze glass :wink: ). Speaking of which, Cinnamon, how you doing today? :bigsmile: and not :sick: I hope! :happy:
  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    Hello all,

    I've resurfaced from my shameful wine escapades and am on the water :sad: Glad you're making progress Helen! I'm throwing the scales away as well for the time being, my time of the month and I don't want to see the effects on my weight!!

    Welcome back Shoppie, how was your holiday? Can't believe you got away with just maintaining, that's awesome. Where are you off to on your holiday's Lorro?

    I'm having Skips as my treat, 94 calories and 5.3g of fat! I've also bought these Harvest Chewee bars that are under 100 calories as well.

    When I got into work today, my co worker squinted at me and said "Have you lost weight??" I wasn't even gracious about it...I was like "YESSSSSS NEARLY A WHOLE STONE!!!!" It was brilliant :happy:

    Hope the weather is as nice where you are as it is here :drinker: I'm celebrating by being in work, sandwiched in between a nice bit 'o revision...roll on Tuesday! :flowerforyou:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    @ Jo, Welcome the MFP and to Team UK!!!:flowerforyou:

    @Shoppie, hope you had a good hol, and well done for maintaining! :drinker:

    @ Helen, wow lucky you! blueberry juice is gorgeous!!

    @ Cinnemon, mmmm harvest chewy bars, they are yummy, although i do remembee them when they where just plain harvest bars :p they where a lot bigger then :grumble: the white choc ones are best

    (right thats me caught up with the convo now)

    Ive been really bad this weekend, :embarassed: my BF is down visiting again so ive had 3 takeaways in two days >.< im cooking for us tonight so thats a bit better.

    ive worked out though that its 17weeks till my 21st b-day and i have 25lbs to lose, so i need to lose at least 1.5lbs a week starting next week. :angry: <---determined face

    Has anyone else read the thread in the general weight loss area about exercising in the morning? i think im going to try that out, as remembering back to january, i lost the most weight when i was exercising in the morning, so will be trying that out next week.
  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    Yeah I read that too, I think it kick starts your metabolism or something like that. Plus I guess your less likely to put off doing any exercise if you get it out of the way first thing. You can do it!! :angry: <--- my 'do it or else' face. What are you cooking for dinner tonight? I made my bf a healthier version of spag bol last night. I used Quorn mince (ridiculously low in calories and fat and I couldn't tell the difference), wholewheat spaghetti and low fat cheese on top. He had 2 portions! He's putting on weight now I'm on a diet, he claims he has to make up for my eating :noway:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    ha ha, thats what i need! someone to bully me into working out :tongue:

    Im making spag bol too lol, but using extra lean mince, chopped tomatoes, and organic spaghetti (he can have cheese if he wants, i wont), my bf always eats tons! and hes as skinny as anything :grumble:
  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    ha ha, thats what i need! someone to bully me into working out :tongue:

    Im making spag bol too lol, but using extra lean mince, chopped tomatoes, and organic spaghetti (he can have cheese if he wants, i wont), my bf always eats tons! and hes as skinny as anything :grumble:

    Mine too, it's not fair! He eats so much more than me :cry:

    I've just been reading some articles about weight loss and I'm thinking of increasing my calories. I'm in a healthy weight range now so I reckon I should decrease my weight loss goals per week so when it gets closer to my goal I can drop down to 1200 calories because I know it's harder to lose weight then. Any thoughts?
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    I've just been reading some articles about weight loss and I'm thinking of increasing my calories. I'm in a healthy weight range now so I reckon I should decrease my weight loss goals per week so when it gets closer to my goal I can drop down to 1200 calories because I know it's harder to lose weight then. Any thoughts?

    I would suggest finding out your bmr first
    your BMR shows what you need to eat a day for your body to function properly

    what are you eating atm?