Oh yeah, definitely a good recommendation. You'll get substantially more resistance than using a chair, but they're still a lot easier than true pull-ups. I can vouch for this one personally:…
Nailed it! Chin-ups/pull-ups have always been a huge weak point for me. What I do is actually toss my resistance band over my pull-up bar and sit down (much like they show Scotty Fifer doing on Chest and Back for example) , leaning forward, to get a bunch of tension in the band. If you watch him, you can actually get a…
Tragically, it's impossible to specifically target certain areas to burn fat.
This is probably restating what has long been said, but studies have shown that when in particular doesn't make all that much difference, though getting into a routine of working out around the same time every day does have tangible benefits.
Definitely normal. As you ramp up and get into a regular routine rather than the initial confusion of your adjustment period of getting into working out, you'll feel your appetite coming back, though you may find you feel full/satisfied sooner with the same amount of food. Important: don't give in to the sensation and…
What you want to be doing is logging those workouts. You'll see how the calories are added back to your "bank" for the day.
Aw, completely wrecked by a 2.2 bump! That can happen from any number of things. Don't get all amped up about the numbers, especially pound-for-pound weight. You can make substantial progress even on a week when the scale seems like your enemy. As far as general advice, are you logging your meals here? And what kinda…
Well, her original post mentioned "completely altering her diet."
Ha, I didn't know there was such a concept as the "caloric deficit crowd." The notion that a caloric deficit is the source of weight loss is simple nutrition, or really just thermodynamics if you get right down to it. Not an opinion or a stance to be taken. Any program intended to improve your overall health, whether…
The best thing to keep in mind here is that people are almost undoubtedly attempting to compliment you by saying this. The notion that they are actively trying to criticize your fitness goals probably doesn't even occur to them. It could be interpreted as, "you look good, it's surprising to me that you feel like you have…
Cassidy's right on the money, it's not how long you work out or how many calories you burn while working out, but calories in/calories out. When you say "with 1200 calories" do you mean you're eating only 1200 a day?
You've got this. Making the kind of personal acknowledgement and commitment to take the first step is the hardest part for plenty of people. You're going to have speedbumps along the way, you'll plateau sometimes and have slip-ups, but there's no stopping you now. No matter what happens- take progress toward your goals as…
Slightly over your daily limit is fine and tends to happen to everyone, really. DOUBLE your limit is pretty egregious- excessive sodium intake is associated with fluid retention, which can perceptually affect your fitness goals, and more seriously with high blood pressure and heart disease.
Sold, you're clearly a trip.
Turned 25 July 4th :)
I have to agree, I'd even accept and welcome harsher punishments than those instituted on the forthcoming side (fines, bowl bans, etc.); but the negation of the football wins makes little sense to me. How does this scandal make the wins of those games illegitimate? I suppose I don't oppose Joe having his title stripped…
I blacked out last night. We are comrades-in-arms. Happy 21st! :)
What a wonderful post. I've never dated a real gamer. Always wanted to, just never met the right one. Pity, because I like a huge variety of games and I'm sure we could keep things interesting.
Looking awesome. Way to go!
The Iron Man armor is the only correct answer.
I looooove me some carbs. All my favorite foods have them. But yeah, P90X's nutrition guide calls for severely limiting carbs in the Fat Shredder stage. Under 150 is a good start. I think I actually worked out that I was supposed to be trying to stay in the 50-80g range when I was starting out which was extremely…
You nailed it. There's an absolute slowdown in the amount of weight you lose the less total body fat you have. A few more calories wouldn't hurt you at all, as I've said before; if you get hungry, seriously eat. If you simply want to get it to come off faster, you could lower your carbs while staying at the same caloric…
you've ruined the sanctity of bacon, dodge
Not having tried it myself... ;) I'd say that your arms and chest would be most targeted by a pole dancing routine.
Well that was really ****ing cute. <3
Seriously great results. Way to go!
Incredible change! Congrats :D
Man, thank you guys all so much! I'm eager to pay all this encouragement and positivity forward, feel free to add me if you like! What group? :P Send me a friend request if you like! I used this pull-up assist:…
No problem- I wasn't assuming anything of the sort. The key is, if you're feeling weak/exhausted/dizzy, your body is trying to communicate to you that something's wrong! Making sure you get enough nutrition and FEELING good is just as important toward fitness and weight loss as maintaining a caloric deficit. :)