tlogesi Member


  • For me I try to abstain from compulsively eating anything. I pray for guidance in the morning and I also pray before I eat anything!!! Specifically I choose my foods wisely, then ask that my higher power bless this food to the nourishment of my body, I then savor each bite and ask myself "am I satisfied?" If I am, I stop…
  • I was helping our office manager carry some boxes to the office, my hands were full, my pants came down. Should this be classified as a NSV???
    in Recent NSV? Comment by tlogesi June 2015
  • Like jm1, I also lead with the life style changes, I go to the gym, I eat my vegetables and I don't drink any calories. I also had a RNY to help limit my calorie intake, I have a gym partner to help keep me motivated to exercise and I take time every morning to reflect on the most important things in my life (my son, my…
  • If there is one thing I have learned from this forum, that is to be prepared. My surgeon said there were things I could do to help him, I was excited to hear this, here was an expert in his field asking me for help, I was more than happy to comply. The things that will help are to be as healthy as you can be for the…
  • Great Ted Talk (I'm hooked on Ted Talks, currently binge watching them on my Roku) Here's another, she talks about why diets don't work (we've all heard the reasons), but she also talks about what to do about it, and for me, she has…
  • Got my steps in! Got my exercise in!! Hit my calorie goal!!! Got in a good motorcycle ride! My son was recognized a national merit scholar!!!!!!! Most important thing, I took the time to really soak it in and give thanks for all my blessings. I may be the happiest person I know. It's time to go spread it around!
  • Whenever I see someone worried about a plateau or a stall in their weightloss, I think "what are you worried about, just keep doing the right things, (eating right and exercising)". But when it happened to ME, I thought "What am I doing wrong!" So, now I try to use it as a reminder to make sure I am doing the right things…
  • Asked again, Doc still said no.
  • I asked before my surgery, (12/11/14) My Doctor said No. I go back for my 6 week followup on Tuesday, I'm going to ask again.
  • I returned to work on Jan 5 also! My RNY was on Dec. 11. So I only took off 3 weeks. I too feel great, still on liquids and some pureed foods for another 3 weeks. I've lost 20 lbs since the surgery, and am down 62 lbs all together, starting to feel a difference! Good luck to you madmags! I look forward to seeing your posts…
  • Good luck to you. I had RNY on Dec. 11 about 3 weeks ago, I feel great! My advice is to look over some of the past posts, you will find a lot of great information on how to prepare for the operation. Once again good luck. Mark.
  • rpyle111 and Dannadl, Thanks for your words of wisdom, I have a lot of time ahead of me, helping me to use this tool I have received. thanks again, Mark.
  • " What do you feel about the preop was the hardest?? two full weeks of it? compliance? or ????? just curious it is at the top of my mind and them changing my whole diet now before that two week preop is weird to me but I am sure I will adjust " Lauralac, My pre-op was not even an all liquid diet, I was able to have fat…
  • My advice to newcomers is to listen to ANYTHING rpyle111 has to say! I've been reading posts on this, and other, forums for about 6months now. I am going in for my rny Dec. 11. I have lots of confidence because I have done much of what Rob has suggested, my surgeon didn't say a word about exercising, but Rob does, so…
  • Rob, Are you able to go back to work soon?
  • My surgeon said that with no nicotine in my system, I will have a better chance of surviving the operation, besides that, he does not want to cure me of the #2 reason for death in the US, if I continue to engage in the #1 cause of death in the US. (not sure about those stats, but that's what he said). Getting in shape,…
  • I got a fitbit one about a month ago and I love it! I wore it clipped to my pocket for a week, but I wanted to use it to track my sleep. I couldn't find anything suitable to clip it to while sleeping, so I put it on a necklace (just a piece of paracord). That worked so well that I wear it around my neck, under my shirt all…
  • Rob, I've been anxiously awaiting your return to the message boards, welcome back!!! I knew that you would be able to describe your experience in a way that will help all of us here. The only thing that can make something like your major surgery look so easy, is hard work and diligent preparation. You sir, made it look…
  • TylerJ- DITTO!! Had a great week, helped over 100 Boy Scouts earn over 140 merit badges at our annual Merit Badge Univeristy! Most importantly for me, i am able to look at the event and be happy for the success. All the previous years, I could only look back at event and point out everything that went wrong. Thanks for the…