

  • yummmmm bump!
  • Good job signing up for a 5k!! Ever since I started working out I would say I wanted to be able to run a 5k but never signed up and got through about 1 day of the c25k program and had to stop because of the pain I was in from that one day. (Can you tell I was never a runner!) But as time went on and I got more fit, I…
  • I can relate to this somewhat. I tried to figure out every which way what I had done to a certain "friend" and couldn't figure it out. Then I've had a few people say that they believe it has a lot to do with me losing weight and that she hasn't. I think it's really immature and uncalled for. I can understand if your…
  • That is actually a pretty cool idea. If I hadn't been off track for so long, this probably could count as my off week but I had just gotten back before I left. The damage was ridiculous and I really feel crappy that I let myself do that but it's not going to stop me from jumping right back on and finishing what I started!…
  • Good job on your loss so far! Sounds like you figured out what works for you! My husband does have a smart phone and the app is already on there because of me. But he won't get on there. I know him enough to know he won't do it but as long as I sort of keep track of it it should help. I am mostly in charge of what he eats…
  • no more buying expensive bras while working on weight loss. ;) we all go through it! it's a good thing!
  • You should not be embarassed to post! You've come a long way and look great! I also noticed how the smiles got bigger as you got smaller. :) Keep doing what you're doing! Care to share what that is??
  • Thanks for all the suggestions! And Ghoztt, I totally agree with you. He has said this before and the next day was eating cheesesteaks again. This time it's been more than 1 day of talking about it haha, yet I'm still not convinced. And as for the yoga and stretching, I couldn't get through those myself. I do think he'd…
  • He will eat a salad, but his idea of a salad is a chef's salad with all that meat and cheese in it, then loading it with 2 packets of thousand island dressing! But that salad you suggested sounds amazing! I'll have to give that a try. I think I will set him up on here, but I doubt he'll get on it himself. I wish he would…
  • Thank you all for the kind words. I know I have come a very long way and I def don't wanna go back to where I was! As far as my workouts...I have pretty much tried it all. JM 30 day shred and Ripped in 30, p90x, video games, and they are all great but get old after awhile too. I've never committed to the whole 30 days of…
  • I love to dance too. The first time I took a class, I was ready to keep going for hours after the class ended! I do have Dance Central and it is very fun. The only thing I don't like about it is all the time it takes in between songs and even after a song is over, the character who is doing the dancing talks. So while all…
  • Thanks for the suggestion. I have the Kinect so I will probably get it for that. After what you said, and reading what people were saying about the older dvd's, I think it's smarter to spend less. I just wish I had a good class local to me that I could take. I get so bored so easily that I'm afraid if I don't have a mix of…
  • I haven't posted in a few days but today was level 2 day 1 for me. I did level 1 for 5 days then tried doing level 2 and my dvd was skipping and freezing right at those dreaded mountain climbers!!!!! I took that dvd back with the quickness! (exchanged of course) Level 2 kicked my *kitten* today! But I burned more calories…
  • I guess I should make an appt then! I've always had feet issues. Is this plantar facitis something that comes and goes? This pretty much seems like a constant for me. Has anyone ever tried those machines they have at Walmart that will suggest a show insert? I didn't wanna spend the almost $70 (I think) on the inserts then…
  • I have EA Sports Active 2 on there and it's a really good workout. I like how it gives you a set amount of days to do it so I felt obligated to do it or it'd show a missed workout.
  • I just saw a WW dip on FB that was just 1/2 nonfat greek yogurt and 1 TBSP of ranch dip mix. I made it and ate it with pepper slices. That was really good. There is another recipe I have used for something sweet and it's portion controlled too. It's 1 tub of fat free whipped cream (let it sit out of the freezer for a…
  • forgot measurements: right thigh: 23 right upper arm: 12.5 hips: 39 waist: 35 bust: 37
  • I'd like to join in here too if you don't mind. I started on Monday as well (after trying last week Mon and Tues and not being able to straighten my leg or sit on a toilet!! So am starting over this week!) My starting weight is 149 and I'm 5'2". I was wondering the same thing about the 6 weeks 6 pack. I have level 1 on…
  • This is just my opinion, but I think when JM made this workout, she didn't mean for it to be done every single day but never specified that on the dvd. On her Ripped in 30 dvd, she says it in the beginning that you should workout 5-6 days a week but always give yourself a day's rest. I'm guessing she said that because no…
  • Which resort are you staying at? My husband and I stayed at Royal Caribbean and it was amazing! Have a great time. Don't worry too much about the food, enjoy yourself!
  • Ok sounds good. HRM it is! I figured it was the most accurate, just wasn't sure if I had everything programmed correctly on my HRM. Now when you talk about subtracting something or other from something or other, you completely lost me! I think I'll stick with what I'm doing. I've always logged as what my HRM has said so I…
  • I'm in a similar boat. I feel like I can't live my life sometimes without obsessing over what I'm going to eat/drink. However, my problem is more in a different direction. I will obsess over the numbers but then cannot control my eating at other times. I have some awful binges then end up disgusted with myself. It's a…
  • Actually do they serve seltzer water at bars? That has no calories as opposed to the tonic. I think I'll be better off with that.
  • Thank you all for the repsonses and the birthday wishes! I'm sure a few shots will be thrown in the night but for the most part I'm thinking a flavored vodka tonic may be what I'll go for. Thanks again!!
  • man i so wish i could join you all! i really have to get the dvds! has anyone tried the video games of it? maybe you could add that to your group.
  • I'm seeing a pattern in these respsonses....birthday parties! That's where my downfall happened too. April 2nd was my birthday but my 3 year old's is the 3rd so we had a party for her. I'd started out the day fine then went nuts. And once I start, I say well I already screwed this day up, might as well eat what I want the…
  • I am going through the same thing, only mine isn't just a tough weekend, it's more like a tough month! I don't know what happened! It's really hard when you have events that have food that you normally don't have around until you can get your willpower up high enough to resist it. I've been at this for about 2-3 YEARS only…
  • I know a family that will be doing that. I was going to but had other plans. My friend's brother had a heart transplant a year ago. I'm sorry to hear about your brother!
  • Oh really? That's good to know. Maybe after doing something else, I'll go back to this again. I actually was going to just do the cardio kickstart on hard until I figured out what else to do and I was disappointed! Of course, I know you're supposed to do that part BEFORE you do the full 9 weeks, so I guess that's why it…