

  • :smile: :wink: Thankyou.. comments are helping me x
  • Thankyouu :) i have never attempted a diet before so this is really new too me x
  • Well done thats brilliant! Im 17 and have only jsut started im 140lbs but would like to loose a stone. although 140lbs isnt much i am only 5ft4 so therefore i carry alot of weight around my belly.. could anybody give me tips to help? xx
  • Im trying too loose weight also!! I am only 17 but hope to shift a few pounds before my holiday!!
  • i am a new member, well have been for a week now and i am a little confused! It is telling me i can only consum 1,200 calories which is fine but does that meen i can eat any foods as long as i dont go over that amount of calories each day? I am also exercising so i can tone my body as i loose the weight. I am only 17 so…
  • I really want too loose weight!! But i cant get myself motivated i way 10stone 5 and feel i need teh shift my tubb!!! I am going on holiday soon so i want to loose it quikly.. please help mee..