

  • If it causes pain wait. You don't want to delay the healing. Maybe just take a walk to burn calories, but nothing strenuous.
  • I'm a leftover kind of girl. I always make a little extra at night so that I can take it for lunch. It usually tastes better the 2nd day too :) If leftovers aren't your thing this is my go to chicken salad that can be eaten on top of lettuce, in a wrap, or on a pita to mix it up. 1 cup shredded chicken (rotisseries is…
  • I can't figure out how to upload a pic in my reply, but here's the link. We all struggle with comparing ourselves. Truth is we are who we are and we have to set our own goals. If we were all the same this wourld would get boring.
  • You can't be old enough to be a cougar, puma maybe :wink:
  • The phone thing drives me nuts!!!
  • Ward's has good meats at good prices. Their fruits and veggies are cheap too. Also farmer's markets have good produce prices. You may have to go to more than 1 place to stretch your budget. I usually go to Ward's, Wal-Mart. and Publix. Make a list and stick to it.
  • I have a goal size not weight and that's a 10, it was my pre-pregnancy size and I looked fine then.
  • Take the time to go read some of her prior posts. She post similar topics a lot and she purges. She should really try talking to a professional instead of seeking attention on a blog. Sorry to be so blunt.
  • Once a week. As women we go up and down so much. If you weigh yourself daily it could get frustrating to see the scale play ping pong. As hard as it is try to only weigh yourself once a week on the same day around the same time. Also take measurements the scale doesn't know the difference between 5lbs of fat vs muscle the…
  • These are all from topics you've posted recently "Nooo, nonono. I am normal weighted now, 125 pounds 5'6." I just have this constant fear of eating too much and gaining weight. I recently gained about four pounds. I was really upset, so I'm trying to lose weight. This is probably because I stopped self-induced vomiting. I…
  • Okay, so talk to your Dr about what you've been doing and let them decide. Just because you haven' "binged" doesn't mean there isn't a problem here. All you have to do is talk to a professional and let them decide to make or not make a diagnosis.
  • Self induced vomiting is NEVER a good idea and there's never any reason someone should do it. If you want to be healthy, making yourself sick is not the way to go about it. I agree with the other posts, please talk to someone about this now before it gets out of hand. It starts with "emergency" only, and then goes to each…
  • Regular coke will clean off tarnish from your engine. To comment on the question, obviously water is your best option. But I think it’s ok to have a diet or regular soda every now and then. i drink 1 can of diet coke with my dinner every night, and that’s big considering I used to drink 6 cans a day. Everything in…
  • Muscles weigh more than fat. Plus when you start a lifting routine you may retain water. Give it some time and take measurements. Women should weight train, you will look leaner and feel stronger. :smile:
  • I believe they mean 8oz glasses of water.
  • Weigh yourself on another scale to see if the #'s are similar.
  • I'm not sure what websites you've calculated it on, but try this site.
  • I HATE the scale! It's such a liar, yes that is your total weight, but it doesn't calculate your muscle mass. I had this trying issue myself even though I am the one always saying don't listen to the scale. I recently took measurements and I will continue to do it this way from now on once a month. Also take pictures. As…
  • That's what need, because that's the man problem 'm havng right now. These NB were made for walking
  • So I just looked these shoes up. $50 is the cost for men's, women's are between $69 and $85...How messed up is that?! I may just get a men's pair. New Balance is what I have now and I do like the brand.
  • The thing is I eat when I'm hungry. I won't let myself go hungry, if my body asks for food I give it. Should I still eat more if I'm not hungry? I also eat tons of protein. I usually go over my daily need for protein. (is that bad?) I'm going to talk to my trainer tonight and see what he says. I haven't done measurements…
  • My gym time has to be at night time also. I definitely agree with a post below, when you get home change into your clothes immediately. Don't think about it, just put your shoes on and GO! Getting our butts off the couch is the hardest part of getting your workout in.
  • Thank you