I gain weight so easily!!



  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    Having read several of your topics recently, it is --my opinion-- that you may want to just take a break from the scale for a while. Watch what you eat, and judge yourself by how you feel and how you look. If I recall correctly, you're still young, still growing, and your body needs you to worry about nourishing it more than anything else. Eat healthy foods with lots of vitamins and nutrients, stay active, and try to escape from the mindset of the scale ruling everything.

    I say this from the perspective of a woman who, when younger, competed in a sport where looks/body shaped mattered, as I think you also do. You are beautiful. Work more on the technicalities of your sport than worrying about a pound here or there. That's what they're really judging; looks/body is the icing after the fact.
  • mrobinson0805
    From your height and weight, I would say that you are at a perfect weight. What is the reason for wanting to lose more?
    I think you are out of line on the second part. She did not ask you to comment on her weight and she's not at an unhealthy one, so butt out. :grumble:
    He said she was at a healthy weight, that's why he asked why she's starving herself to lose more.

    Her goal is only 5 more lbs which is still in the healthy range. And she's NOT starving herself, wtf?!:angry:

    SO FRUSTRATED with MFP for people discouraging weight loss within the healthy range. It's not so terrible that some are actually going for better than "good enough"!! :explode:

    OP, you might want to join the group "Not That Heavy Girls" to steer clear of these types.

    Take the time to go read some of her prior posts. She post similar topics a lot and she purges. She should really try talking to a professional instead of seeking attention on a blog. Sorry to be so blunt.
  • Rizabees
    Rizabees Posts: 80
    Your weight fluctuates throughout the day/week depending on what and how much you eat.
    Water weight retained by more salts than normal not drinking enough water, not pooping that day etc.

    Don't stress about it, please.
    Don't weigh yourself daily, try weekly.

    Remember that your weight will fluctuate that that is 100% perfectly normal.

    Food is not your enemy.
  • Rizabees
    Rizabees Posts: 80

    Hey jsapninz, instead of running your mouth, do a little research and know that this person has an eating disorder. Read the thread above. She is making herself puke to get rid of the half of a cookie she ate. Is that part of your "skinny girl group nonsense" or whatever the silly group is called?

    And I was giving her a complement when I said she had a healthy weight for her height. Calm down and eat a damn cookie.

    Sorry I'm not a stalker ("research") and didn't know that she may actually have an ED. :frown: She said she has been eating around 1200, nothing wrong than that.

    HOWEVER, I still think you are out of line asking someone why they want to lose more weight if they are in the healthy range.

    Have your own cookie. :indifferent:

    You need to chill out.
    He was concerned about her, there's nothing wrong with that.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Because . . . . you have slowed your metabolism by eating too little.

    From one of my old posts from a similar topic:

    OK. I'm gonna give this a shot. I am an avid lifelong athlete. I have never been overweight, however, I used to eat too few calories (without knowing it), and a couple years ago, I actually GAINED weight bc of having slowed my metabolism to the point that every little extra treat I ate caused a weight gain, even though overall my calories were too low. THIS DOES HAPPEN.

    It is also the reason so many fat people stay fat. They restrict their calories so low, slow their metabolisms, binge (even a little), gain weight, restrict more . . . . and so on and so on. But they are still fat.

    It is also the reason most people can't lose that last 10-20 lbs. For real.

    1. MFP has a deficit built in. Let's say you're trying to lose 1 lb/ week. That is a 500/day deficit from your BMR (the amount of calories your body needs to complete basic functions.

    2. You exercise and burn 500 calories. Now you are at a 1000 deficit. If you eat back those 500 exercise calories, you refuel your body and you still have a 500 deficit for that 1 lb loss. If you DON'T eat back those calories, you have too little fuel. This is bad. This is too much of a deficit for basic functions. If you do this for a long time, you will STOP LOSING WEIGHT. Why? bc your metabolism will slow down -- it's like a brownout--not quite enough electricity to make the whole city (your body) run, so it has to slow down some things. You will probably start being tired a lot, your skin and hair might start to look worse, and you might even gain weight. But you might NOT be hungry -- your body is getting used to fewer calories. That's bad.

    That's when you start to gain weight. Let's say you're running along, eating 1200 calories a day, and exercising 400 calories a day, so net is 800. You're losing, you think this is great. You keep doing it, but after a while you stop losing. hmmmmm. One weekend you go out to a special event and have a slice of pizza and a beer. 1 slice of pizza and 1 beer. So you ate maybe 2000 calories that day and exercised off 400, so net 1600. BOOM! You gain 3 lbs! What?!

    Next, you freak out and restrict yourself down to 1000 calories a day and work out extra hard, burning 500 calories. Great, netting 500 now. You don't lose any weight, but you sure feel tired. Better get some red bull.

    Are you getting the picture?

    EDIT: When you work out, you need fuel. Food is fuel. If you don't eat back those exercise calories, you will not only have a big calorie deficit, you will have an ENERGY deficit. Remember, the calorie deficit for weight loss is built in when you use MFP. Exercising basically earns you more calories because you must refuel.

    There are many people who will tell you not to eat exercise calories. Before you take their advice, you might want to see whether they are at goal, have EVER been at goal, or have ever been able to maintain at goal. If anyone says to you 'THE LAST TIME I LOST WEIGHT", just stop listening right there.

    Ask some athletes whether or not they replenish their bodies with food equal to the calories they burn. Ask people who are fit and have achieved and maintained a healthy weight for some years. Don't ask people who count walking across a parking lot as exercise.

    Here's an interesting case study about how to stay fat while consuming only 700 calories a day. Take a moment, you'll be glad you did:

