I gain weight so easily!!

I aim for 800 to 1300 calories a day and I know it's bad but it feels like if I eat over 1200 calories, my weight jumps up!! I'm 5'6" and 125 pounds. Why might this be? And yeah I know it's unhealthy but still...


  • DB_1106
    DB_1106 Posts: 154 Member
    Well, the science says that in order to gain a pound of fat, you need to consume 3,500 calories above your maintenance level. I highly doubt you are doing that, so I wouldn't worry too much.

    From your height and weight, I would say that you are at a perfect weight. What is the reason for wanting to lose more? If anything, you might want to focus on changing your body composition by maybe increasing your calories in a surplus above your maintenance level and weight training to build solid muscle. Just a thought.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Well, the science says that in order to gain a pound of fat, you need to consume 3,500 calories above your maintenance level. I highly doubt you are doing that, so I would worry too much.

    From your height and weight, I would say that you are at a perfect weight. What is the reason for wanting to lose more?

    Agree with the first part. OP, you may be confusing water weight gains with real gains.

    I think you are out of line on the second part. She did not ask you to comment on her weight and she's not at an unhealthy one, so butt out. :grumble:
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    How can you gain weight when you're eating way below your BMR? Also it could be water weight because of some factors like exercise, high sodium intake or TOM.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Well, the science says that in order to gain a pound of fat, you need to consume 3,500 calories above your maintenance level. I highly doubt you are doing that, so I would worry too much.

    From your height and weight, I would say that you are at a perfect weight. What is the reason for wanting to lose more?

    Agree with the first part. OP, you may be confusing water weight gains with real gains.

    I think you are out of line on the second part. She did not ask you to comment on her weight and she's not at an unhealthy one, so butt out. :grumble:

    He said she was at a healthy weight, that's why he asked why she's starving herself to lose more.

    As for your abrupt weight gains when you eat like you're supposed to, it's because your body is used to starvation mode and is clinging to any excess it can get. Up your calories to a healthy level and hit the gym if you're not happy with the way you look. Eating 800 calories a day isn't going to fix anything.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    From your height and weight, I would say that you are at a perfect weight. What is the reason for wanting to lose more?
    I think you are out of line on the second part. She did not ask you to comment on her weight and she's not at an unhealthy one, so butt out. :grumble:
    He said she was at a healthy weight, that's why he asked why she's starving herself to lose more.

    Her goal is only 5 more lbs which is still in the healthy range. And she's NOT starving herself, wtf?!:angry:

    SO FRUSTRATED with MFP for people discouraging weight loss within the healthy range. It's not so terrible that some are actually going for better than "good enough"!! :explode:

    OP, you might want to join the group "Not That Heavy Girls" to steer clear of these types.
  • tialeanne
    tialeanne Posts: 186 Member
    From your height and weight, I would say that you are at a perfect weight. What is the reason for wanting to lose more?
    I think you are out of line on the second part. She did not ask you to comment on her weight and she's not at an unhealthy one, so butt out. :grumble:
    He said she was at a healthy weight, that's why he asked why she's starving herself to lose more.

    Her goal is only 5 more lbs which is still in the healthy range. And she's NOT starving herself, wtf?!:angry:

    SO FRUSTRATED with MFP for people discouraging weight loss within the healthy range. It's not so terrible that some are actually going for better than "good enough"!! :explode:

    OP, you might want to join the group "Not That Heavy Girls" to steer clear of these types.

    Simmer down, sugarpants. It was just a question. It's not like he said. "OMG, You're like toooooo thin, you're annorexic and have bulimic tendencies and possibly an ED. You should eat a sammich like right this second."

    More along the lines of, "Well, it's 90 degrees out and you're already fully clothed, is there a reason you're putting on a sweater?" And quite possibly there is, maybe she's going to a theater she knows is chilly.

    Just a question. Chillax.
  • DB_1106
    DB_1106 Posts: 154 Member
    From your height and weight, I would say that you are at a perfect weight. What is the reason for wanting to lose more?
    I think you are out of line on the second part. She did not ask you to comment on her weight and she's not at an unhealthy one, so butt out. :grumble:
    He said she was at a healthy weight, that's why he asked why she's starving herself to lose more.

    Her goal is only 5 more lbs which is still in the healthy range. And she's NOT starving herself, wtf?!:angry:

    SO FRUSTRATED with MFP for people discouraging weight loss within the healthy range. It's not so terrible that some are actually going for better than "good enough"!! :explode:

    OP, you might want to join the group "Not That Heavy Girls" to steer clear of these types.


    Hey jsapninz, instead of jumping to conclusions and trying to bash me for trying to dig deeper into the question she is asking, do a little research and know that this person has an eating disorder. Read the thread above. She is making herself puke to get rid of the half of a cookie she ate.

    And I was giving her a compliment when I said she had a healthy weight for her height. She does. Calm down and stop looking for arguments.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member

    Hey jsapninz, instead of running your mouth, do a little research and know that this person has an eating disorder. Read the thread above. She is making herself puke to get rid of the half of a cookie she ate. Is that part of your "skinny girl group nonsense" or whatever the silly group is called?

    And I was giving her a complement when I said she had a healthy weight for her height. Calm down and eat a damn cookie.

    Sorry I'm not a stalker ("research") and didn't know that she may actually have an ED. :frown: She said she has been eating around 1200, nothing wrong than that.

    HOWEVER, I still think you are out of line asking someone why they want to lose more weight if they are in the healthy range.

    Have your own cookie. :indifferent:
  • LastTenPoundsGodDamnYou
    LastTenPoundsGodDamnYou Posts: 101 Member
    You know all you people lambasted me for complaining about the "competitive dieting" encouragement crew......I rest my case! LOL
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Who cares the point is wow she is making herself sick by the feelin of over eating which clearly is not and will only lead to a true ED. which is noooo goood for her :/ I feel bad for her. she is already so skinny in her pic.. and she is not being healthy by all means self inducing herself to vomit?? I hope she gets help and 800 calories per day is not good either.. so yea I agree with the guy above u.. dont tell someone 1200 and UNDER is healthy its not..
  • JoeyTajzai
    JoeyTajzai Posts: 1,198 Member

    Hey jsapninz, instead of running your mouth, do a little research and know that this person has an eating disorder. Read the thread above. She is making herself puke to get rid of the half of a cookie she ate. Is that part of your "skinny girl group nonsense" or whatever the silly group is called?

    And I was giving her a complement when I said she had a healthy weight for her height. Calm down and eat a damn cookie.

    Sorry I'm not a stalker ("research") and didn't know that she may actually have an ED. :frown: She said she has been eating around 1200, nothing wrong than that.

    HOWEVER, I still think you are out of line asking someone why they want to lose more weight if they are in the healthy range.

    Have your own cookie. :indifferent:

    I think your being a little to sensitive and dramatic. Calm down.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    From your height and weight, I would say that you are at a perfect weight. What is the reason for wanting to lose more?
    I think you are out of line on the second part. She did not ask you to comment on her weight and she's not at an unhealthy one, so butt out. :grumble:
    He said she was at a healthy weight, that's why he asked why she's starving herself to lose more.

    Her goal is only 5 more lbs which is still in the healthy range. And she's NOT starving herself, wtf?!:angry:

    SO FRUSTRATED with MFP for people discouraging weight loss within the healthy range. It's not so terrible that some are actually going for better than "good enough"!! :explode:

    OP, you might want to join the group "Not That Heavy Girls" to steer clear of these types.


    Hey jsapninz, instead of jumping to conclusions and trying to bash me for trying to dig deeper into the question she is asking, do a little research and know that this person has an eating disorder. Read the thread above. She is making herself puke to get rid of the half of a cookie she ate.

    And I was giving her a compliment when I said she had a healthy weight for her height. She does. Calm down and stop looking for arguments.

  • DB_1106
    DB_1106 Posts: 154 Member
    Have your own cookie. :indifferent:

    I can't. I'm on a low carb cycle this week. I'll have a steak though.
  • xosmsox
    xosmsox Posts: 119
    From your height and weight, I would say that you are at a perfect weight. What is the reason for wanting to lose more?
    I think you are out of line on the second part. She did not ask you to comment on her weight and she's not at an unhealthy one, so butt out. :grumble:
    He said she was at a healthy weight, that's why he asked why she's starving herself to lose more.

    Her goal is only 5 more lbs which is still in the healthy range. And she's NOT starving herself, wtf?!:angry:

    SO FRUSTRATED with MFP for people discouraging weight loss within the healthy range. It's not so terrible that some are actually going for better than "good enough"!! :explode:

    OP, you might want to join the group "Not That Heavy Girls" to steer clear of these types.


    Hey jsapninz, instead of jumping to conclusions and trying to bash me for trying to dig deeper into the question she is asking, do a little research and know that this person has an eating disorder. Read the thread above. She is making herself puke to get rid of the half of a cookie she ate.

    And I was giving her a compliment when I said she had a healthy weight for her height. She does. Calm down and stop looking for arguments.

    Finally someone with some sense! Way to tell it like it is! So refreshing!
  • xxxemaxxx
    xxxemaxxx Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5'6 and 124lbs and i eat 1200 calories a day. sometimes under and sometimes over. i exercise most days and my weight won't go down. It is so frustrating....i'm interested in peoples responses :)
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Try eating a bit more. Your deficeit may be too big, causing your body to cling to all its got.
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    Who cares the point is wow she is making herself sick by the feelin of over eating which clearly is not and will only lead to a true ED. which is noooo goood for her :/ I feel bad for her. she is already so skinny in her pic.. and she is not being healthy by all means self inducing herself to vomit?? I hope she gets help and 800 calories per day is not good either.. so yea I agree with the guy above u.. dont tell someone 1200 and UNDER is healthy its not..

    I'm really trying to be healthier. I haven't self induced vommitted for a week now so... Please people don't try to "dig deeper." Por favor. Thanks. :P
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    From your height and weight, I would say that you are at a perfect weight. What is the reason for wanting to lose more?
    I think you are out of line on the second part. She did not ask you to comment on her weight and she's not at an unhealthy one, so butt out. :grumble:
    He said she was at a healthy weight, that's why he asked why she's starving herself to lose more.

    Her goal is only 5 more lbs which is still in the healthy range. And she's NOT starving herself, wtf?!:angry:

    SO FRUSTRATED with MFP for people discouraging weight loss within the healthy range. It's not so terrible that some are actually going for better than "good enough"!! :explode:

    OP, you might want to join the group "Not That Heavy Girls" to steer clear of these types.


    Hey jsapninz, instead of jumping to conclusions and trying to bash me for trying to dig deeper into the question she is asking, do a little research and know that this person has an eating disorder. Read the thread above. She is making herself puke to get rid of the half of a cookie she ate.

    And I was giving her a compliment when I said she had a healthy weight for her height. She does. Calm down and stop looking for arguments.


    Hahaha nice picture!! But I don't have an eating disorder people!! Blaaaargh.
    And thanks for my lovely compliment :)
    I appreciate your effort in trying to dig deeper, it shows people actually take the time to investigate.
    But this is getting so off of the original post :/
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    Try eating a bit more. Your deficeit may be too big, causing your body to cling to all its got.

    My point is that if I do eat more, I'll gain weight. Which is just losing progress.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Try eating a bit more. Your deficeit may be too big, causing your body to cling to all its got.

    My point is that if I do eat more, I'll gain weight. Which is just losing progress.

    You do understand that there is a difference between fat and glycogen right? And that rapid day to day weight gain/loss is pretty much 100% glycogen and the large amount of water it locks up. Glycogen is NOT fat, it is stored in your muscles and in you liver.

    Incidentally glycogen is created by carbs (fat is not created by carbs in a normally functioning human body), gaining a couple pounds of glycogen after eating some pasta or a bunch of cookies is how a normally funcitoning human body operates. The next time you go running or lift weights, you'll burn off that glycogen, sweat out the water it locked up, and lose a few pounds.

    And if you are gaining fat at that low of a calorie intake, your metabolism is messed up good from overdieting, you really need to run a surplus for a few weeks (bulk to build muscles) to fix it.