

  • My husband works night shift so I get the best of both worlds!! (btw I sleep better when he isn't there but don't tell him that!!)
  • Anytime you are craving something just fix it "healthier" fit it into your calories and have at it. If not you will find yourself pulling through a drive through and chowing down (at least I do!!).
  • I don't know why I have never thought about sodium being the reason my weight fluctuates so much! Sometimes the most obvious things never occur to me!! lol... I might experiment a little with sodium and see what happens. Thanks!!
  • Let me start by saying I am sorry for the things you have went through! Kids can be horribly mean at times. I am glad that you have decided to use it as the fuel you need to get healthy! I am pretty new here but I have tried every diet under the sun at some point. I have finally decided that cutting out an entire food…
  • You can snack on "better" preportioned foods. (100 calorie popcorn- 100 calorie chocolate covered pretzels- or 100 calories worth of candy). It is less than what you used to do and it isn't blowing your diet. Plus that stuff tastes good so it makes you feel like you are having something "bad"!!!
  • It does the same thing to me. lol. I have only been doing this for a couple of weeks though! I eat 6 times a day (3-100 calorie snacks) and don't want to add to those and take away from my supper with the family... I guess as long as I keep losing I will continue down this path!!! Good luck!!
  • Awesome... I also have a very loving supportive husband. With him at times this means me saying "I want donuts" and him saying "Be back in a minute" (then coming home with what I want!! lol... He has great intentions though it makes it tough! BUT I am determined this time to see it all through!! I wish you luck and if you…
  • I have as well... I also use the larger numbers just incase, OR I will do a quick web search of the company's web site and double check the calories!!
  • I take weekends "off". I have the same issue where my family and I bond over food. I don't necessarily quit eating right, I just make better choices and smaller portions while still eating the same foods as my family. So if they are eating burgers and fries, I might have a burger no bun and a couple fries and maybe a…