

  • Wow! You look amazing, great job. Any suggestions or tips for those of us in a rut? I am about your size and also want to lose 100 + lbs. You are a real inspiration! Thanks
  • Thanks for the words of encouragement....it's good to know I've got people in my corner So I haven't gotten to swim @ all the past two days...bad thunderstorms and I still haven't been given the ok to walk, however, I am looking into to a bike. I am still up but down a 1.5lb from before so at keast I am headed back in the…
  • Thanks Cindy for all the encouragement. Hope everone has had a good week and an even better one to come. Have a great weekend. Will weigh on Monday, we will see what the out come is.....Not much swimming this week, lots of rain here in Central Florida. :drinker: :drinker: :cry: This should be sweat not tears, man is it hot…
  • Thanks a bunch ladies. This is such a hard journey, even a little set back tends to get you down. I never really thought about the stretching but I am really going to look into some exercises. I have to admit I dont have a bike but I am considering the purchase. The recipe ideas are great. I know I can do this, I just have…
  • Oh and for those that are aware I am still dealing with my plantar fasciitis and go to the podiatrist tomorrow. I am thinking maybe another cortisone shot but I am afraid I will need surgery. And then the thought occurred to me...I am so big how am I going to make it around on 1 foot. So Depressing :sad:
  • Ok so yesterday was my weight in day and a really bad day!!!:mad: :explode: :angry: :grumble: I am up 6lbs, I almost died! Then I cried :cry: :cry: :cry: It is so hard to lose 6lbs and not being able to walk is killing me. I just dont feel swimming is doing it for me. I am a big girl and I just dont feel swimming is as…
  • Whoops, didn't mean to post twice SORRY:blushing:
  • Cindy you are my HERO :laugh: You are so motivated. You are definetly an inspiration. Thanks for guiding me back on track! Kid if I can do it so can you....hang in there. It has to be the heat!:happy:
  • Cindy you are my HERO :laugh: You are so motivated. You are definetly an inspiration. Thanks for guiding me back on track! Kid if I can do it so can you....hang in there. It has to be the heat!:happy:
  • A new thread sounds good.... I have to admit I am in a little bit of slump :ohwell: I am very frustrated because of my foot and not be able to keep up with everyone. I feel like I am light years behind :frown: Swimming is great but I just dont see the results....So now my dilema is do I walk anyway and see what happens or…
  • Sounds great! Starting weight 322lbs :grumble:
  • The key...Don't be to hard on yourself. You are your worst critic! So you screwed up a little...you've acknowledged that now move on. Use that as your motivation to do better. If you are interested there is a group going...Beginners Walking Challenge....never to late to join in. Even though I am dealing with a foot injury…
  • Good Morning walkers....Just a report on my foot....doing much better after 2nd Cortisone shot, have yet to get the ok to walk however, went swimming yesterday for 3 1/2 hours....Hopefully that will help. Hope everyone has a good week! :happy: :flowerforyou: :wink: :love:
  • Hi everyone! TGIF! :happy: Hope everyone had a good week....I had my second cortisone shot on Wed and I have seen some improvement, however I still have not been given the ok for walking. Ok Cindy you have gotten me hooked on the 2oo squat challenge. I love it! Keep up the good work everyone and here's to another great…
  • Thanks for the encouragement...it's amazing how determined you can be with a great support system. THANK YOU LADIES!!!:happy: :drinker: :heart: :bigsmile: :wink: :smile:
  • Well today is my weigh in day....a little nervous because of my foot I am unable to walk :mad: :explode: :grumble: However, swimming has helped down 1.5 lbs. :bigsmile: :drinker: :blushing: WOOOOOHOOOOOO! It's coming off slow and steady but that's ok as long as it's dropping. I go back to the podiatrist on Wed. Will find…
  • Taxiegirl, I just want to say good for you for not being hard on yourself. We are all human and have minor set backs....Don't feel bad, I dont think I could do a push up if my life depended on it. :laugh:
  • Thanks Cindy, I appreciate your concern. It's good to know I have friends to turn to.:smooched:
  • Good morning everyone! :flowerforyou: So I have to note some bad news about my foot :sad: :devil: :grumble: I have plantar fasciitis among other things that I cannot pronounce and am undergoing cortisone treatments and may possible have to have surgery :explode: :mad: :grumble: :noway: :sad: I was also told no impact…
  • Shingles maybe? My aunt had shingles for months and finally they treated and it went away. I felt horrible for her. I hope you get better soon. It has to be very uncomfortable. :flowerforyou:
  • Hey Kid, is it possible you could have chicken pox? It happened to me @ 21...came out in the form of Hives and was under my arms and numerous other places. Really sucked....Took about 2 weeks to return to normal. I do know that if it is the heal will only make them worse. Good luck and feel better :cry: :smile:
  • Wow Cindy your new pic looks great:wink: Just weighed in lost 1.5 lbs, it's good to see because I have been having very slack walking weeks due to foot so WOOOOHOOO!:laugh:
  • Hi ladies, hope everyone has been doing well this week. I am very frustrated....:grumble: I have only gotten in one walk this week :explode: my foot was hurting to badly to do anymore that 20 minutes :mad: :cry: :grumble: I scheduled an appt with the podiatrist, hopefully she will be the light at the end of the tunnel…
  • String cheese is great! Apples with peanut butter.....celery with fat free cream cheese (may have to carry a cooler but it's worth the hassel) cottage cheese with peaches popcorn almonds I could go on and on Laughing cow cheese is incredible! Good luck :smile: :flowerforyou: :tongue:
  • Thanks for the encouragment....I now understand why a wild animal would naw their own foot off....if I could bend over that far I would! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Ok so last night was my son's last soccer practice, whoopie right......that means parent/kid scrimage :explode: That means I, me have to get out there and play like I know what I am doing :grumble: I have been struggling with plantar fasciitis, severe foot pain:mad: that is very painful :sad: and makes me grumpy :cry: but…
  • Thanks everyone, sounds like some good advice. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only struggling. Scheduled an appointment with the podiatrist for Tuesday...:drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :laugh:
  • Ok so I have had a really crazy week. Didn't get as much walking in as I wanted but boy I worked my tail off @ work. We are short handed and I do surgeries. RUN RUN RUN:frown: So here are my current stats: Wed 6/3 15 min walk Thurs 6/4 15 min walk my weight stayed the am :cry: Damn pizza! :laugh: :tongue: :wink: Have a…
  • Maybe it will be the beginning of the low fat pizza diet, afterall everything else has one right :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Walking it is, I am going to attempt to double the work out and maybe a swim to cool off afterward. It's 90 degrees out, the weight should melt away...ooooh the melt away diet hehehe:laugh: Here's to…
  • NEVER GIVE UP! THAT's PERSONAL SABOTAGE...life is hard. We all know that and losing weight can sometimes be damn near impossible but look at the positives. If you are eating better it will eventually catch up with you...even if you only walk/exercise once a week it's more movement than before. Believe me this is one of…