Beginners Walking Challenge



  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I've been doing absolutely fine with this new lifestyle up until last week and a little bit of the week before. It's not that I don't want to do it or that it's hard...I'm just letting all the bad things in my life take over, which is not good...obviously. I need to focus and stick with what I've been doing (MFP-wise), but for some reason I have (just recently) been talking myself into eating junk when I'm upset.

    Not counting this past week and a little bit of the week before...I did great with exercising. I was doing something 6 days a week. Interval training (running/jogging/walking), walking, exercise videos, lifting weights, biking, etc etc Now, I'm so burnt out and down that I can't bring myself to exercise like I used to. Some days I have to literally force myself to go for a walk.

    I eat very healthy on a normal basis...again except last week and a little bit of the week before, I had bad junk foods whenever I felt upset.

    I know everyone falls off the wagon, I just want to be sure I hop back on. I don't want this to continue.

    What you said was awesome....thank you for this. I'm going to write it on a notecard and post it on my mirror. "I can live with situations that don't measure up to all my expectations." "Take your bad days and learn from them. Look back on them and see what they have to teach you, what you could have done differently, and apply it the next time you're in that situation."

    Thanks so much for your advice Deborah:smile:
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Thanks so much for your advice Deborah:smile:

    You're very welcome! :flowerforyou:

    It's the hardest journeys that are the most worthwhile! :bigsmile:

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    I haven't broken my habit :frown: I cheated yesterday, the day before that and a couple of times before that.... I've been really upset and extremely stressed lately and have been eating anything I want to eat...including chocolate, candy, icecream, etc etc. I haven't been filling out my log completely and I didn't exercise much either. I don't want this to turn into a huge non-stoping habit. I was doing great during the month of may and for most of june...but now I'm having a hard time focusing on eating healthy and exercising. I've been eating bad food and saying "i dont care" bc I've been feeling really crappy and at that time food is a comfort to me....unfortunately. I dont know how to get myself to stop doing this. So, I thought I'd come to you guys and see if anyone could help.

    Any advice?

    Don't worry - you are NOT alone. I've had the same problem for the last week or two. I think the stress of school is really getting to me. Thankfully I will be finished with this semester in 4 weeks. I started out really well yesterday with logging and then I just didn't finish it up and then my neighbor gave me a small piece of cake. Oh well - today is a new day. I did best when I started with just logging ALL my food no matter what I ate. Then slowly I just started making better choices in my food and then I added in my exercise. I did the Leslie Sansone walk dvd yesterday and I'll do it again today (after eldest DD goes to work). The most important thing is to keep coming back HERE even when we are not doing our best. It really does motivate me to try harder and do better.
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    Hi All!

    I was looking through the first page of posts and realized that July 3rd (this Friday!) is our goal date for the inaugural Beginners Walking Challenge! Congratulations to all who have started walking! I suggest we start a second "session" to go from then until August 14th--it's another six weeks. Why six weeks? Well, from what I hear, it takes six weeks to break a habit and six weeks to make a habit. What do you all think?

    I would suggest that we start a new thread on July 3rd, if this one isn't locked up (due to all the entries) by then.

    Way to go to all of the walkers--old and new!!!!

    Cheers! :drinker:

    Good plan. Clean slate - I like that! :bigsmile:
  • why do you get all the post?????????????////:explode: :explode: :mad: :mad:
  • gapeaches
    gapeaches Posts: 16
    Ok. I went off this weekend with my son and grandchildren to Cherokee North Carolina so i kinda went off my diet due to eating crap is cheaper but i did drink my waters and stayed away from the cokes. Did alittle walking. Yesturday i was sick. I am doing great today getting ready for my 45 min. walk. Waiting for it to cool off for a bit. Have a great day all and thankyou for your motovation! :drinker:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Sounds like you're doing great! Keep up the good work :happy:
  • strongandfit
    strongandfit Posts: 231
    Walked 40 mins today! Longest walk in a very long time and proud of it!! :happy:

    :drinker: the water!!
  • A new thread sounds good....
    I have to admit I am in a little bit of slump :ohwell: I am very frustrated because of my foot and not be able to keep up with everyone. I feel like I am light years behind :frown: Swimming is great but I just dont see the results....So now my dilema is do I walk anyway and see what happens or do I swim for hours everyday and not see much along the way of result?!? :indifferent: I just dont feel like I am seeing the benefits at this point. Weight is comng off slowly and I dont notice the difference in my clothes or energy :grumble: I am really frustrated at this point and angry with my foot! I am trying to keep up and stay positive...I have to admit it is very hard! :cry: HELP!!!! :ohwell: :cry: :sad: :grumble:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I'm in a bit of a slump too. I've been having problems wanting to exercise. I have no idea why, but I have to talk myself into exercising. But, with you, I think as long as you're doing something, you'll get to your goal. Swimming is actually a really great exercise. Are you actually swimming laps or what are you doing?
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi walkers- Kid & Spunkie- You girls have to snap out of this ! Spunkie- swimming is great exercise! Have you been taking your measurments? Swimming will help you lose a lot of inches. Can you do things like squats or pushups? Please do not start walking until your ready. You will just hurt yourself more . This is not a race so do not feel like your behind. I'm trying to think of things you can do. Can you ride a bike? Keep your chin up and keep at it. You will see results :flowerforyou: . Kid- You need to quit this stinking thinking ! I know your having alot of stress but exercise is a great way to relieve it. Is there something that you think you would like to do? How about roller blading? Find an exercise you enjoy and go for it. Sometimes we all have to talk ourselves into working out. Do not be your own worst enemy. You can do it. I believe in you. :flowerforyou: I just got back from a 2 miles walk. It is already up to 90 degrees here. I was sweating my butt off. I'm doing my squat and pushups challenges today and we're going swimming this afternoon. I still have to walk 3 miles tonight when it cools down. Exercise is a way of life for me now. I am glad I enjoy it. I hope everyone has a great day. Get out there and walk, walk, walk ! :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:
  • Cindy you are my HERO :laugh: You are so motivated. You are definetly an inspiration. Thanks for guiding me back on track! Kid if I can do it so can you....hang in there. It has to be the heat!:happy:
  • Cindy you are my HERO :laugh: You are so motivated. You are definetly an inspiration. Thanks for guiding me back on track! Kid if I can do it so can you....hang in there. It has to be the heat!:happy:
  • Whoops, didn't mean to post twice SORRY:blushing:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Cindy you are my HERO :laugh: You are so motivated. You are definetly an inspiration. Thanks for guiding me back on track! Kid if I can do it so can you....hang in there. It has to be the heat!:happy:
    Spunkie- Thanks so much ! :flowerforyou: I know you can do it !!! I always tell my 10 year old daughter -" theres nothing to it but to do it" :laugh: Cindy :heart:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Happy July 1!! I read the post about a new thread and I'm definetly in!! I am really excited about the changes I'm see in my body and in my endurance since I started adding the walk/running to my fitness "menu".
    I have been consistent since last check in and that makes me really happy. Up to 4 mile/day and have been doing intervals(run/walk). Still haven't gotten my new shoes yet but hopefully there will be some "extra" after payday for some supportive footwear - I sure do need it!! My eating has been pretty good this week too, so hopefully the scale will budge on Sat - I have been in the163 for weeks and I sure would be excited to start seeing 150's as a regular number:laugh: . But , a step at a time right?

    I hope everybody in a slump isn't too hard on themselves ~ it happens, we're human. (you should take a look at my Jar of Skippy on a bad day, LOL!!) I try not to do that but when I do, I dust myself off and get right back after it!! It's all such a journey:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day Beauties!

  • taxgirlie
    taxgirlie Posts: 35
    A new thread sounds good....
    I have to admit I am in a little bit of slump :ohwell: I am very frustrated because of my foot and not be able to keep up with everyone. I feel like I am light years behind :frown: Swimming is great but I just dont see the results....So now my dilema is do I walk anyway and see what happens or do I swim for hours everyday and not see much along the way of result?!? :indifferent: I just dont feel like I am seeing the benefits at this point. Weight is comng off slowly and I dont notice the difference in my clothes or energy :grumble: I am really frustrated at this point and angry with my foot! I am trying to keep up and stay positive...I have to admit it is very hard! :cry: HELP!!!! :ohwell: :cry: :sad: :grumble:

    Hey Spunkie....just remember, as long as the weight comes off, it shouldnt matter how long it takes. The goal is healthy lifestyle, not diet. You will get to your goals, wait until the foot is totally better. By the time your foot heals properly, your body will be ready for the gung ho exercise and the weight will drop off. Look at it as your secret weapon when the plateau hits! Best of luck...don't get so down!!:smokin:
  • taxgirlie
    taxgirlie Posts: 35
    I haven't broken my habit :frown: I cheated yesterday, the day before that and a couple of times before that.... I've been really upset and extremely stressed lately and have been eating anything I want to eat...including chocolate, candy, icecream, etc etc. I haven't been filling out my log completely and I didn't exercise much either. I don't want this to turn into a huge non-stoping habit. I was doing great during the month of may and for most of june...but now I'm having a hard time focusing on eating healthy and exercising. I've been eating bad food and saying "i dont care" bc I've been feeling really crappy and at that time food is a comfort to me....unfortunately. I dont know how to get myself to stop doing this. So, I thought I'd come to you guys and see if anyone could help.

    Any advice?

    There's nothing wrong with a little cheating. Eating what you want every now and again will actually help you lose weight. You put your body in shock. Sticking to the same calories and food choices can actually slow the process down. Stress SUCKS!!!! I always go to food too! I too have a problem with motivating myself to exercise. Then I get pissed when the scale doesn't show good numbers, like its broken or something. Even though its my own fault. But again, this is a lifestyle not a diet and we have the rest of our lives to get to where we want to be. So when the time is right for you to get back into your 6 days a week workout and strict healthy eating, you'll be much happier. As for your stress, try to find something that you can do not associated with dieting to take your mind off of it. Whatever it is is just an obstacle. You just need to figure out how to get over it or around it. Nothing can stop you but yourself! Dont block yourself! Life goes on and you will overcome EVERYTHING in due time :bigsmile: :smokin:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I'm actually doing better today. I avoided all stress today and I actually went for a 47 min walk, which is actually really good for me bc I haven't been motivated to do aaaanything.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Hi guys!

    I just thought that I'd tell you about a cool (and tough) walking workout that I did on Monday. I didn't have a whole lot of time, but I wanted to have a bit more intensity. So, just prior to starting, I did 100 jumping jacks (in 4 sets of 25). Then I walked for 30 minutes. For the first 10 minutes, I'd walk normal for 30 seconds and then walk with jumping jack arms for 30 seconds. For the second 10 minutes, I did 1 minute normal/1 minute jumping jack arms. The final 10 minutes was 30/30 normal/jumping jack arms. Of course, I needed to cool down for about 5 minutes, but WOW was that a workout! My upper arms are still sore today!

    Now, maybe some of you guys have done a walking workout similar to this one, but I thought I'd share it. I did it on the treadmill (in my house). If you do it walking down the street or at the gym, I'm sure you'll get a few weird looks, but who cares about that? Right?

    Cheers to you all! :drinker:
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