Beginners Walking Challenge



  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I did go to the doctors in march (when it was really bad. Right now it's only small amounts of hives, but I still have them). The doctor told me it was def hives and that I was allergic to something and that I should take a anti-histamine and put calomine-ish lotion on. I already knew to do all of that and unfortunately I had to pay for that doctors visit. What a waste of time. He also said it should be gone in like 2-3 wks and if not I was supposed to go back for a steroid shot....but I never did bc I don't have health insurance.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    ok random I got a PM from a girl on MFP saying she thinks I need to eat more to be able to lose more weight (completely random, never seen her on here before). I'm not sure why she told me that. I feel like I eat a ton of food.

    Besides today (cause I'm not feeling food log looks horrible today, I know) , I eat anywhere from 1600-2100 cals on a normal basis....mostly around 1800-1900 (that's including most of my exercise cals). To maintain my weight I would have to eat 2200ish. So why is she saying I need to eat more cals?

    I'm soooooo confused!

    If you guys have extra time and dont mind, can you look thru some of my food logs (not including todays lol) and let me know what you think?
  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member
    :heart: Hi Jenna :flowerforyou:

    Well for starters, did you get the Zyrtec?? I think you deffinately need that! I do know that you can develop an allergy in adulthood. My aunt just got diagnosed with,oh some long word for being allergic to wheat,lol....and she's almost 40. So maybe just really watch your food and see what triggers it more...oh and soaps, detergents & perfumes, etc :smile:

    So, I took a look at your food log. Good job, you are eating really well :bigsmile: Your "stats" are a lot like mine. I'm thinking, maybe, you are eating too much ?? I know if I eat that much, my weight just sticks to me,lol. I try to stick with 1300 cals and only eat my exercize cal's on the day's that I'm really hungry ( I've learned to listen to my body).Everyone is different though.....just do what works for you:wink: Trial and error,hehe :flowerforyou:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Thanks for checking my food log out. I'm losing weight like I should be. I'm not on a plateau or anything. I'm not sure why that girl messaged me about not eating enough....bc like you said I do eat a lot, maybe more than I should (but I'm always within my cals). *shrugs shoulders* It's working for right now, so I think I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing. :smile:

    I was doing some research online about chronic hives and something came up about a wheat allergy. It's called "Exercise-induced anaphylaxis". The webpage says "The way that food allergy can relate to exercise is still debated. Some experts believe that exercise changes your digestion and food absorption, so that exercise after eating leads you to have a greater exposure to food proteins that cause allergy. Many people with exercise-induced anaphylaxis notice that they will not have hives after exercising if they have had an empty stomach for six to eight hours prior to exercising, or if they avoid specific foods for 24 hours prior to exercising. The most common food allergy that triggers exercise-induced anaphylaxis is wheat allergy. "
    Is this what she has????

    And then I kept reading....and found:
    "Cholinergic urticaria is also known as "heat-induced urticaria." This kind of hives from exercise is a reaction that can occur from a warm body temperature or from sweating. If you have this kind of hives, you may also notice hives after taking hot showers, after getting emotional, or after eating hot foods. If this is your hive problem, an antihistamine such as hydroxyzine (Atarax) is helpful prior to exercise, and it can also help for you to avoid exercising in hot weather"

    Very interesting! Not that any of you want to read it lol but I'd thought I'd share anyway.

    but MAYBE that's what it's from. The only thing I can link together with my hives is exercise. I haven't really paid attention to the hives after exercising, I just notice them in the morning when I wake up....BUT I started being "more active" at the end of March...I wasn't exercising, but I did go to Florida and I was walking a TON and in the heat...and then I came back and started exercising more and that's when the hives started. I've been exercising every day and maybe that's why I have hives everyday.

    Thanks for sharing the tid bit of info!

    p.s. i think your picture is absolutely adorable lol I want a hat like that!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi walkers, I'm down 4 pounds this week. :heart: :smile: :heart: :smile: :heart: :smile: Have a great day everyone! Cindy :heart:
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    I was doing some research online about chronic hives and something came up about a wheat allergy. It's called "Exercise-induced anaphylaxis". The webpage says "The way that food allergy can relate to exercise is still debated. Some experts believe that exercise changes your digestion and food absorption, so that exercise after eating leads you to have a greater exposure to food proteins that cause allergy. Many people with exercise-induced anaphylaxis notice that they will not have hives after exercising if they have had an empty stomach for six to eight hours prior to exercising, or if they avoid specific foods for 24 hours prior to exercising. The most common food allergy that triggers exercise-induced anaphylaxis is wheat allergy. "
    Is this what she has????

    And then I kept reading....and found:
    "Cholinergic urticaria is also known as "heat-induced urticaria." This kind of hives from exercise is a reaction that can occur from a warm body temperature or from sweating. If you have this kind of hives, you may also notice hives after taking hot showers, after getting emotional, or after eating hot foods. If this is your hive problem, an antihistamine such as hydroxyzine (Atarax) is helpful prior to exercise, and it can also help for you to avoid exercising in hot weather"

    Very interesting! Not that any of you want to read it lol but I'd thought I'd share anyway.

    but MAYBE that's what it's from. The only thing I can link together with my hives is exercise. I haven't really paid attention to the hives after exercising, I just notice them in the morning when I wake up....BUT I started being "more active" at the end of March...I wasn't exercising, but I did go to Florida and I was walking a TON and in the heat...and then I came back and started exercising more and that's when the hives started. I've been exercising every day and maybe that's why I have hives everyday.

    Thanks for sharing the tid bit of info!

    Wow. :noway: Does this mean you're allergic to exercise? I'd heard people joke about that, but I guess it really happens!

    Wow again. I hope that your hives clear up! I guess you could cut wheat out of your diet to see if it's the first one. Either that, or you're allergic to Florida, so stay away from there! :laugh: :tongue:

    Hope you're feeling better!!!!

    Cheers, :drinker:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    haha I'm not allergic to exercise, it might just be my body over heating way 2 much 2 fast.... or it could be, I'm allergic to some type of food and exercise brings out the allergy more....they said exercise changes your digestion and food exercising after you eat can lead to greater exposure to food proteins that cause allergies... :ohwell:

    but I have NO IDEA if this is actually what's causing my hives. I'm going to take it easy with exercise this week and see what happens...but yea, i'm going to start cutting wheat out of my diet too this week.

    *crosses fingers*
  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi Jenna :flowerforyou:

    Yeah, I think that is what my aunt has...except hers is anytime she eats wheat she gets bad. Very interesting stuff you found out...gotta love the internet :happy: I'll be curious to see if that's it! Who need's the doctor,LOL:wink: Just keep eliminating things to see what the heck it is!

    :heart: Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I am feeling much better today, so am planning on going for a medium paced walk,hehe :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    You know, Jenna, you could check out some info on Clean Eating (if you haven't already). That might help you with your intake. It could be something that's used in the processing of food that you would never think of (which is probably the root of a lot of food allergies, but I'm not an "expert" in that field by any means!)...

    Just google "clean eating" if you aren't already aware of it. And exercise on empty (that sucks!!!). :wink:

    Cheers to you! :drinker:

    P.S. If it's the sweat thing, perhaps you should liberally apply anti-perspirant all over your body... :laugh:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    haha yea! i'll just get one giant stick of deodorant lol ha :laugh:
  • Wow Cindy your new pic looks great:wink: Just weighed in lost 1.5 lbs, it's good to see because I have been having very slack walking weeks due to foot so WOOOOHOOO!:laugh:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    well i'm guessing the exercise/wheat idea is not it. I didn't exercise as long or as hard as I normally do (made sure I was in a cool place with a fan on me) and I waited 5 hours after I ate to exercise....and I have new hives this morning. :grumble: fantastic...:grumble:

    I think it's time to call the doctor...tons of money or not.... :ohwell:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Walkers, Good morning to you all ! Kid, oh my ,I'm soo sorry your still hiving up. I do agree you should go to the DR. This might get worse if not treated. Feel better hon. Spunkie- Great job on the loss :flowerforyou: I hope your foot is feeling better. Thanks a bunch for the compliment about my pic. I'm getting ready to go walk 3 miles. I'm going to walk 3 this morning and 2 tonight. I will also swim for at least 2 hours. I'm on week 2 of the push up and squat challenges so 47 push ups and 84 squats for me today. :smile: Wow ! :smile: I want to walk 5 miles everyday this week. Does anyone watch True Blood? It was the season premier last night. I love that show! It was good last night. I'm a horror film fan and I love a good vampire story. :smile: Ok team- I better go get ready for my walk. ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • Hey Kid, is it possible you could have chicken pox? It happened to me @ 21...came out in the form of Hives and was under my arms and numerous other places. Really sucked....Took about 2 weeks to return to normal. I do know that if it is the heal will only make them worse. Good luck and feel better :cry: :smile:
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    Hey Kid, is it possible you could have chicken pox? It happened to me @ 21...came out in the form of Hives and was under my arms and numerous other places. Really sucked....Took about 2 weeks to return to normal. I do know that if it is the heal will only make them worse. Good luck and feel better :cry: :smile:

    I got the chicken pox at 26 - was working at an elementary school and had them for my 27th birthday. :frown: They definitely sucked. Hope that's not what you have, Kid!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    no, it's def hives, this has been going on for 3 months. I've had chicken pox already. :ohwell: I wish it WAS chicken pox tho lol at least it'd eventually go away :tongue:
  • Shingles maybe? My aunt had shingles for months and finally they treated and it went away. I felt horrible for her. I hope you get better soon. It has to be very uncomfortable. :flowerforyou:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Ooo my gram had shingles last year. Wow she was in such pain. They def aren't shingles thank goodness! i did go to the doctors in march (the first time i got hives literally all over my body/face)...he didn't do anything for me, but he said they were def hives. I don't have them all over my body's just a few here and few right now i have 1 on my lower left arm, 6 on my lower right arm, 4 on my back and a few on my legs... so at least I'm not covered in them...but still it's annoying.

    I'm looking into health insurance right now. I hope I can find something cheap but good. Thanks for your concern tho! :happy: It's nice how you guys are giving me ideas. Any help is great

    I'm eating a lot of wheat today just to see if I break out in hives really bad...if so...that's what it's from
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi walkers- 5 miles for me today done in 80 minutes. I also did 47 push ups and 84 squats and swam laps for 1 hour and 45 minutes. I hope everyone had a great day ! Nighty night- Cindy :heart:
  • taxgirlie
    taxgirlie Posts: 35
    Cindy you truly are the energizer bunny! I wish you lived near me so you can come drag me out of my house!!! Congrats on the all the hard work and keep it up! :happy:
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