Beginners Walking Challenge - Session 2



  • Tekamahmom
    Tekamahmom Posts: 15
    Hi everyone,
    I did some major slacking the last few weeks of the first session of the challenge so this time I'm going to try even harder to stay focused..... Wish me I have to slim up alot more in the tummy area before Sept. 12. I'm in my friends wedding and the dress I have to wear shows off a little more of my doughnut belly than I'd like.... lmao I haven't done any walking today b/c it was soooo hot out today so I'll be walking later on this evening.....
  • westenfan
    westenfan Posts: 10
    me and harley walked up to the post office and it took about 25 minutes i wore my flip flop slippers and couldnt quite figure out how to walk outside with them on. then this afternoon i decided to rearrange the living room, that took about 1 1/2 hours, so i was pretty well beat. am planning on getting up around 6 or 7 and walking in the am then again 2morrow night. good luck to all, keep on walkin:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :smooched:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi walkers- I just got in from my 2 mile evening walk. I feel crampy and bloated and just plain crappy but i still walked and I'm so glad I did. :smile: I hope everyone had a great day- Cindy :heart:
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Hi All!

    Cindy, I am so totally with you as far as the whole not wanting to work out goes!! It's not that I don't WANT to work out as much as I'm so wiped out I don't know if I can even make it!!! I so did not want to work out yesterday, but I made myself go to the gym and walk the track anyway. I was very glad I did! :bigsmile: Not that I put in a stellar performance, but at least I burned enough calories to feast on a cupcake that somebody brought in to work (and it was good, too!).

    Last night I also did Day 1 of Week 3 of the 100 pushups challenge (I repeated Week 2 last week). Man, was THAT challenging!!! Squeezing out that last couple took some serious power (that I didn't have!).

    Today I plan on walking on the treadmill at home after work. Hopefully, I'll get some energy back (at least enough to keep myself from talking myself out of a nice brisk walk!!!).

    I hope that everyone has a great day! :flowerforyou:

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi walkers- How is everyone? I feel better today. I already did my Am 3 mile walk. I am so glad I got to it early. I will do my squats and pushups today . I will also walk 2 miles this afternoon and I will probably swim too. I hope everyone has a great day ! Get out there and walk !!!! :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:
  • Yesterday I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill for thirty minutes and also did the two mile "walk away the pounds dvd":wink:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    Checking in w/ my 20min TJ before work yesterday and a 4 mile walk after work - which i was really really tired and pushed myself to do!! To all of those who get up and do it anyway - despite how you feel - THANK YOU!! The motivation helps me to do it anyway when I don't feel like it, and I think of you guys as I negotiate with myself, LOL!! I love the way I feel as I'm coming around that last corner and I see my neighbor's porch lights " i'm home free!!" It feels great!! Did my 20min TJ this am and walk on the agenda for tonight - weather permits- pretty stormy here, which the plants and little creature desperately need. If I can't get outside - it's a Kick boxing DVD (Turbo Jam).

    It's a great day to keep a promise to yourself; we can do this!!!

  • Ok so yesterday was my weight in day and a really bad day!!!:mad: :explode: :angry: :grumble: I am up 6lbs, I almost died! Then I cried :cry: :cry: :cry: It is so hard to lose 6lbs and not being able to walk is killing me. I just dont feel swimming is doing it for me. I am a big girl and I just dont feel swimming is as beneficial. Needless to say I am upset but determined. :indifferent: I have been working on taking better control of my portion sizes in hopes that that helps. I just never feel satisfied, always seem a little hungry. :ohwell: I saw a pic of myself from Sat and I was shocked at how big I have become. You know it's that old way of thinking that I'm not that big I am just big boned That's alot of crap! :huh: So in a way I have had a set back and come out more determined but more self conscious. All this time I hoped people saw what I saw and now I know why I get the looks when I am shopping. Here's the moment of truth....I normally wouldn't volunteer this info but I am in hopes of having to be accountable. I weight 326lbs I wear a size 26 and I am 5'10, My goals are to weight 185lbs wear a 13/14 I dont want to be model thin, just happy and able to do everyday task. :cry: :cry: :cry: I guess you could say this is my plea for HELP!!!:brokenheart: :cry: :sad: :embarassed:

    Any ideas on cheap health meal ideas that are kid friendly...kind of in a rut! Please no fish/seafood
  • Oh and for those that are aware I am still dealing with my plantar fasciitis and go to the podiatrist tomorrow. I am thinking maybe another cortisone shot but I am afraid I will need surgery. And then the thought occurred to me...I am so big how am I going to make it around on 1 foot. So Depressing :sad:
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Oh no, Spunkiemunkie!!! Don't cry!!! We're all here for you!

    First off, I just got the most recent issue of Taste of Home's Healthy Cooking magazine yesterday. Here's a link to their webpage:

    Secondly, don't give up on yourself!! I know that it's really hard for you right now, especially since you're going through the whole plantar fascitis, but I am very confident that you will bounce back. :smile:

    Also, maybe this is your opportunity to work on strength and stretching fitness as opposed to cardio fitness. I read recently (I think it was in the magazine On Fitness, recommended by Banks on another thread) that strength training may be more important in helping people lose fat than cardio training. Apparently, cardio training can also cause muscle loss. As we know, more muscle = more fat burning power. So, take this time to re-focus on doing more strength. Water-walk if you can for cardio. I do know how you feel about swimming not cutting it--I never felt like swimming melted the fat off me, personally. However, swimming is an all-body no-impact workout that is VERY beneficial. Unfortunately, many of us see faster results with land-based cardio (i.e., walking & running, etc.) than with water-based cardio. But swimming CAN really make you super fit. Have you seen pictures of Michael Phelps in his speedo? I'd say that he got most of his body from swimming.

    Have faith and have patience in yourself. I know that there are quite a few of us who have loads of both for you. You can borrow from us any time you need it! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Spunkie- Oh hun- I'm so sorry your feeling this way. I think it's hard to believe you gained 6 pounds. Could it be water retention? How has your eating been? Are you drinking your water? I know how frustrated you must feel regarding your foot. I must tell you I started in March of this year at 353. I started riding a bike at 330. Can you ride? That is GREAT exercise. My dh bought me a $70.00 mountain bike from wall mart and it is holding up great. The swimming is good exercise. It may take longer to see results but as I've said before you will lose alot of inches from swimming. Have you taken your measurements? If not do so right away. You have to get walking out of your mind right now and find something you can do. Please keep your chin up and KNOW you CAN do this!!!! I believe in you !!!!!!!! Do not let yourself fall into the feeling sorry for yourself trap. Remember- A person is not defined by his set backs but by how he handles the set backs. As far as the meals- How about whole wheat pasta with tons of veggies and some low sodium marinara, turkey tacos, Grilled cheese on whole wheat and low sodium soup, eggs- make a quiche-or frittata- just add whatever you like , panakes for dinner- whole wheat pancakes and turkey sausage. Chicken cut up into tenders and baked and some sweat potato fries- sloppy joes made with ground turkey. Oh, I could go on and on- :smile: Ok - Spunkie- Remember - YOU CAN DO THIS !!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great night- Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    5 miles for me today. I also swam for an hour and did my squats and pushups. :smile: I hope everyone had a great day !! Cindy :heart:
  • Thanks a bunch ladies. This is such a hard journey, even a little set back tends to get you down. I never really thought about the stretching but I am really going to look into some exercises. I have to admit I dont have a bike but I am considering the purchase. The recipe ideas are great. I know I can do this, I just have to re-focus my mind. I really appreciate all of the help and support you ladies give me. I couldn't do it w/out ya! :drinker: :bigsmile: :happy: :wink:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Spunkie- We :heart: you ! I want ot share a quote pne of my MFP friends shared with me. " The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time" :laugh: Pm (personal messege" me anytime. I know first hand how devastating set backs can be. Have a great day. Cindy :heart:
  • cpafford79
    cpafford79 Posts: 88
    Hi everybody!

    I'm checking in with my 15 minute walk at work yesterday. I have no idea how far it was, but I'm guessing 1/2 mile. I'm really struggling with motivation right now, plus I pulled a muscle in my back playing softball last night. :grumble:

    Spunkie - Stay strong! YOU CAN DO IT!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi walkers- I just finished my AM walk. I only walked 2 miles . it is soooo HOT!!! I think it's gonna hit 110 degrees here today. Like I said HOT !! I have a brisket in the crock pot with carrots,onions and potatoes. I 'm cooking it on my deck. I refuse to heat up my kitchen today. I'll walk 2 more miles after it cools down some tonight. I also do my upper body routine today. I will swim a couple hours too. I hope everyone has a great day- Cindy :heart:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    woah lol You guys lost me there for a little bit :tongue: I found ya tho!

    I went to visit my gram for a few days so I haven't been on here much, but I'm happy to say that I've walked every day, but yesterday, since I've been at my gram's. I think I'm finally getting my motivation back! Woo!:happy:

    Spunkie! We :heart: u! You can def do it! I know it stinks that you can't go out for walks/runs bc of your foot. I'm going to look up some exercises you can do that don't involve your foot! Whenever you need help just talk to us and we'll try to help you out. :flowerforyou:

    Cindy, you doing great! I think I'm going to join a 5k in my town for later in the fall or maybe next spring. I think it would be a lot of fun and would push me to start running more.

    cpafford79 I hope you're feeling better soon! I hate when stuff like happens. :ohwell:

    Hope everyone has a great day today!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Hello ladies :smile: Hope everyone has a great day today!

    Spunkie- I found some exercises you might be able to do. There are chair aerobics that might be able to help you ( I know it's not the same as running or something of that sort, but it's something). How about lifting weights? What about riding a stationary bike? (I'm not sure if that would hurt your foot or not), ab exercises or any specific muscle exercise. I'm sure you already know all of this, but I thought I'd try to help.... have you looked up water aerobics? I know you don't think swimming is helping but maybe if you look into doing certains exercises in the water, it would be more beneficial?
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Hi All, :flowerforyou:

    I just didn't have it in me to walk this morning. :yawn: So, since I was already dressed to work out at the gym and all, I told myself to go to the gym anyway. And, since I was really unmotivated to walk, I told myself to at least do the elliptical--for at least 30 minutes. I ended up doing a really intense elliptical workout for 30 minutes! :bigsmile:

    Of course, I was about 20 minutes late to work, but at least the workout is done for the day and I didn't disappoint myself! :tongue:

    ...on a side note, my right heel is starting to feel a bit "twinge-y". I'm concerned that my Achilles tendonitis is coming back! :cry: Oh, well. At least spunkiemunkie will have company with the non-walking thing for a bit if that's so. And I can take the time to start focusing more on strength and stretching.

    You all have an absolutely GREAT day! I'm pretty sure I will do the same (exercise endorphins are still hanging out 6 1/2 hours after exercising? Is this even possible?)!

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Great job Deborah! I was feeling the same way this morning, but unfortunately I haven't gone to the gym yet haha. I plan on going tho!

    I hope your heel feels better soon! All you ladies are getting injured! :frown:
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