Beginners Walking Challenge - Session 2

stratdl Posts: 303 Member
Greetings all! :flowerforyou:

This new thread is our Walking Challenge, open to everyone. We all motivate each other to keep going every week and succeed in our lifestyle change.

Here's how it works-

This "session" will run from July 3rd to August 14th (6 weeks). We start each workout week on Friday and end it on Thursday. Our challenge is to walk 3 days (or times) per week for 30 minutes a day (or time). On Fridays, we check in and report our walks and, as a bonus (for some), our weight loss for the week.

We also talk about what works for us. Feel free to join us, more are always welcome!!!

Cheers! :drinker:


  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I want to join, I walked an hour yesterday, but hurt my ankle. I am all better now. And need lots of motivation. I am excited about this.
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Welcome, ddakota!

    It's okay that you've injured your ankle. :cry: Our own spunkiemunkie (who started the original thread) has developed plantar fascitis and is having to work through that right now. We're trying to keep her motivated and feeling good about herself. :happy: I hope it's working!

    Anyway, we're happy to have you here. Way to go on walking for an hour! That takes determination!

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • slimmingmom
    slimmingmom Posts: 297
    I love to walk, it's just finding the time (and motivation) to do it!!! I'm in :happy:
  • FantasticVoyage
    I have 3 young children and can not find the time to get away from the house to walk.

    With that said, I use the Walk Away the Pounds DVD's. Can I still join since it's technically walking??:embarassed:

    I walk 30 mins which is 2 miles. I do it every day right now 6 days a week, but I can cut down to three to join you all. So I just did my walk today.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Oh no- Walking 6 days a week is wonderful !!!! You don't have to cut back to 3 days a week. The challenge is to walk at least 3 days a week. :smile: Cindy :heart:
  • FantasticVoyage
    Oh no- Walking 6 days a week is wonderful !!!! You don't have to cut back to 3 days a week. The challenge is to walk at least 3 days a week. :smile: Cindy :heart:

    Thank God!!:drinker:

    I LOVE doing my walking 6 days a week! It makes me feel alive and energized! I'm in for sure then!!:love:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Oh no- Walking 6 days a week is wonderful !!!! You don't have to cut back to 3 days a week. The challenge is to walk at least 3 days a week. :smile: Cindy :heart:

    Thank God!!:drinker:

    I LOVE doing my walking 6 days a week! It makes me feel alive and energized! I'm in for sure then!!:love:
    I agree 100% I walk 4-5 miles 6 days a week. I love walking. :heart: Welcome !!!!!! Have a great night. Cindy :heart:
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Thanks for letting me join, I am so excited, walking is the only exercise i like to do. yay!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Check in for me-- from last Friday until yesterday- 22 miles- 362 minutes. I swam for 8 hours total. I'm down to 291 at yesterdays weigh in. I started at 351 in March of this year. I love, love ,love this way of life !!!! :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • candacepainter
    I would love to be in the group! Today I walked 30 minutes on the treadmill!
  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi all!:flowerforyou: I've been slacking on the checking in :ohwell: It's been soo hot in the I'm gonna start walking at night with a friend! Gotta get it in sometime, and I am NOT a morning person,lol

    :heart: Keep it up ladies!!!:drinker:
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    I have 3 young children and can not find the time to get away from the house to walk.

    With that said, I use the Walk Away the Pounds DVD's. Can I still join since it's technically walking??:embarassed:

    I walk 30 mins which is 2 miles. I do it every day right now 6 days a week, but I can cut down to three to join you all. So I just did my walk today.

    I checked a couple of those DVD's out from the library and really like them. I definitely count them as walking.

    So glad we're starting a new session (and a clean slate). I feel all refreshed now. :drinker:
  • westenfan
    westenfan Posts: 10
    i also love to walk, and since my daughter gave me a mini daschund for christmas, i dont have to find music to listen to. harley keeps me company on every walk, we walk 45 minutes every night, and sometimes i walk him another 45 minutes in the morning. we also walk the 4 blocks to the post office at least 2x a week, and take the long way around, so we get an extra 15 minutes or so. how long does it take before you actually notice that the walking is paying off, i know you build muscle first. sometimes i feel as if its not working, but i know in my mind it is. does it matter when i walk? good luck to all, and ill take the challenge, we walked 45 minutes yesterday. i just hope i remember i joined this challenge and will check in on thursday. good luck to all keep it up.:bigsmile: :glasses: :happy:
  • westenfan
    westenfan Posts: 10
    absolutely awesome job, keep it up. ill keep reading your posting, you are going to be my inspiration. im at 240 or so right now, hope to get down to 140-150.:bigsmile: this post is specifcally to cindysunshine, but anyone who wants it to be theirs, can have it too. i share.:flowerforyou:
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    absolutely awesome job, keep it up. ill keep reading your posting, you are going to be my inspiration. im at 240 or so right now, hope to get down to 140-150.:bigsmile: this post is specifcally to cindysunshine, but anyone who wants it to be theirs, can have it too. i share.:flowerforyou:

    I think that quite a few of us agree that cindysunshine IS doing an absolutely awesome job and IS an inspiration to us all!!! :bigsmile:

    Welcome onboard westenfan!

    Cheers!! :drinker:
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    i walked 30 minutes so far today. It was really slow walking on the treadmill because I was studying (reading and taking notes) at the same time, but this definitely beats sitting on my butt studying.
  • FantasticVoyage
    Just weighed myself and I lost another 3 lbs as of today! I've been doing my usual Walk Away the Pounds for the 30 min a day 6 days a week!

  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Welcome to all the new faces!! Glad you all are here and that we can all achieve our listyle changes together ~ it's not something I'm able to accomplish alone, no way!!
    Yesterday I did a 45 min TJ cardio dvd and haven't walked yet for today ~ I plan to do that as soon as I finish my housework and getting the chicken in the oven. By then it should be down to 90 degrees and more tolerable :laugh:
    I have totally given up on hair for the summer - it's impossible to have hair and work out in this heat!!
    It's back to the pony for me - I surrender.... and it feels good!

    Hope all are well and ready for another great week!

    Take care,
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    absolutely awesome job, keep it up. ill keep reading your posting, you are going to be my inspiration. im at 240 or so right now, hope to get down to 140-150.:bigsmile: this post is specifcally to cindysunshine, but anyone who wants it to be theirs, can have it too. i share.:flowerforyou:

    I think that quite a few of us agree that cindysunshine IS doing an absolutely awesome job and IS an inspiration to us all!!! :bigsmile:

    Welcome onboard westenfan!

    Cheers!! :drinker:
    Awwww You guys are making me blush- :blushing: Thank you soo much. I know we can all do it!!!!! Lace up those shoes and get out there !!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:
  • cpafford79
    cpafford79 Posts: 88
    Hey everybody!

    Welcome to all the new members! I just wanted to check in and let you all know that I have not dropped off the face of the earth! I had a really rough week last week, and had in-laws in town visiting over the holiday weekend! Needless to say, I didn't get any workouts in and now I am finding it hard to get motivated to start back again!:sad: I am afraid to get on the scale because I don't want to see all of my hard work go down the drain!:cry: I am going to try and motivate myself to start working out again this week and then step on the scale on Friday. Maybe atleast it will say what it did 2 weeks ago! :wink: