I know eating real food is best, but it is good to have meal replacement shake mix on hand. It helps me to take some with me on a trip on camping or vacationing, it keeps me from over eating on junk food when we are out. I have a meal replacement shake every morning before work, because i have no time to be cooking or…
Thanks for all the tips. Once i get this coffee addiction under control too, it may be easier to exercise. My goal is to do cardio in the mornings before i leave for work & do weight training and strength training after work.
Leslie Sansone
220 lbs. and in size 20 and XXL
My ticker not working, I have lost 14 lbs.
pop-tarts or movie theater popcorn. My husband and I got a bucket of that popcorn from the movie theater 2 days in a row, and I gained back 2 lbs. on count of it.
sounds good, I will try that
My husband does this too, he is not very supportive when it comes to me watching what I eat. His favorite thing he does that get on my nerves is pop some popcorn. The smell of that popcorn smells up the whole house for awhile, and that is one smell that makes you want some. He eats microwave butter popcorn almost every…
frozen fruit and water makes good smoothies. Also, I have a nutribullet blender, so I make smoothies with fruit & vegetables.
I work for the school so I am out of work all summer babysitting a couple of my grandkids. I get bored sometimes & eat emotionally sometimes. I too need to stop it. I downloaded a new app to my phone called "my diet coach pro" I really think it is going to help me, I hope.
this week I binged on homemade ice cream, and I binge on pop tarts sometimes.
almond milk body by vi shakes diet rite
We had our family BBQ meal on Monday because that was the day my son was off work. We had BBQ, baked beans, potato chips, homemade ice cream, and few beers later.
I eat high fiber cereals such as Kellogg's Fiber Plus Cinnamon Oat Crunch has 9g of fiber & 16g whole grain, and Kellogg's Fiber Plus Berry Yogurt Crunch has 10g of fiber & 27g of whole grain. But sometimes I just drink my body by vi shake if in a hurry with protein whey added to it.
I hope my elliptical don't aggravate my hip. I had a treadmill but sold it after I got the elliptical because I have plantar physitis (spelled wrong) and the feet pounding on the floor of the treadmill made my heel & legs hurt.
A body by vi shake with protein whey & frozen fruit added to it.
I am 50 yrs. old and weight 229 lbs. and I am married with 2 adult children and 5 grandchildren. I am hoping to lose down to 140 lbs. I sent you friend request. We can do this together.
I am going to be in a wedding in 4 months. I too want to lose some weight by then. I am the Groom's Mom. And me & the Bride's Mom will be walking down the isle together to light candles & be seated. She is slim, I am 229 lbs. I am going to try to lose some weight.
I have acid reflux. I take Prevacid for mine. It helps. Things that give me heart burn is coffee, birthday cake, pizza, tomatoes, brownies, citrus fruits such as pineapple, oranges, tangerines, watermelon, cucumber, spaghetti, lasagna. juice, doughnuts. I take tums & Prevacid.
I have Plantar Fasciitis too, and I sold my Treadmill and got me an Elliptical, because walking on the Treadmill pounding my feet on the floor was bad for it, so with the Elliptical, I can get a great workout without my feet leaving the pedals which is better for my feet. You may want to invest in a Elliptical machine or a…
Sounds good. I will try this.