bevsalter Member


  • just start fresh in the morning. You will do great. Just think before you eat anything, measure your food. Eat veggies and fruit when you want to snack. you can take these 6 pounds off quickly. glad you stopped and decided to get back on the program when you did. I gained 40 of the 52 pounds I lost. You was much smarter…
  • welcome. this is a awesome site, you will meet great people with great advice.The main thing is as everyone is telling you, stay under your calorie goal and continue to exercise and you will soon see those 15 pounds disappear.Read the success stories. good luck and would love to be your support friend if you want.
  • Hang in there and continue to be proud of your accomplishments. maybe you need a picture of what you looked like before and then you will see the improvements and you also see you have some more to take off. I do the same thing with my pictures.
    in photos Comment by bevsalter October 2010
  • :happy: take your measurments. You may be losing inches instead of pouds. and you need to give it more than 2 days. It will eventually show your hard work has paid off. Good Luck and Keep up the good work and don't give up. ONE DAY AT A TIME..
  • You have taken the right step to get back on track.I would love to be your friend. The rewards are awesome here. I take it one day at a time sometimes it is a big lose and other times it is a minor loss. sometimes I put on a pound but when I gain that pound It reminds me that I have to watch what I eat. It is a Lifechange…
  • I Joined MFP the 10th of Sept,2010. I to have 50 pounds to lose, well 44 now. I have lost 10 pounds so far. I am excited about finding this site. I turned 62 in Sept. and I understand the working and on your feet 10 hours a day. I was there as well. would love to have you for my friend for a support person. I need all the…
  • I also joined Sept.10th 2010. i need someone to be accountable to as well. I would love to have you for a friend. I have lost 10 pounds since I joined. Just remember if the scales don't move usually the inches do. I walk almost every day. I try to put on 2 miles a couple of times a week walking 3mph. I take my dog walking…
  • Just let the video be a constant reminder that you still have a ways to go. Set small goals and when you achieve them set some more small goals and before you know it you will have taken off all the pounds that you intended . If you slip it is ok just jump back on track and pick up where you left off.We can do this…
  • I lost 5 pounds the first 3 days (since Sept.!0) but nothing more but have not gained the 5 pounds back so that is good.The good news is I lost a 1nch in my waitst and my hips. Even if the scales aren't showing change, my cloths are. I will keep with it as I have a long ways to go. I have 50 lbs. to shed. and with…
  • I am Beverly and I just started this program Sept.10th 2010. I love it, I lost 5 lbs so far.:happy: I have told all my friends about MyFITNESSPAL. I truely love this web site.