Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 9/17 wk 38

good luck :flowerforyou:


  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Well still 193 no gain/no loss have aunt flow visiting so did not expect to loose. Well it is rainy today if it clears will go for a walk. Hope everyone does well today. check back later
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey folks....reporting a 7.6 lb gain this week. expected it and claiming it. been in a semi-funk.... if that is even a word. slightly out of control with eating some days, consistent exercise has NOT happened, logging food for am, then my day falls apart. doesn't help at all, that I ate a Chinese buffet last nite. am sure 3/4 of the gain is water, and my cycle is more wicked this month. anyway, vowing to do better, starting now. realizing the importance of making a plan and sticking to it. prioritizing ME is the only way I will succeed. busy day here and then football bus trip later. gonna try and format a newer chart for us. sorry for not posting it lately.

    have a good one and I'll try to check in later.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    weight 172.2 yesterday morning.

    just checking in real quick....
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Checking in really quick here still 193 Sindy you and I are gonna kick this 193 out of the way!:)
    Well wish me luck I have a derby match this saturday (Hubbys bday) aginst the team that I played with in Idaho! They are tough so hope i live to say the least! Have a great weekend peppers and make GOOD choices!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Well got 10 min walk in but not logging it, anything under 15 mins dont give many calories anyway.

    Kelly we are getting our cycle at the same time, mine is almost over and never loose while I have it. I totally forgot to bring lunch have carrots stashed so lunch will be an apple and carrots, I am going to be very hungry. (cindy stay away from the snack basket) :laugh:

    Barb is that a loss, good going.

    MissVita it will be a very happy day to get out of the 190's, I'll even be happy if its 189.999 :laugh: So sick of seeing it on the scale.

    Well I think I will keep a little notebook on me at all time. I noticed that I forget little things that I eat on the run mostly on the week ends, but they add up. If I write it down and refer to it when logging I will be more accurate. I so want to see the scale move down.

    Well check back later.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Happy. Friday night.....enjoy
  • jacque509
    Hey all well its still a struggle. i weight in at 258.2 so up 1.2 pounds. Tried to do better but still emotional eating yuk!!! went for my first walk since I been sick. Took the puppy with me I think she hated it hahahaha. So I only did 15 min but I think that was ok since it been 6 weeks since I did anything. SO I will get up in the morning and walk the puppy again and try to build my strenght up before I go back to work. And hopefully lose at least the weight I put on while out. Will check in later.
    Try to have a good eating weekend everyone
  • jacque509
    Ok so here starting to a new day.
    Last night totally blew!!! Picked up son from school and he was straving so we went to Whataburger and yeah I ate too at midnight. No control AGH!!!!
    So I got up this moring weight myself 259.6 Thank whataburger!!
    Had breaktfast and logged it.
    Plan to do some major cleaning today, my house is a mess no cleaning for the last 6 weeks.
    1. No eating 3 hours before bed
    2. Stay in portion size no bigger than my fist
    3. Water, water,water,water Need I say more
    4. Walk puppy today at least once
    5. log food and write befoe I eat
    Well have a good Saturday every one!!!
  • bevsalter
    bevsalter Posts: 10 Member
    I lost 5 pounds the first 3 days (since Sept.!0) but nothing more but have not gained the 5 pounds back so that is good.The good news is I lost a 1nch in my waitst and my hips. Even if the scales aren't showing change, my cloths are. I will keep with it as I have a long ways to go. I have 50 lbs. to shed. and with MYFITNESSPAL I know I will succeed.Hang in there ya'll!
  • jacque509
    Ok so I did soooo much better today. Just need to not eat until morning. Its 9:30 so wish me luck.
    I logged in everything which is a first in a very long time!! So I am proud of myself about that.
    Need to work on the water.
    Never got out to walk but did do some major house cleaning.
    Well hope everyone is having a good weekend!
  • jacque509
    Good Morning,
    Well heres to a new day. So I am trying to new things today to see if they really help.
    1. Was reading that if you drink a cup of warm water (just before it comes to a boil) and add on fresh squeeze lemon to eat. Before breakfast it will help your digestion and clean your stomach in a natural non medicated way.
    2. I was reading on a vitamins study that omega 3 with exercise showed that more people had better results than omega 3only,, exercise only or placebio only people.
    So I weight in and no gain so happy about that.
    So goals today
    1. water
    2. log in food
    3. some form of exercise
    4.No soda
    5.portion control
    6.No eating 3 hours before bed
    oh by the way I made it to bed without eating last night YEAH!!!
    Have a good day everyone

    Bevsalter- Good job !! Keep it up!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey all....
    It's great to report it was a great weekend.

    Saturday, hubby and I entered our cars in a car show. I won! Best of Class, Stock category 2000 & up. YEAH... another trophy for my Plum Crazy girl..... she deserves the hardware.

    The show was held in a community park that had 4 baseball fields & a nice winding paved walk around the fields. I did a 45 minute walk at the show. I was wearing sneakers...but let me tell you I could tell the difference. I do walk in my skeecers shape ups. At the show, I had danskins (from walmart).... nah, teh walk just wasn't the same.
    Also, we brought our healthy food to the show -- so no need to purchase the food there.

    Today, we went to the drag strip raceway. There was a car show for vintage cars & racing plus a swap meet. I LOVED THE RACING. It was awesome watching the 57 Chevys race the 70s Nova.....then see the 62 Vette go against an AMC..... Awesome, awesome, awesome.... There was no rhyme/reasoning in the line-ups.... Just how the drivers got in the line so it was a luck of the line who the vintage car drivers were racing against.

    Some of the cars in the race are street legal... have license plates. Some are just for the 1/4 mile strip. Some had beautiful custom paint jobs -- others just dull primer.... As hubby stated it don't need to look pretty to race - just needs to have a good engine.

    By golly, hubby and my vette freinds are making me a motor head!

    Today, we did bring our healthy food.... we did leisurely walk around the car show & swap meet area. Got myself two plum crazy chargers matchbox style....... If it's plum crazy & a charger, I buy it... year doesn't matter... I display my matchbox "collection" with my car at car shows.

    That's all for now..... here's to a good week for all1
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Food is planned and logged. Got my shoes and HRM on and ready to head out for a long walk. Water water water. will post more later. have a good one gang! make it count! let's try hard this week on eating healthier, moving more, getting lots of water in each day and focus on why we are here. Do this!!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Happy Monday......
    Heading to see friends after work..... should be fun.
    Plan to jog today...
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    today has been good. I walked 4 miles this am and then did about 50 minutes of push mowing. food has been clean, and will be having air-popped popcorn soon. YUM! have a great nite...get some good sleep all!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    did head out last night w/friends. They decided they were hungry at 9pm. I was good -- ordered a garden salad. Ate 1/2 and leftover 1/2 is my lunch.

    Hoping to walk during lunch w/a coworker.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    mornin' folks! :flowerforyou: walked a different route this am. need to drive it for miles. anyone interested in a challenge at all? food? exercise minutes? water? under/at cals for the day/week? personal or team? just an idea since it's been a while. three full months left of 2010. I'd really like to be down about 15 more by 1.1.11. gonna have to make a plan and get serious if that's gonna happen.

    anyway, have a good day. Barb...thinkin' of makin' a salad for supper. :tongue:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Walked at lunch w/co-worker.
    then when to another section after lunch.... hershey's kisses... good golly they were tasty. Ate a handful.

    Doing well w/water..... yesterday only had water and tea (both hot & iced) used blue or yellow for sweetner. Don't like pink.. blah!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Afternoon Pepper's,
    Have been sick all week end and no access to computer. I am still feeling sick but came to work today. I will read back posts later today. Did want to check in Jacque glad to see you are back with us.

    Check back later.