Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 9/17 wk 38



  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    HEy all, did great at my bout on saturday fell hard and hurt my elbow the biggest nasty bruise taht I ever did see. been eating ok, lastnight practiced again and fell really hard on the same elbow and IT IS KILLING ME! hurts and looks nastier then before. that is all taht is going on here just trying to recover. Glad to see taht jacque IS doing good and is moving and grooving! Barb I am totally envious of your girl and the car show! How fun it sounded and it must have been! you are a lucky gal!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Miss V - enjoyed the show/race soo much on Sunday I'm planning to take my Cub Scouts (5th grade) to the same track for a similiar event next month. And it's a MOPAR event - that means I can enter my car in the show.... not the race.... well, I could if I REALLY WANTED TO......... but I don't have the safety helmet or the race car driver training.
    Wishing a speedy recovery for your injuries.

    Sindy - feel better soon.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper''s,
    Feeling much better today, thanks Barb

    MissVita hope you heal fast :flowerforyou:

    Well tomorrow is my 44th Birthday. Not happy feeling kinda old. :sad: But at least dont feel that old :laugh: :tongue:

    Since I am feeling better will walk on lunch today. Check back later have to get some work done.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Sindy -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY to YOU.... I would sing... but this isn't the karoake bar.

    Hoping to get a jog or a walk at end of work day. Depending if a co-worker joins me is if I jog or walk. No curves tonight cuz it's back to school night for my daughters.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey my pepper friends...
    didn't drive the bus this am. went with my best friend to her dental appt, then drove her home. allergies bad today...and I got a cold sore on my lip. It has been so long since I had one. did a walk jog on the treadmill. looking forward to a long walk tomorrow. I also need to get going on the weights again. had a very nice, healthy, lots of veggies salad for supper...then.... some chips, then..... a cinnamon roll. salt and sugar...NO NO NO.

    Barb ~ I love hearing about the events and the outings with your purple gal. that's just gotta be so much fun! pretty decent I'll say if she's gettin you some hardware!!

    Vita ~ sounds like you been Derby-n it up. Congrats on the matches you have done so well in! YAY! I just learned recently there is a derby team in our area....Cedar Rapids. Might have to go see em play! Hope your injuries heal quickly! take care!!

    Cindy ~ Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY...early! Hope you have great day and a wonderful year being 44! We are about 6 mos apart. I will be 45 in March =(

    DH has a vacation in less than 2 weeks. We're hoping to get away and see the leaves along the Mississippi...maybe go to some flea markets Also, have family weekend at our oldest son's college....want to get some yard work done too...
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    She's hurt... wounded... devasted... Those that see me on FB -- will see the pics of my plum crazy on the flatbed being TOWED.
    Here's the kicker she was at the dealer yesterday for 24000 service. Now, back cuz she wouldn't shift out of park.

    So, I'm home... didn't drown my sorrows in food or beverage..... did only 1 walk. (that was before the car situation).

    Gotta drive the mommy mobile (10 yr old van) now.

    And I had such a good few days.....minor setback... minor... she'll be fixed.
    Thus, I wasn't at back to school night either.

    Kelly - feel better soon
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    aawwwww................:noway: :sad: :frown: :cry: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: oh Barb! I am upset for you....but, yes, Ms. Plum Crazy can be repaired and she'll be sooooo ready for you to be back in her fine seat! hang in there...(((hugs)))
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,

    Thank you for the Happy Birthday. Will be having cake tonight. Kinda counting today but leaving plenty of room for cake. I did 25 min walk today. Barb hope your plum crazy is fixed soon.

    Will check back later.
  • jacque509
    Agh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My plubing has decided to cause a mess!!! Sorry I havent been on for the last couple of days up to my knees in dirty wet laundry. So I fell of the wagon the last two days so I need to be focus. Well will start fresh today!!
    Happy Birthday Cindy!!!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Thank you Jacque,
    That is a lot of work hope you get the plumbing fixed soon. I need to focus as well. Starting tomorrow no sweets again and some type of exercise everyday. It helps when I go over the reasons I want to loose weight. I want to feel better, no meds and be healthy. Those are the top three for me. I started this almost 3 years now, yes I am still not on meds for the diabeties and I have lost 27 pounds. But it is taking for ever, which I get very discouraged and of course I eat. That is the tough thing most of my eating habits are emotional or bordom. I just will remind myself everytime life throws things at me not to eat, it is only a temporary fix.

    Well we are here with you. You can do this, refocus :wink: :bigsmile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Jacque -- yucky mess.... water just isn't as easy to clean up as we hoped it will be.

    Sindy -- it's great you know the top 3 reasons for you to be more healthier. And I do understand weight loss is "taking forever."

    My plum crazy charger is back in my driveway. Yeah... I'm soo happy. Learned it was the shifting mechanism... a common problem in the 06/07 Chargers. I was hoping to get her back soon. Dave & I are in a car show on Sunday. He's entering his 84 Trans Am and I'm entering my pretty girl.