Hellllllp me please !!!

tradle Posts: 38 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
hello all, I've fallen off the wagon....help meeeeeeee please. I recently found out I have a chronic illness and it knocked me for six. I can deal with that now but since then, (3 weeks) I've put 3kgs (6lbs) back on. It's in my best interest to keep losing weight as I need to be in better condition before I commence treatment for my illness (could be a few months away). But every day I say I'm going to get back to where I was ie: MFP every day, eating correctly and walking of an evening and every day I start out great and then I get tired and I even forget I am trying to be good and before you know it, I've eaten something I shouldn't have or I've not bothered to go for a walk.

It's not like me to ask for help but I just am desperate not to continue putting weight on. Any suggestions ? Would appreciate any advice at all.

Thanks for reading.



  • can you do your exercise in the morning?
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    Don't give up, this sounds like it is important for you to be a little thinner and healthier, when you get that tired feeling just make yourself get and do 20 minutes of an exercise, you'll win and you'll feel better. You can do this. Just please don't give in to the other person in your mind, listen to the person you want to be and keep going forward. We are here to help.
  • sayuri1
    sayuri1 Posts: 111
    First things first. Have you lost track because you've found out your ill? Because you've been feeling down about it? In my situation when I feel down I just don't eat and sleep all day and when I get better I start eating =/ Find support around you. To keep your spirits up. Eat sensibly and if you stray a little take a deep breath and it's okay, only once in a while it's fine. Don't get discouraged just keep moving forward. The way I think about it is tomorrow is a new day, tomorrow it's a new step I have to take. One at a time. Slowly but surely. good luck we're all here for you =)
  • Dont know how to help, but wanted to give you a virtual HUG :(
  • MssMia
    MssMia Posts: 4 Member
    You don't need a routine to get back in gear, girl. BE SPONTANEOUS. Don't let disease or age get the best of you. This is YOUR life and you ARE a part of this world. Discover something-- take a drive to the woods. Collect things on a walk-- (evergreen twigs, pretty looking pine cones, berries, etc...stuff that will make you think about the holidays.) Not near the woods? Go to the mall! Do some window shopping. Feel the holiday cheer, see the kids and parents shopping and visiting Santa. Before you know it, you can go under your exercise tab and say that you've walked briskly for 20 minutes, earning yourself some calories. Turn the damn TV off, because you're not going to find ANY satisfaction there. Engage, engage, engage. Get your brain working. YOU CAN DO IT!

    When it comes to eating, make every bite count. Don't eat senseless foods. (chips, crackers, CRAP). Eat satisfying, fulfilling stuff you like-- reward yourself. You want a hunk of cheesy lasagna? Do it. MAKE it! --after your walk, that is. But you'll have earned it! Think of it like that.

    I know how you feel-- falling off the wagon isn't fun. But you're allowed a break! Now be good to your body and give it some fresh air!! Especially before you undergo treatment. Bundle up and get outside! You'll thank yourself later.
  • Some times the medicine changes things, too. What ever you do, don't stress out about it. That will do nothing buy hurt you! Just continue to eat well, walk and drink plenty of water. I have faith in you! :) Best of luck with the illness and with attaining your goals!
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    Get a calendar out and on that calendar plan out activities that sound fun to you and are active at the same time (going for a walk, going bowling, miniature golfing or real golfing, swimming, yoga class, dancing, browsing the mall, tennis, etc.).

    Then, come up with little rewards for yourself if you complete so many activities (Since I completed 2 activities then I get ....). Try to make rewards that aren't food based . . . so like picking up a new shade of eye shadow/nail polish/lipstick, getting a 30 min. massage or facial, changing your hairstyle/color, adding jewelry or clothing to your wardrobe, buying a cute pair of panties (to feel sexy), pick up a new scent of lotion/body wash or bubble bath, etc.

    When you go to the grocery store try to avoid the middle (quick, processed foods). Shop around the outside for dairy, protein, fresh fruits, and vegetables. If you don't buy unhealthy food then you can't eat it!

    You got this! Let those around you help you. Leave little notes on the fridge, on your bathroom mirror, by your closet door reminding yourself of inspirational quotes or pieces of advice that will help you through the day. I would be happy to be your MFP friend, feel free to add me.

    Best wishes :flowerforyou: Remember that we are all here to help.
  • sunsnowlover
    sunsnowlover Posts: 5 Member
    Sister, we must be related! Everytime I have an injury or a surgery it brings back weight and sometimes I too do exercise and then negate it with food. I even do it with too much stress or worrying about too much ahead of time. I have found that I have to take baby steps to get back on track. I use a three day plan to get my mindset back. Day one, I try to watch the calories, but will usually feel hungry and eat too much, but i force myself to get at least the hour of exercise, even if i have to break it into 10 minute increments each hour. Day two, I start the day with the exercise and then I notice that the calories limits are easier to follow. By day three my body is able to handle the continuous hour of exercise (not strenuous) and I am not hungry for more than maybe 1300 calories. Then the folllowing days tend to build easier and before I know it, I am sticking to my calorie goal and Exercising regularly. I sometimes spin on a bike at a leisure pace watching an hour long television program, and that seems to make it go by faster. Hope that helps you, as it is helping me today. Then your mind and body will be in the position to really fight the illness, you can do it!
  • bevsalter
    bevsalter Posts: 10 Member
    just start fresh in the morning. You will do great. Just think before you eat anything, measure your food. Eat veggies and fruit when you want to snack. you can take these 6 pounds off quickly. glad you stopped and decided to get back on the program when you did. I gained 40 of the 52 pounds I lost. You was much smarter than me and you are stopping the weight gain before it gets a goos hold.

    where did you find the not smoking ticker. I love it and I have been quit smoking1 year this Nov.23rd. My husband and myself quit together and did not even have a aregument. we did great and still doing great. I would love to be you support person. My best friend in Oregon walks and talks on the phone with me while I am in Florida. The time flys and we both get our walking in. I walked 31/2 miles today. I was so excited...
  • We all have set backs and bad times. Just keep moving forward. In the long run you'll reach your goals. Just keep trying.
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    Wow !!! I am completely overwhelmed by all your support and advice. Thank you to each and every one of you. You have all made a difference and I already feel more motivated.

    I'm so overwhelmed that I don't know what else to say. I know I am going to read them all again though. I really would like to respond to each of you so am going to try. If I hit reply on that post does it show under that post? I wonder.

    Thanks again, this really is a great community.

    Trace :smile:
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    Tradle, I'm starting over again with you. I fell off the wagon, too. I had done so great since last December, had not only lost weight but also really built nice muscle so I could fit into cute clothes! It's been one thing after another since August, including injuries stopping me from exercising, a very sick daughter, you name it. I am starting slowly and hopefully the habits will come right back to us like before. Bless you with your health issues - be strong and treat yourself to healthy things like light walks, great veggies, and time with friends!
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    can you do your exercise in the morning?

    No unfortunately I cant do exercise in the mornings.
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    Don't give up, this sounds like it is important for you to be a little thinner and healthier, when you get that tired feeling just make yourself get and do 20 minutes of an exercise, you'll win and you'll feel better. You can do this. Just please don't give in to the other person in your mind, listen to the person you want to be and keep going forward. We are here to help.

    Thank you. I can do this and I will. I need to find a way to remind myself to go exercise, sometimes, when I am tired it doesn't even occur to me.
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    First things first. Have you lost track because you've found out your ill? Because you've been feeling down about it? In my situation when I feel down I just don't eat and sleep all day and when I get better I start eating =/ Find support around you. To keep your spirits up. Eat sensibly and if you stray a little take a deep breath and it's okay, only once in a while it's fine. Don't get discouraged just keep moving forward. The way I think about it is tomorrow is a new day, tomorrow it's a new step I have to take. One at a time. Slowly but surely. good luck we're all here for you =)

    Sometimes I am depressed and I don't even realise it. If that makes any sense at all. Yes, I think I got down when I found out, even though I carried on as normal in terms of my everyday family life and work. On the outside I appear ok but inside I am a bit of a mess and when I am like that I eat. It's not like I have been eating a ridiculous amount but unless I eat the right thing I put on weight really easy. Thanks for your help :)
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    Dont know how to help, but wanted to give you a virtual HUG :(

    Thanks, thats really sweet of you :)
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    You don't need a routine to get back in gear, girl. BE SPONTANEOUS. Don't let disease or age get the best of you. This is YOUR life and you ARE a part of this world. Discover something-- take a drive to the woods. Collect things on a walk-- (evergreen twigs, pretty looking pine cones, berries, etc...stuff that will make you think about the holidays.) Not near the woods? Go to the mall! Do some window shopping. Feel the holiday cheer, see the kids and parents shopping and visiting Santa. Before you know it, you can go under your exercise tab and say that you've walked briskly for 20 minutes, earning yourself some calories. Turn the damn TV off, because you're not going to find ANY satisfaction there. Engage, engage, engage. Get your brain working. YOU CAN DO IT!

    When it comes to eating, make every bite count. Don't eat senseless foods. (chips, crackers, CRAP). Eat satisfying, fulfilling stuff you like-- reward yourself. You want a hunk of cheesy lasagna? Do it. MAKE it! --after your walk, that is. But you'll have earned it! Think of it like that.

    I know how you feel-- falling off the wagon isn't fun. But you're allowed a break! Now be good to your body and give it some fresh air!! Especially before you undergo treatment. Bundle up and get outside! You'll thank yourself later.

    LOL thanks, you really put a big smile on my face as I read your post. I like your style and its the kind of kick up the backside that I need. I will take your advice and go for a walk. My partner and I are keen on photography so I'll take the camera...that walk in the woods you mentioned sounds lovely. Thank you :)
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    Some times the medicine changes things, too. What ever you do, don't stress out about it. That will do nothing buy hurt you! Just continue to eat well, walk and drink plenty of water. I have faith in you! :) Best of luck with the illness and with attaining your goals!

    Thank you for the faith...you're right, I need to stop stressing. Thank you :)
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    Get a calendar out and on that calendar plan out activities that sound fun to you and are active at the same time (going for a walk, going bowling, miniature golfing or real golfing, swimming, yoga class, dancing, browsing the mall, tennis, etc.).

    Then, come up with little rewards for yourself if you complete so many activities (Since I completed 2 activities then I get ....). Try to make rewards that aren't food based . . . so like picking up a new shade of eye shadow/nail polish/lipstick, getting a 30 min. massage or facial, changing your hairstyle/color, adding jewelry or clothing to your wardrobe, buying a cute pair of panties (to feel sexy), pick up a new scent of lotion/body wash or bubble bath, etc.

    When you go to the grocery store try to avoid the middle (quick, processed foods). Shop around the outside for dairy, protein, fresh fruits, and vegetables. If you don't buy unhealthy food then you can't eat it!

    You got this! Let those around you help you. Leave little notes on the fridge, on your bathroom mirror, by your closet door reminding yourself of inspirational quotes or pieces of advice that will help you through the day. I would be happy to be your MFP friend, feel free to add me.

    Best wishes :flowerforyou: Remember that we are all here to help.

    Wow, you have really given me some great tips. I've never been one to stick notes around the house but I have heard of doing this. I'm going to give it a go, it does sound like something I need right now. Thanks :)
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