ejosbourn Member


  • Chloe! So glad I found this post! I started the 30 day ab challenge today too and was looking for others to help with the motivation! Stoked to find other doing the same December Ab challenge!
  • Yes, the diet goes in 3 cycles. There aren't set meal plans, but they do limit you to eating certain kinds of food every cycle. For example, in cycle 1...you are allowed to eat unlimited amts of lean protein (such as chicken, turkey, fish) and unlimited amounts of low-carb veggies (which does exclude zuchinni, squash, and…
  • Feel free to add me too!
  • Just started Day 1 today too...and I'm hungry! But consciously going to stop eating for today.... I really am craving something sweet or carb loaded! Like potato chips!! Hopefully Day 2 will be better! :smile:
  • I also started Cycle 1-Day 1 today!! I'm excited that the first day is over!!! YAY! I've been hungry all day, but seemed to spread out my meals well enough that I never got too starving :) I'm really going to miss not being able to eat fruit after 2pm :( I love an apple after my evening workout...but I guess I'll just get…
  • Gonna try to stick with Vodka and Soda with extra limes!
  • My goals are about 10 lbs for cycle one...so hopefully by the end of January, I will see those results! And then I would like to lose an additional 10 lbs by May 2013. I think the hardest part for me is to not drink as much alcohol! But all in all, I think I can do it!
    in Goals Comment by ejosbourn January 2013
  • Hello! I'm Erin and I have gained about 30 lbs since graduating college. I live in New York, but I commute and work in Houston, TX on Monday-Thursday. I struggle a lot with making bad eating decisions (like airport food, and fast food!), but I'm really motivated to lose some weight and at the same time keeping up with a…
    in Intros Comment by ejosbourn January 2013
  • sounds good, Tiffany! I'm really looking forward to having some group support with my goals!! I'm really glad to be here and a part of the group!
  • Although I have been working out (almost) my entire life...i've never seen any sort of definition in my midsection. UGH! Its so frustrating! I've really been trying to focus on my core strength and abs, but still...its so hard to see any results! I do planks as often as I can, and also try to do Ab Ripper X (from P90X) 3…
  • Name: Erin Classification: Graduated! WOOHOO! Age: 31 Weight: 147 Desired weight: 125 Height: 5'6 Short term goal: Lose 10lbs by January 25th (after doing the 17 day diet) Long term goal: Lose 20 lbs by May (will be running a 1/2 marathon in April, so hopefully that will help me get to my goal!!!) Reasons to lose weight:…
  • I just saw Catfish for the first time last night! So funny you just mentioned it!! And actually really hard NOT to watch!!!
  • Hey all! I'm back on MFP (again!) and looking for new friends! I'm trying to lose 20 lbs by May and would really like the support. Feel free to add me as a friend! Thanks! Erin