15-20 pound challenge? Friends? Supporters? New!



  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    hi there! you can add me if youd like. im 28 strted of at 168 (prob more but i didnt have a scale) and ive lost 13lbs in 3 months...BUT i have toned ALOT! good luck!!!
  • Any one feel free to add me.
  • HI! I would love to be part of a challenge.. I think the 15 day or 30 day or however many day challenges could be a really good motivation and help lose some weight. I started listing my foods here a couple weeks ago.. following the 1200 cal diet 5+ days a week. Excersize at the gym at least 3x a week. Been a member of the Gym since august and have seen NO RESULTS! obviously I think the food is playing a major role but Im seriously surprised I havnt lost anything yet. I feel much better and have more energy though so I think that is good at least. Tracking my food will play a huge role in losing weight.. I hope.. Im just getting started and need to follow the diet more presicely but im just getting the hang of it.
    Im 5'5'' 223 lbs age 25.
  • ejosbourn
    ejosbourn Posts: 15 Member
    Hey all!
    I'm back on MFP (again!) and looking for new friends! I'm trying to lose 20 lbs by May and would really like the support.
    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Anyone feel free to add me! I am just getting started with MFP, joined about 2 weeks ago! I have a little more weight to lose (37 lbs) but I need some friends to support and who can motivate me in return! :)
  • Anyone is more than welcome to add me. This is perfect for me im alwasy happy to have new motivated supportive friends. I am right at trying to drop about 15 pounds.
  • Running_Tanya
    Running_Tanya Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm an accountant. I started using MFP on Nov 6 after weighing in at 203 lbs. Now I make myself go to the gym 6 times a week for an hour. I go to group classes like Zumba, Training Camp and Body Pump. I'm 5'7 currently weighing 195 lbs. My goal is 160 lbs by April 2013 for my 20 year high school reunion.
  • healthycanadian95
    healthycanadian95 Posts: 55 Member
    Add me people!!! similar situation
  • healthywtb
    healthywtb Posts: 80 Member
    Yes, please feel free to add me. My goals are similar. I am trying to lose about 18 lbs (5' 6", would like to be 130 lbs.) and increase my exercise activity.
  • Hi All!

    Please feel free to add me. I am 23 years old 5'4'' and would like to lose 15-20 pounds by the beginning of March (I am going on a hot holiday). I use to be a comfortable 125-130 but in the last year have ballooned up to 150. I need to lose atleast 15 pounds to feel confident about my self again.

    My calorie goal is 1200 a day and I have been boxing, hiking, waling to try to shed these pesky pounds
  • destack
    destack Posts: 33 Member
    I'm also in a similar situation with similar goals-- would love a challenge for motivation and support. Feel free to add me, everyone :)
  • malperels
    malperels Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the same boat as everyone! started at 185 lbs, got to 160, then kind of fell off the wagon for a while :/ I'm back to 165 now, and I need to start watching what I eat - that's my biggest problem! I just enjoy food so much, and the saying "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" does nothing, because food tastes pretty darn good! My end goal is 140... feel free to add me as a friend! I need some motivators!!
  • wvwinner
    wvwinner Posts: 61 Member
    I am in the same boat as you! Exact same age and same weight :)

    I'll add you!!
  • Our paths are similar. I started my new pan this past Friday and am excited to add my weigh-in this Friday. I would love to have support from people who are parallel to me.